duz_ Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 (edited) If it pleases commissariat, I'd like to start a new thread dedicated to small updates of what you have been doing with your IG force of late. (Disclaimer I have hijacked this idea from the GK forum, who in turn they hijacked from another pompous Astartes forum. I also did a search and haven't found an existing thread in the IG forum either.) Examples of udpates could be: A quick battle report eg. played orks with list X and it was a glorious win for the Emperor, or I have ordered reinforcements and expect them to arrive shortly, Reinforcements have arrived and have begun integrating their paint scheme into the local regiment Etc... Ideally this thread would be for items you would like to share, but don't belive a whole thread is necessary. It's also not intended to stop you creating your own WIP threads, but if youre working up to starting your own, you're more than welcome to post some painting pics too. I'll start off with a picture of my finally completed Taurox division. The 3rd had been sitting at a 3 colour minimum since my last tournament in April. Having some spare time while job hunting and finally picking up some replacement paints I finished him off. :) This weekend I've arranged for a game against a SoB and assassins list. I will be taking some scions and the Emperor's Fist armoured formation. Will post a brief report here after. Edit: typos Edited June 23, 2016 by duz_ librisrouge, Warsmith Uveron, Akrim and 16 others 19 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 This does please the commissariat I have been mulling over some reinforcements... I won't get time for a second ETL vow but that just frees me up for larger plans without a deadline to worry about Perhaps that Scion box, especially as you make the Taurox look good with that picture The Pounder, elmo and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4427374 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inso Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 Those Tauroxes are very pretty :) Lovely work. duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4427494 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted June 23, 2016 Author Share Posted June 23, 2016 I'm not sure how my Mordians would feel driving around in pretty Tarouxes but thank you on the compliments. I actually like the kit tracks and all. I just think GW did a terrible job on selecting the colour scheme to show case them. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4427543 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sebs_evo7 Posted June 23, 2016 Share Posted June 23, 2016 I think the color schemes of all the scions and taurox's on the gw site are terrible and don't make the kits look very good. In other news my anvil bits arrived yesterday. How do i post images to the board? Does it have to be a through an image site? Cheers Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4427576 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted June 24, 2016 Author Share Posted June 24, 2016 You can do both ways depends on your preference which is easier. If you go to the gallery section you can create your own album and upload photos directly to the forum. Once finished there's an option to copy the BB code so you can post. It's easier to do via computer. If you're using your phone you'll have to switch to the desktop mode to do this. You are also limited to photos no larger than 2mb. So again if you're using your phone you may need to download a photo resizer app if you can't do that already. Alternatively if you have an account with Flickr, imgur or the likes you can post them here too. I use the forum gallery system through my phone. It's a bit of the PITA but you get used to it... sorta... haha WarriorFish promises at some point the tech priests will address this.... ;) sebs_evo7 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4427588 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emicus Posted June 24, 2016 Share Posted June 24, 2016 Put all my Guard up for sale except for Scions :( But getting the Scion start collecting! Box on sunday for a 12hr hobby event :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4427628 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted June 24, 2016 Share Posted June 24, 2016 Personally I've been trimming down on my reserve forces. Basically painting from one end while selling from the other. I've got a mighty reserve force of Tau who are being sold away to save space and make money. :) My Guardsmen are now on secondment to a Cadian regiment. All told the Malcador Infernus, a Vulture, Manticore, my entire Tempestus complement and 40 Guardsmen have moved over. However that still leaves me with a silly amount of reserves, including a Vendetta, Valkyrie, Avenger, Leman Russ Avenger, a bunch of Guardsmen and a few other, random bits. Plan is to focus and power through it all during and after the ETL. :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4427856 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inso Posted June 24, 2016 Share Posted June 24, 2016 I am working on a small unit of veterans that will have carapace armour and a prevalence of plasma based weapons. I am going to use them as veteran tyranid hunters and they are in the process of being converted from Skitari sprues and a little bit of green stuff/milliput. I have a 'counts as' AM force of Squats and the idea behind the Skitari bodies is that they were once normal Squats but were so badly injured in the Tyranid invasions that they had to ask the Mechanicus for help... and they went a bit further than they should with the repairs :) . I only hope that the end product (in all it's diminutive glory) will live up to my plans... and not turn into a big waste of time :( CoffeeGrunt, WarriorFish, The Pounder and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4428093 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Lee Posted June 24, 2016 Share Posted June 24, 2016 Those turoxes look beautiful. I really like your red. I have just received from eBay a box of 10 old style Russes to add to my Vostroyan Firstborn painting table (makes 12 in total), I am just waiting until my next delivery for some more scion vox units that I am converting on to the Vostroyans. Lord Lee. Emicus, WarriorFish and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4428362 Share on other sites More sharing options...
