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+= Renegade Knight - Litany of Destruction Complete =+

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So after having success with the first Imperial Knight I am now starting work on the Renegade Knight. The first was so much fun to paint and I managed to complete that In a weekend. I'm going to put a lot more work into the Renegade, repositioning the legs and going to town on the base.


So repositioning the leg was actually fairly simple. The main issues were with the piston and cabling around the hips. I cut down the piston and placed it further forward but I think the position is correct for the placement of the leg. As I don't own a greenstuff cable maker (may take you up on that offer Raz) I decided to cut the large cable at the back into two and then drill out the ends and add some old guitar wire to look like damaged/stripped cabling.


I used the cloak from Forgeworld's Khorne Lord Zhufor as a banner around the crotch plate. I think its worked pretty well and adds a bit more movement to the model.


Any suggestions and C&C welcome smile.png


Thanks for the comments guys :)


@Captain Semper - Thanks, I may need it :D


@oldschoolsoviet - I've actually spent the last hour with my hot wire cutter, crafting a rock out of polystyrene  to go under there. I did consider putting a marine there but decided to go for stability with the rock.


I'll try to get some pictures up later today when the rock is set and I can move it.



This is what I meant regarding the rock under the base, It looks a little bit Lion King but I'm fairly happy with it. I'm sure it will look a lot more like a rock when it's painted.




C&C welcome as always.



Morning folks!


I did a little more work this morning on the base. I actually had a little luck with it because I had painted the polystyrene in a grey paint first in the hope that the spray wouldn't melt it away and I would have to start all over again. The fortunate thing about this was that the paint didn't stop it melting entirely but enough that the surface was roughed up sufficiently to give it a much more realistic rock effect. We live and learn...





The rock is painted with Dawnstone, Black Primer, Dawnstone dry brush and finally Administratum Grey dry brush. The surface of the base was primed black and then I added watered down Stirland mud, dry brushed with Sylvaneth Bark and then a very light dry brush of Kislev Flesh.




C&C welcome as always :)



Thanks for the comments guys :D

@Captain Semper - Thanks, I hope the end result won't disappoint :). I have a plan for the gun arm to be positioned slightly more extended then normal, using the models right arm socket with the head positioned facing the same direction. Hopefully it will look like it's firing at some large enemy in the distance. the only problem with doing this is I will loose the ability to move the arm. I guess that's a fair price to pay!

@Raztalin - Thanks mate! The hot wire cutter is available whenever you need it! plenty of spare wire because it has a habit of snapping if it gets caught furious.gif.


looking good, The pose is definitely promising, when it comes to trying to make a specific pose I feel it's better to glue and pay the price. Once the body and head are fixed in a position that is specifically designed to enhance a particular weapon facing having the movability just ends looking out of place. As soon as you point the gun somewhere else it just looks wrong.

Thanks guys!


@Mechanist - I think your right, I will just stick the arm in place if the positioning works out OK. Thanks for the advice :D


@Battybattybats - Thanks for the sub sir! I hope the end result doesn't disappoint!



I have added the leg plates and started work on those. I decided to go with silver trim so the model matches my Word Bearers a bit more. I will be painting this in a modified scheme similar to the Renegade Knight on the Imperial Knights: Renegade box cover.

Sorry for the terrible picture but light is leaving the sky...




C&C welcome as always.



So this morning I was up pretty early and made a start on adding the details to the Renegade Knight's leg armour. I have also highlighted the grey areas with White Scar. The next step is to finish the Knight's left leg with decals and the bloody chaos icons that will cover the model, then we are onto the chest armour.




I may add a slumped Ultramarine leaning against the rocks but not sure as I don't want to take anything away from the Knight itself. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Maybe have a live Ultramarine taking cover below the rock under the Knight's foot?




C&C welcome as always!





@ Biohazard - Thanks buddy :)


@Raztalin - Thanks mate, I'll have to do a bits order I reckon! 


@Mechanist - Thank you. That sounds like a great idea but did they have scouts during the Heresy? I'm not up to date on the fluff. My Word Bearers are set during the Invasion on Calth so I'd like to be able to keep it usable in both 30k and 40k. Mind I could paint a scout and a BaC marine and have them magnetized so as to be able to switch depending on which setting I am playing or maybe have a PDF trooper under there in Ultramarines colours? You have given me too much to think about :D



Afternoon (again!)

And it's my second update for the day with the completion of the leg armour and some work done on the chest plate. Only the decal left to be added to the scroll work on the chest plate.




Although I am trying to follow the box art for my Renegade Knight as I think it looks pretty epic in those colours, I have made a slight variation by choosing Khorne Red highlighted with Mephiston Red for the stripes on the knee plates and elsewhere. This is because I want her (that's right 'her') to match up with both my Heresy and 40k Word Bearers armies.




C&C welcome as always!



Legion Recon Squads existed. Scouts didn't only full fledged Space marines got to leave their home worlds and join the legions I think.

PDF might be better, or otherwise weathering might be to best option to tone it back and stop it taking focus from the Knight, after all on Calth the Ultramarines took a pounding.

The looks great, Are you doing the Chaos iconography in Blood for the blood god? I do like how the Litany of destruction was updated to chaos using blood effect.  

Yea that could work, I'll definitely make sure he is sufficiently weathered to look like he's taken a butt load of damage. Thanks biggrin.png

Edit - Sorry Mechanist I missed your question blink.png , Yes it is done using Blood for the Blood God. I absolutely love that paint :D

Morning all!

I have done most of the work on the carapace, it just needs the metal bars and hand holds added but I'll be cheating a little bit and spraying them silver before giving them a wash of Nuln Oil. Again I've changed the colour of the stripe from orange to red to allow it to fit it more consistently with my Word Bearers. 
C&C welcome as always.


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