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Damn these Space Hulk models. You remove a million blood drops and angel icons and you're still left a few hundred that you somehow only notice when you've already basecoated the model and are painting it, even though they're in rather obvious locations. Of course, removing them after basecoating means removing paint from that entire section since otherwise the paintjob won't be even... argh.

Biggest offender is the to-be CF Sergeant model in which it seems I managed to miss all the darn BA iconography for some reason.

EDIT: Also a bit funny to note, of the 6 CF models I've painted so far, only one doesn't have a power fist... hah. Hopefully tomorrow night will have two or three more painted power fist models to add to the tally msn-wink.gif

Edited by tvih
  On 9/21/2016 at 2:00 AM, tvih said:

Damn these Space Hulk models. You remove a million blood drops and angel icons and you're still left a few hundred that you somehow only notice when you've already basecoated the model and are painting it, even though they're in rather obvious locations. Of course, removing them after basecoating means removing paint from that entire section since otherwise the paintjob won't be even... argh.


Biggest offender is the to-be CF Sergeant model in which it seems I managed to miss all the darn BA iconography for some reason.

Yeah, I have a full set of space hulk terminators to convert into black templars along side the 2 kits of deathwing terminators I'm converting to templars.


I hate myself on the hobby bench and the game table...



On a side note tho... the washers I used for the imperial fist terminator libby in this comp are available in bulk at my work... so i will use them to make bases for all the space hulk terminators... nice heavy will not tip over ever bases. Attached with JB weld... yay.


Ps... anybody else seriously consider soldering together metal minis? Lol

Edited by Canadian_F_H
  On 9/21/2016 at 2:34 AM, Canadian_F_H said:

Yeah, I have a full set of space hulk terminators to convert into black templars along side the 2 kits of deathwing terminators I'm converting to templars.

Ugh, yeah, still not quite happy with my Deathwing to BT conversions. The ones from the separate kit, it's mostly the darned hooded guy's hood that I'd want to get rid of but don't want to risk ruining the torso. Also a bit unhappy that I didn't/couldn't get rid of the big sword in one of the tabards as well as the edges around it, it just looks bad. Maybe I need another go at it, but again risks ruining it, plus I'd probably need some sort of curved blade to be able to work the surface properly. Or just file it down I guess, but that'd take forever.

For the Dark Vengeance models, aside from lacking tabards it's the mainly broken sword in their chests, not sure what to do with those as I'm not sure how well removal will succeed. The swords hanging on as decoration on that one model can at least be dismissed with "sword brethren" I guess tongue.png Or maybe I'll still turn around and paint them as CF after all, who the heck knows. Need to start figuring it out soon anyways, as I have vowed four of the DV models for my first vow, the sergeant being partially painted so far.

+ List updated. +

Excellent work, Lippy and ShVagYeR! I look forward to seeing your second vows. msn-wink.gif

The completion rate is currently at 13.83%. Let's make sure it's at 15% by the end of the week (Sunday)!

Looking good, TOTZ. thumbsup.gif

For the rest of you:

  On 9/21/2016 at 6:34 AM, Dosjetka said:

The completion rate is currently at 13.96%. Let's make sure it's at least at 15% by the end of the week (Sunday)!


Hey hello.


I'm bringing up my razorback and things were going so well I decided to experiment a little with battle damage. I'm not certain if I want to sponge on dark grey, or dark brown. I got carried away with the grey, then I decided I didn't like it. Then I tried to sponge over the grey with brown thinking that would help. So it's abit messy.


I think brown works better, even a orange/brown would work. It will really come down to weather I include any metallics in my battledamage.


once I get over this hurdle I should be sweet to finish up by the weekend. The troops just paint themselves in between waiting for paint to dry.






I guess I need to see it through before I make a decision on it.


Smashing work from everybody BTW!

For a first attempt, it looks decent. Now I'd suggest that you sponge a bit of gunmetal on the edges which have already been sponged in brown to give the impression that the wear and tear is more severe on the edges (as it would be) and it makes it a lot more interesting visually. Just make sure you don't put too much gunmetal and, generally speaking, over-weather your models. Sometimes less is more. smile.png

Wait, did you remove one of the "windows" on the front of the Rhino? If you did, wow, that's an cool idea. Never thought of that!

Ahh ok thanks! So you think I'm good to go?

You may have just saved the day battle brother!

