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Vairocanum's Projects (9/28/2020 Dark Mechanicus Cultist)

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I think that was a good decision about the vials. It definitely looks nice with them directly onto the arm.


The merc is a nice bit of salvaging and converting! I actually really like the legs and the pose you sculpted for him as it makes his stance stand out.

Thanks hushrong! Yea they do look pretty decent on the arms, I'm thinking of utilizing them more on other parts like if I do a slaaneshi model. I wasn't sure about the legs so I'm glad you liked them!


The mercenary looks like Cable, from the 'X-Men' comics (younger viewers may remember him from 'Deadpool 2').

Thanks Bjorn! I hadn't noticed that haha, I should give him that big shoulder pad and more pouches haha.


These look great Vairocanum, such nice sculpting. Is there and specific technique you use when creating large, smooth, uniform suefaces like the power armour shins?

Thanks Pandoras Bitz Box! I'm actually using clay/color shapers when sculpting the smooth surfaces so just a little water and smooth passes over top the GS make for a smooth surface. Feel free to ask other questions or more details if you want but I'm sure that your GS skills are already awesome with all those cool possessed you're making!


He looks cool enough for being done in only a day! Has that Mercenary feel with all the puches, straps and the knife.

Thanks Traitor! I'm glad you approve of his gear, I was a little unsure about the overall amount of stuff he was carrying.




Summer semester is getting depressing cause it's sunny when I have classes and rainy when I don't. Got a fair bit of readings to get through as well cause of procrastination. Anyways, I built this imperial mechanic after having a conversation with a friend about what to do when there aren't any "proper" techpriests around to fix stuff. I tried using wire to hang the pouch from his arm but I'm not too sure about the way it looks so I might go back and do a GS strap. This was another relatively quick conversion cause I'm actually working on a Dark Mechanicus Magos as well, which will hopefully be completed by Sunday or Monday. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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First and foremost, that dude works out! Where did the wrench bit come from? I was guessing the arms were from AoS Khorne guy but is that a Goliath bit? I think the wire works for the pouch but I can definitely see a flatter one looking more like fabric, maybe, could look a bit better. Especially over his shoulders where it wouldn't stick out much.


And I can only imagine a Dark magos looking over this guy, rubbing his six sets of mechatendril hands together, thinking this guy would make a fine servitor.

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This guy is cool, lovely veriety of partin in there make him unique. I Agree with Hushrong that while that wire is totally acceptable, a strap would look betterand i dont think you'd hany trouble making some out of green stuff. Is that an eldar head? Its interesting, i like that it looks angry/malevolent.

In answer to your question of who fixes stuff when the priests arnt around, engineseers? After that i haven't checked the exact hierarchy but i'm pretty sure that the only people allowed to touch the machines are a priest of some level, like acolyte or something. So i would expect some level of augmetics maybe on his face, or some sockets/cables in those muscular arms... Otherwise this guy is just an unworthy meat sack unworthy of the tools he carries.

Also he's dark me mechanicum right? He has the eagle wings on his chest... Maybe you could attach something to that to obscure/desecrate it?


Very cool model though, looking forward to seeing this guy develop and painted :biggrin.: 

Thanks for the compliment towards my green stuffing man, but i struggle when it comes to very uniform man made shapes. I need practice!

Edited by Pandoras Bitz Box
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The mechanic looks pretty nifty! I think the wire could work if you went for a thinner one or filed this one flat a bit.

Thanks Observer! Appreciate the input! I might experiment with flattening the wire with a hammer, it's actually a piece of solder so much softer than regular metal.


First and foremost, that dude works out! Where did the wrench bit come from? I was guessing the arms were from AoS Khorne guy but is that a Goliath bit? I think the wire works for the pouch but I can definitely see a flatter one looking more like fabric, maybe, could look a bit better. Especially over his shoulders where it wouldn't stick out much.


And I can only imagine a Dark magos looking over this guy, rubbing his six sets of mechatendril hands together, thinking this guy would make a fine servitor.

Thanks hushrong! its from the Goliath set, I'll definitely be experimenting with the wire on some other stuff first before going back to this guy. You were half right as my Dark Magos only has 3 hands haha.


This guy is cool, lovely veriety of partin in there make him unique. I Agree with Hushrong that while that wire is totally acceptable, a strap would look betterand i dont think you'd hany trouble making some out of green stuff. Is that an eldar head? Its interesting, i like that it looks angry/malevolent.


In answer to your question of who fixes stuff when the priests arnt around, engineseers? After that i haven't checked the exact hierarchy but i'm pretty sure that the only people allowed to touch the machines are a priest of some level, like acolyte or something. So i would expect some level of augmetics maybe on his face, or some sockets/cables in those muscular arms... Otherwise this guy is just an unworthy meat sack unworthy of the tools he carries.


Also he's dark me mechanicum right? He has the eagle wings on his chest... Maybe you could attach something to that to obscure/desecrate it?


Very cool model though, looking forward to seeing this guy develop and painted :biggrin.: 


Thanks for the compliment towards my green stuffing man, but i struggle when it comes to very uniform man made shapes. I need practice!

Thanks Pandoras Bitz Box! The head is actually an old space wolf head. I know enginseers are there in place of tech priests but I wanted to make something more amateur cause even enginseers get some proper training from the mechanicus. My idea for this model was a literal mechanic that got conscripted so he only knows how to do really basic stuff. The idea came up when I was discussing a ciaphas cain book with my friend (specifically death or glory). And nope I meant for him to be an imperial mechanic so the eagle wings were left there on purpose. 


Looking good

The.rock would.be.proud

Thanks Mikhal! He certainly lifts haha!


