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+++The Fate of Gilgamesh+++

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Meanwhile in the Plasma Reactor...


The Demon Prince flicked the alien blood and ichor from his massive scythe. Hundred of the dead and dying lied at his brass hooves. The xenos filth hardly made a fitting sacrifice to his lord and master, but The Blood God cared not from whence the blood flowed that filled his massive lake, nor where the skulls that comprised his thrones came from. Khorne only cared that it continued to deepen and amass. Basking in the warmth of the fusion generator, he bent down and picked up an eldar corpse. Slicing it open with a talon, it used the xenos like an ink fountain as it began to carve sigils into the containment field.


Gilgamesh was but a speck in the continuum of time, truly inconsequential to itself or Khorne's greater plan. Allow the mortals to think they controlled their fate. It did not matter. Each in their time would join his master.... one way or the other.




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Bloodthirster of Exalted Rage with exalted, and greater rewards (325 pts)

Demon Prince, mark of khorne, wings, power armor, ichor blood, gift of mutation, aura of dark glory, murder axe, (285 pts)

Edited by Excessus
Please don't post specific points cost for items
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RESULTS for session 15

CHAOS 12300


CHAOS:  100+1628+1170+1819+2807 = 7524
THE LAST ALLIANCE1235+850+960+275+771+1000+1921=7012

CHAOS: 771 + 1598 +3969+1893+758+430+817+4469+1425+3587+1740= 21457
THE LAST ALLIANCE 1090 + 1193 + 3570+2090+450-10+6105+975+1500+2640 = 19603


CHAOS: 2181 + 823 + 860+105+280+940+1450 = 6639
THE LAST ALLIANCE 1880 + 130+150+630+705+760+1732 = 5987


CHAOS: 72 + 120 + 248+233+80-10+281+180+1044+775 = 3023
THE LAST ALLIANCE 417 + 864 + 941+165+834+335+397+81+1430= 5464


CHAOS: 485 + 1208 + 1149+517+1190+748+1795+422+550+570= 8634
THE LAST ALLIANCE 900 + 2032 + 2200+370-90+355-10+425+615 = 6797



CHAOS: 342+220+1191+1629+3092=6474
THE LAST ALLIANCE 335+1950+1720+385+1296=5686


CHAOS: 784 + 692 + 3388+2094+1507+961+585+567+140+2090+2436 = 15244
THE LAST ALLIANCE 1266 + 1390 + 3783+1095+200+742+509+800+1843+2679 = 14227



CHAOS: 150 + 634 = 784
THE LAST ALLIANCE 980 + 1163+381+270+195-10 = 2979


CHAOS 29841



CHAOS [ S13 - 5 sectors- ] [ S14 - 5 sectors- ] [ S15 - 7 sectors- ]
THE LAST ALLIANCE [ S13 - 5 sectors- ] [ S14 - 5 sectors- ] [ S15 - 3 sectors- ]

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Tactical Report N°16:


At global level, the Alliance is leading this session by more than 1700 points. They have been heavily reinforced by some extra Guardsmen, Mechanicum warriors and Eldar. Once again, our enemies are deploying massively knights and more are to come. Intelligence reports that Titans are also on their way with at least one Reaver and one Warlord.


At sector level, we reinforced our positions in the Palace and Fort Nox but we lost temporarily the lead in the Reactor and the Chapel. Counterstrikes are planned and we should get the Reactor back quite soon. As for the Chapel, we still have 2000 points in the pipeline which will allow us to get the sector back but Loyalist are likely to increase their effort there.


We started an assault in the Eldar Warpgate with some of my Iron Warriors, in order to force the Alliance to reconsider its battle plan. Secondary units will be deployed also in that very sector following the same idea to propose a credible threat.


Our main concern is once again our roll call. The Loyalist are 26 whereas the War Host can only rely on 13 combat proven warriors, including Frater on the B&C. Some recruits are on their way (at least 2, maybe 3) but reinforcements from the B&C would be a plus, especially as ETL VI might be a great opportunity to deliver a massive blow in the Hive. I requested support from Excessus and IP and they'll see what can be done in compliance with the Board's rules.


Anyway, Brothers, the Chaos War Host needs you for the final assault which will break our enemies!! Let's show once again that the Chaos forces are the true masters of warfare!!


Death to the False Emperor!!