librisrouge Posted June 25, 2016 Share Posted June 25, 2016 Today my guardsmen were captured by hill folk, never to be heard from again (cookie to whoever gets the reference.) A friend was boasting about his fancy smancy character and I bet he'd get trounced by conscripts. We diced it out, no models. He made a character and I made three big units of conscripts with the same points :) Guess who won (soooo many dice!) WarriorFish, Emicus and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4428483 Share on other sites More sharing options...
march10k Posted June 25, 2016 Share Posted June 25, 2016 (edited) Hmmm...well, I have three things going on lately, of varying intensity. 1. I'm working on a kasrkin ground assault formation. When it's finished, that and the existing air assault formation will both fit in a 1850 list for the ultimate GLASS HAMMARR!!! This is actually proceeding relatively well, helped along by ETL vows. 2/4 squads and 1.99/4 trucks complete! 2. I'm gradually expanding my tank force. I guess I want to have 3 each of demolishers, stock russes, vanquishers, and eradicators. Well, I'm at 2/2/3/1 at the moment...more work to do with four tanks to go, but there's no real hurry, it's not like I'll field 12 assorted russes in the same list! Hell, I don't think more than four of my nine chimeras have hit the table at once in the last three years... 3. I've got roughly 250 metal cadians from the 1990s...only 75 are painted up to my current paint scheme, with an additional 60 or so painted in my (horrible, I had just started) 1990s paint scheme. Well, I'm working, slowly, on making a ton of conscripts out of the riflemen...the paint scheme is significantly simpler than the full on 13-color guardsman scheme that I have...and it's not like I'm likely to use more than 6 vet/infantry squads in a game anyway, is it? I think I have 14 conscripts finished, but this is a VERY low priority project... Edited June 25, 2016 by march10k WarriorFish, The Pounder and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4428489 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 25, 2016 Share Posted June 25, 2016 Sounds like the barracks is full of industrious activity :D Also that we've a fair number of models to see finished shortly... ;) I've decided I'll be getting the Scion box later this year, as part of a concerted effort to return to my Guard proper and get a Stormie force going :) The Pounder 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4428590 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inso Posted June 25, 2016 Share Posted June 25, 2016 If I wasn't so Homo-Rotundus orientated, I'd be on Scions like a tramp on chips... the boxed set is so packed with bits that it is ALMOST worth getting for Squat conversions. I also think that the Forgeworld Solar Auxilia are really nice... they are just too tall and too expensive to chop up for covnversions :D Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4428916 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted June 25, 2016 Share Posted June 25, 2016 Some great sounding projects coming along! I sold an old copy of Heroquest that I'd played to death, got rather more than I'd hoped so I'm aiming to get a Macharius Vanquisher that I've been promising myself for a while (with the boss' permission of course!) Still really excited to be working on the Krieg again, my plan is to build an Apocalypse size force over time. WarriorFish and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4428957 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CoffeeGrunt Posted June 25, 2016 Share Posted June 25, 2016 Well I broke the 40K out of cold storage for a 2K game today, which was nice. Game went perfectly according to plan and I ended up tabling my opponent! http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s36/coffeegrunt/4th%20Tarosian%20Regiment/13483183_10207149818879924_4563730031278919950_o.jpg Also, fully-painted force! :D Emicus and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4429004 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 26, 2016 Share Posted June 26, 2016 Well done Coffee, especially for a fully painted force :) Lord Raven 19 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4429137 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeputyDorden Posted June 26, 2016 Share Posted June 26, 2016 Greetings fellow Guardsmen, Yesterday on Hive world Kroatec 4 my home-brew grenadiers along side a small force of Tanith scouts attempted a cleansing of the planets outer habs. Unbeknown to the guard though the ruinous powers had truly infected this once thriving metropolis, for as the scouts neared the chaotic frontline, warp abominations prowled amongst the ruins and around key objectives, and in the distance a giant walking monstrosity cloaked in noxious gasses waded through a sea of daemons towards the Guardsmen. The scouting expertise of the Tanith allowed for an opening barrage that at first allowed the forces of the Imperium to seize multiple lanes of