The mechanic looks like he's there to wreck things, not fix things. I think you should strap his tool pouch to his left thigh, as if it's a pistol holster- then you won't have to fear someone will call it a "lady's handbag," or jokingly refer to him as a "trap."

Thanks Bjorn! That's kinda the point to look like he's more prone to wrecking things (You can see my explanation to Pandoras Bitz Box). I totally hadn't thought about the pouch handbag but I laughed when I noticed. I've seen some steam punk art with a guy that had lots of random pouches hanging from straps so I just did one for this guy cause I wanted to test out the wire. I definitely do want to give a model a "handbag" now as that'd make for a great joke model!


I like him and actually tink the wire works very well. His abdomen could be a bit thicker set for realism, but this is herooic scale, after all. 


Lovely to see some 'normal' Imperial citizens!

Thanks Augustus! Yea I got a bit lazy for the waist area since this was more of a random model I made for fun. I wish GW would release an imperial civilian kit someday.


He looks very good, though I would indeed replace the wire with a gs strap.

Thanks Traitor! Agreed the wire looks a bit off this time, still experimenting to get an effect I like. Will likely replace the wire with GS as you said later on.




Every semester I tell myself that I'll start things earlier but it never happens and I end up having to pull all nighters to make it through. Didn't have time to finish this model until earlier today so I'm late again this week, might be able to get next week's model done by sunday though since it'll be less clean GS work. Anyways this was what I ended up deciding on for the Magos of my Dark Mechanicus Warband. The idea of using the chaos warrior base and sicarian head came from Marcominius over on Ammobunker. I decided to go for a more "human" looking Dark Magos and confined the chaos portions to mainly his left arm. I have him fairly covered up so that you won't really know where else he might have chaos mutations. The idea for the double mechanical arms actually came from a WIP magos from The Observer which I thought was a great idea. The model is mostly done, just need to decide what sort of "decorations" or accessories to put on him. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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He looks appropriately wicked for a dark magos. I like that you went with a more humanoid look. I like the tall, soundly mechanicum goons but seeing one more human...with mutations looks awesome.


As for additions I like The Traitor’s idea of cabling. Good ol’ cables and mechatendrills flowing and following behind and around him. I also think stuff like techy upgrades and tools hooked around his waist a’la a electrician with loaded tool belts.

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Looks very cool, specially like how well the possessed arm combines with the Mechanicum ones, though I think his robes are a bit lacking, maybe adding some hanging cables could look better?

Thanks Traitor! Thanks for the suggestion, will definitely try it out. I need to give him some other bits and bobs too to make him slightly more "busy".


The Dark Magos looks cool, but if he's a Dark Mechanicum member, the skulls on his base should be mechanical (wrecked servo-skulls) or metallic (results of a techno-organic virus).

Thanks Bjorn! Great idea haha, I had based the Dark Magos to match the rest of the warband so I didn't have some mechanical skulls. Will have to try and get some bulk servo skulls in the future so that I can do stuff like that on the bases.


He looks appropriately wicked for a dark magos. I like that you went with a more humanoid look. I like the tall, soundly mechanicum goons but seeing one more human...with mutations looks awesome.


As for additions I like The Traitor’s idea of cabling. Good ol’ cables and mechatendrills flowing and following behind and around him. I also think stuff like techy upgrades and tools hooked around his waist a’la a electrician with loaded tool belts.

Thanks hushrong! I thought about adding mechatendrills but I wasn't sure where to mount them as theres not much space between the cape and arms. Good call on the "tool belt" idea, will definitely try to give him some more gear.


man, that guy looks cooool. I dont recognise that big arm, I dont think I've seen it before, great choice though. I really like how you've combined all those parts.

Thanks Pandoras Bitz Box! The arm is actually from the CSM possessed kit, but since you sculpt some cooler stuff you might have forgotten about this relatively vanilla possessed arm. Bits choice was definitely hard cause it took me since about last September to decide how I wanted to go about building the model.


Nice work, the scattered skulls help give the base a little more chacter and that possessed arm blends in really well. I also second The Traitor's suggestion of cabling and whatnot from the robes.

Thanks Pearson73! I did the base to match with the rest of the warband but wanted to give him some more so show that he's more dangerous (but the chaos monk still has the most skulls). I'll definitely be adding some more bits and bobs before calling him completely finished.


He looks fabulous. However...you need to paint^^

Thanks Mikhal! I swear that I'll start painting more after I get a new set of paints. Unfortunately I keep getting drawn in by all these cool new kits and I have to make a choice about more plastic or paints. Graduating soon though, so I'll have more budget for warhammer then haha.


That Dark Magos is looking awesome! Simply superb greenstuff sculpting, looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks High_King_Mathorne! I'm more used to sculpting armor so I'm still practicing with cloth so I'm glad you liked the sculpting!




Late this week cause I sliced my thumb deep enough to think about getting stitches. I didn't end up getting any but I stopped doing hobby stuff for a few days to give it time to heal. I thought I could start doing some stuff today since the cut looks like its healing nicely so I did a quick build of this Kroot. I wanted to practice some more sculpting of cloth so I did some work on his sleeves. Since kroot can come in a variety of shapes I decided to go for a slightly more heavy set and humanoid looking combination cause I might be using this as part of an inquistion warband as a mercenary. It was another one day build, done over 2 sessions but I had a lot of fun with it. Maybe this Sunday or Monday I'll be able to finish that CSM possessed I started last week. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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Looks really cool, you're really upping your game in speedy conversions!!! The clothing does make him more outcast-like, so he should work great as a mercenary working for the Inquisition. My only suggestion would be to drill the barrel, even if I never do it myself :sweat:...
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