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@Eldrick: yep, sorry I forgot to mention that but your Daemon Prince and Bloodthirster have been deployed some days ago... ^^ And the latter should be promising.


As for reinforcements, any will be welcome and any help in that direction will be a blessings from the Gods. My hope is still that we can leverage on ETL.


Taking French at school is always a good thing, especially when things come to secduction. Yet, I'm sure that Spanish could be much more  useful in Arizona. ^^


Anyway, merci Brother!! :wink:



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Tactical Report N°17:


At global level, we're leading back by a little above 150 points, but that should be very temporary. The Alliance is still striking fiercely and more is to come: a Reaver and a Warlord, thought not deployed yet have been visually confirmed as incoming... The War Host counterattacks with courage and limited means but anyway are we fighting this session as we did during all other previous ones.


At sector level, we took back the Reactor and gained some positions in the Warpgate. As the Titans will be deployed in the Reactor, our advance there should disappear but we'll go deploying troops in that sector in order to force the Alliance to maintain vigilance and deny them any freedom of manoeuver. A massive assault is under preparation towards the Chapel just as planned and the struggle will be harsh over there too.


Our main concern is still our roll call. The ratio is unchanged so far and is unlikely to change in a dramaric way as ETL VI will not occur in 2017. Excessus informed me yesterday that an event should happen in summer but that means that we'll be short of warriors for S16, unless some Brothers declare themselves in the meanwhile and soon enough to fight with us in May/June.


Anyway, Brothers, the Chaos War Host will endure and strikes again and again! Let's not allow our foes to think that they are on an easy way!


Death to the False Emperor!!



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Although I'm not part of the Chaos Warhost (temporarily) I think now would be an ideal time to gather more troops to Gilgamesh. If I'm right in thinking, this episode should end and the next one start around the time of the ETL, and there are many frater who will be building towards this (myself included).

It may even open up opportunities for other armies to be finished. Maybe make the next episode a tribute to the ETL, I'm sure a certain Captain would appreciate it. The great thing about Gilgamesh it is evolving all the time, and it would be great to see other factions involved from the B&C community.

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Actually, that's exactly what I proposed some days ago to Excessus and Insane Psychopath: leveraging on Gilgamesh to create a proxy to ETL for this year for all the Chaos Forces (including Daemons, CSMs, Dark Mechanicum, Renegade Militia, Traitor Astra and Tagmatah Omnissiah): that would mean a bit more work for me but nothing I can't manage. ^^


Yet, our Brother Mods are still waiting for further hindsights about what will occur in the coming months, which makes perfect sense to me.


Therefore can we rely only on our own forces and energy for the moment.


Volunteers welcome!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Tactical Report N°18:


Brothers, I bring grave news...


At global level, we're way behind the Alliance: more than 7000 points separate us from the Loyalist and their Xenos allies. During the last couple of weeks the Alliance deployed Titans, Knights and a mob of Eldar Corsairs and Mechanicum dregs... Major reinforcements joined our enemies recently: guys that pledge points in their hundreds. The War Host counterattacked but with little effect and the fact is that this session will be hard to win.


At sector level, they took back the Reactor and the Chapel with massive assaults which resulted on breaching gaps that we'll try to overcome by maintaining the current attacks. Meanwhile we're still gaining some positions in the Warpgate. The Plan will remain unchanged in order to maintain pressure on all key sectors and prevent our foes to manoeuver.


Our main concern is more than ever our roll call. The ratio is still 2 to 1 in favour of the Alliance and that should not change except if other Frater join our Crusade in the coming days. Tactically are we still superior to the Alliance yet that's a fact this superiority will not prove sufficient, at least for the moment.


Anyway, Brothers, the Chaos War Host will keep on fighting by all means. The Alliance may win this session and even this episode but we'll make sure they'll pay a high price for this...


Death to the False Emperor!!



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That's good Brother. Support is always necessary. I recruited two more Brothers some days ago and two more should join us in the coming weeks but my feeling is that we need even more firepower.


Anyway, we're striking back: the Warp Gate is almost in our claws and we added some Wordbearers and Dark Mech in the Reactor...


As I like anticipating I also finalised the Battle Plan for Episode V. I'll tell more about it in a few days, alongside an introduction to the future map and the banner for Episode V that each Frater will receive as a testimony to their commitment.


