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The Helion Arcanium

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Hello, and welcome to the Helion Arcanium. This is my fancy new 'Check out my stuff' thread, to be populated primarily by WIPs of my Inquisition models and my Blood Angel successor chapter, the Blood Owls.


First of all, we have Inquisitor Yelezibeta Kralinova, Burner of World, Scourer of Sins, of the Ordo Hereticus. Designed as a Counts-As Inquisitor Karamazov, though I haven't had a chance to use her in game yet.











Secondly, we have a squad of Space Marine Scouts, led by the venerable Veteran Sergeant Khol Grann









And a close up of Veteran Sergeant Grann.





Apologies, of course, for the poor quality of the photos generally, I'm still working on my technique, and my proper camera has gone walkabout.


Thanks for reading, and I hope to have more cool stuff to share soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks evildrcheese! Took a bit of work, but I'm happy with how it's come out.



First off, I'd like to share my completed ETLV vow;5 Camo cloak scouts with a Power Fist Vet Sergeant, and Commander Dante. Dante was a blast to paint, but I definitely felt my limitations as a painter with him.








I've had some dirty xenos parts hanging around my bitsbox for a while, as many of us do, I'm sure, but last week I grabbed a few bits and thought "what can I do with this?"

And a couple of days later, I present Imperial Penitent Citizen T1M03 (AB-141009), in the employ of Inquisitor Tobyr, of the Ordo Xenos. A foundling abandoned on the steps of the local Schola Progenium, he was quckly diagnosed as an Abhuman, barely within acceptable tolerances. For some unknown reason, his genetic tests were not returned, despite several inquiries made by Progenim staff.

In an attempt to redeem himself for his genetic sins, T1M03 threw himself into the study of war and quickly proved to excel in his chosen field. He was seconded to a local cult of warrior adepts who practiced martial arts as a method of attaining a closeness to the God-Emperor. The Inquisitor Tobyr, examining the cult for suspected heresies, discovered T1M03's particular abilities and requisitioned him as a personal body guard.

Tobyr holds suspicions regarding T1M03's true heritage, though his skills are such that the Inquisitor has refrained from sharing thus far.


On the tabletop, he'll be counting as a Death Cult Assassin, and will accompany my Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and a sizable squad of Crusaders and other DCA.









And finally, I've started work on some Heresy era Blood Angels! Nothing much to show off as yet, just some vague green stuff work on a torso for my Praetor







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