fire, but, as the battle raged, and men died, Gaunt could see it was folly. So in order to fight another day and to ensure the safety of his men he ordered a full retreat, abandoning Kroatec 4 alongside those civilians who had become somewhat tainted. Thanks for indulging a little RP! so yeah it was a 1000 point game, my Guard vs Chaos space marines allied with Daemons. Being my first game since completing my force I'm still working out tactics and the best use of my units. The first few turns went ok, killed some marines and a fair few daemons but as their herald of Khorne on Juggernaught flanked by hounds pushed my left hard, it all fell apart. Im going to see how I can survive past turn 4 as Guard, perhaps some DS GK Termies for some hand to hand might. But we'll see So heres a sneak peak of my home-brew in action. Veterans moving towards the right flank with a command Chimera providing some support. Soon, once i have them totally painted Ill post a WIP http://i.imgur.com/ByojwEj.jpg FOR THE EMPEROR!!! KhaosRising, Guardsman Bob, The Ergonomic Enginseer and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4429223 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emicus Posted June 26, 2016 Share Posted June 26, 2016 Can't seem to upload pictures tonight....Bought, built and primed the Start Collecting! Militarum Tempestus box and scored a #swag Warhammer USB stick at my local GWs anniversary :) duz_ and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4429282 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted June 26, 2016 Author Share Posted June 26, 2016 Nice paint scheme DeputyDorden love to see some more close ups of the guardsmen. I'm in the process of repainting my cadians something similar. Yes my GK force started as a librarian, terminators and a NDK for support to my guardsmen. Now I have 3000 odd points of them. ;) They certainly synergise well with them. Coffeegrunt do I spot xenos in that photo...? Unfortunately I didn't get my game in against the SoB player yesterday :( That victory will have to wait for another day. I did have some small friendly teach how to play games with my scions though. They were fun I really want to get that Scion box not that I need more but another free Taroux yes please! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4429319 Share on other sites More sharing options...
march10k Posted June 26, 2016 Share Posted June 26, 2016 Well I broke the 40K out of cold storage for a 2K game today, which was nice. Game went perfectly according to plan and I ended up tabling my opponent! http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s36/coffeegrunt/4th%20Tarosian%20Regiment/13483183_10207149818879924_4563730031278919950_o.jpg Also, fully-painted force! The dice gods favor the painted! Well I broke the 40K out of cold storage for a 2K game today, which was nice. Game went perfectly according to plan and I ended up tabling my opponent! http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s36/coffeegrunt/4th%20Tarosian%20Regiment/13483183_10207149818879924_4563730031278919950_o.jpg Also, fully-painted force! The dice gods favor the painted! But th'imortal emprah will have your heretical gue'la soul for the Astronomican! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4429389 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted June 28, 2016 Author Share Posted June 28, 2016 So having completed 15 GK interceptors I've decided I really need to finish some outstanding guard projects. In particular my scions and some tanks. Scions because they're the models I've had the longest and haven't finished painting and the tanks because they're relatively quick and partially complete. Fortunately I only have 14 scions to complete some how I'd managed to complete half of them. Plus an inquisitor just to mix things up. The tanks need some minor repairs. Travelling through the warp from one hemisphere to another isn't without its perils. Icepick and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4430847 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 28, 2016 Share Posted June 28, 2016 They look great duz :tu: duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4430850 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted July 2, 2016 Share Posted July 2, 2016 Just got myself the Stormie Start Collecting box... duz_, Emicus and Inso 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4433760 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inso Posted July 2, 2016 Share Posted July 2, 2016 Just got myself the Stormie Start Collecting box... ... and you haven't assembled and painted them yet?! :o :D I look forward to seeing what you do with them. I've just started sculpting a Squat Vindicare Assassin... at the moment, it is a pair of skeletal legs with a very fine butt! :D P3AKHOUR, duz_ and WarriorFish 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/#findComment-4433830 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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