Hunt well Brothers!



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I've just finished a Squad of Iron Warriors Legionaries and a Decimator. Currently working on Rubricae, a Chaos Lord, Night Lords Chosen and 10 Scarab Occult Terminators.


More units I will pledge by the end of May: probably Exalted Sorcerers and maybe a Contemptor Dreadnought.


Hunt well Brothers!



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@Eldrick: actually Brother, that's something I'll start as of this session. I could even post pictures from all the units I pledged during the last three years on Gilgamesh but, hell, that's around 115 units and 23500 points... ^^


First pictures should come by the end of next week.



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Tactical Report N°19:


Nothing's really changed so far.


At global level anyway, we reduced the Alliance's margin from somewhere around 8000 points to 5700 points. That's good but there's still a lot to do furthermore as the Alliance should add some other Superheavies.


At sector level, the Reactor is almost and the Chapel will be hard to assault without massive reinforcements but the Warpgate should be taken in the next couple of weeks. The Plan will remain unchanged in order to maintain pressure on all key sectors and prevent our foes to manoeuver.


Our main concern is... always the same. The ratio is still 2 to 1 in favour of the Alliance and that should not change except if other Frater join our Crusade in the coming days. Tactically are we still superior to the Alliance yet that's a fact this superiority will not prove sufficient, at least for the moment.


Anyway, Brothers, the Chaos War Host will keep on fighting by all means. The Alliance may win this session and even this episode but we'll make sure they'll pay a high price for this...


Death to the False Emperor!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Tactical Report N°20:


Once more nothing's really changed so far.


At global level the gap between the Alliance and us has stabilized around 6700 points. Yet, the fact is that our remaining potential (future pledges) is somewhere around 2500 points  whereas the Alliance's own reserve lies around 700 to 800 points.


At sector level, the Reactor is not an objective and all available forces will be sent in the Eldar Warpgate, Fort Nox or, when possible the Chapel and the Palace. The Warpgate is our primary objective.


Our main concern is... always the same. The ratio is still 2 to 1 in favour of the Alliance and that should not change except if other Frater join our Crusade in the coming days. Tactically are we still superior to the Alliance yet that's a fact this superiority will not prove sufficient, at least for the moment.


Anyway, Brothers, the Chaos War Host will keep on fighting by all means. The Alliance may win this session and even this episode but we'll make sure they'll pay a high price for this...


Death to the False Emperor!!



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I promised you a few days ago to tell you more about Episode 5. This will be done soon but in the meantime I think you deserve something... Excessus advised me wisely in the past that it could be good to create some badge for the proud Frater that fight within the War Host.


So I worked a little bit and...




This will be our badge for Episode 5 so that each and any of the Frater that will shed some blood on Gilgamesh might be identified. The only condition to get this badge is to pledge successfully one unit during any session between S17 and S22 (S17 will start on July 1st)


I'm also currently working on badges for Episodes 3 and 4 so that true Veterans may include them to commemorate past victories.



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Sorry for the third post in a row but I have a plan...


I analyzed last night the Alliance's deployment and my conclusions are that we can do something regarding the Chapel. In that sector the gap is only some 1650 points in our enemy's favour but we can achieve something and steal this sector with a daring yet feasible manoeuver.


My assumptions is that the remaining threats are on the Palace (where we lead by only 95 points) and Fort Nox (where we lead by 400 points but the Dark Angels are likely to attack there once more).


I have the tools to adress the Chapel with the following concept of manoeuver:


- one of my Nurgle Brothers will deploy 900 points of scenery in the Chapel;


- Another one will add 350 points thanks to some Havocs and Legionaries;


- I'll conclude with a Contemptor and some World Eaters Havocs.


The problem is that this manoeuver will force me to take 900 points that were devoted to the Palace and I need some units to replace at least partially those.


My question is: could you help the War Host by adding some more units in the Palace? What I need is Daemons, Terminators, Raptors, Warp Talons or Flyers. This will allow us to mitigate the risk on the Palace and grant us with some capability to focus more firepower on our counterstrike in the Chapel.


Besides this, I will deploy some Exalted Sorcerors to secure Fort Nox and deterre our foes to try a move there.


And... we took the Eldar Warpgate last night. ^^


Thanks in advance Brothers for your help and support.


Death to the false Emperor!!



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