I gave it a shot






I got a bit carried away. I also used chainmail, as I don't have gunmetal, or did you mean boltgun metal? Lead bleacher or whatever they call it now...


I always find it hard to sponge inside other sponging and it gets messy. I might try to highlight my yellow by mixing ulthuan grey into uriel yellow, And do the line edges and the damage. I'm actually really happy with it so thanks for that!


Ahh yes the rhino has undergone many different iterations and so I went digging through my photobucket and tried to find a picture that wouldn't spoil the harmony of the thread too much, so here is a picture of the basic conversion. (I have painted them a few times before, so they are a bit rugged.)




Thanks for the tip man! Can you also teach me how to freehand our beloved chapter symbol? I think it would be good practice but in my experience I can't really compete with the exacting perfection of decals. I think I'm going to need some decals.

Edited by BrotherJim

There's a bit too much weathering overall for my tastes but it looks far better now than it did before. Next time, I'd suggest you sponge a bit less brown (so smaller areas of damage) and you should be good to go! As with most things, it comes down to practice and going with what you feel comfortable with.

What I meant by gunmetal was a dark silver instead of a bright one so whether it's Chainmail, Boltgun Metal, or Leadbelcher, it doesn't really matter as long as you're not doing it with Mithril Silver. msn-wink.gif

I can try and do a tutorial with how to freehand the Chapter symbol but I think you're better off trying to figure it out on your own by drawing the Chapter symbol with a pencil/pen on a piece of paper and breaking it down into parts. For our Chapter symbol, the folded thumb is a bit tricky but all it takes is practice. smile.png That being said, I'll do some more painting over the next couple of weeks so I'll find the time to document how I do it. thumbsup.gif

I was worried you'd say that ;)



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Thanks again for the advice, I'm happy enough to let my effort slide and I will try to tighten it up as I go along. Certainly better than starting again so thanks for the tips Brother Captain

Yeah, definitely don't go back and try to "rectify" any mistakes, in this case. It would ruin your model and it honestly looks fine as is.


And damn, that's good. The best tip I can give you without providing pictures is really to break down the symbol into simple shapes and then paint the outline of them one-by-one onto the area you want it on. After that, correct and mistakes with the area's main colour, fill in the shapes, and you're done! [Deceptively] simple, really. :D



thanks I'll give a few things a shot and see where I get. It always throws me off starting; because it's a black fist on a white background. But I don't mind spoiling the door and I wanted to try to push myself so this is where it will happen (or not!)


(Will be really cracking if these badboys come off for me because I have heaps I can throw into them - I'm still running of the 5th edition codex so that will be my first port of call - inspiration maximus!)

Edited by BrotherJim

You can always do a black fist on a yellow background, mate. Looks just as good and is slightly easier to hide!

If you can, get a spare Rhino door/hatch and practice on that before moving onto the model. You can also try and paint it quite big and then scale it down as you go through your attempts.

Anyway, enough blabber from me. I'm glad that helped and don't hesitate to ask for more tips/advice if you need it. thumbsup.gif

That seems much more feasible. I tend to do this quite a lot where make I really simple things really difficult in my mind. Yes I have heaps of doors I want to do objective markers and battle litanys on so I might just practice on my palette or something...


I finished up the damage so I will move on to the infantry and try to bring out the week. thanks again.










thanks again!

Third vow complete!

More pics here in my WIP log.


Alexis Pollux, Captain of the 405th Company, VII Legion Astartes Imperial FIsts, Master of the Retribution Fleet, the Crimson Fist




@Dosjetka, please note that I made a points error in the original vow (I calculated 5% extra instead of 10%, so the points value of this vow is not 173 but 182. I edited the original vow post to reflect the correct cost. :tu:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

I'm out of action for a couple days and look what I miss! Wow! Awesome updates. Too many cool pics to comment all, but I was most impressed by TheOneTrueZon's Leviathan. eek.gif

I did finish something:

Alexis Pollux, Captain of the 405th Company, VII Legion Astartes Imperial FIsts, Master of the Retribution Fleet, the Crimson Fist

More pics here in my WIP log.


Dang guys!!! Y'all are rocking out the good work and I'm to dang tired from allergies and puppy to do much painting.

Post funeral haze as well so the days are stretching out some.

Looking forward to getting some sleep and putting in the allergy eye drops so I can get busy

I'm almost finished with all the repairs and basing for the termilibby... so a brief masking and priming of the base, and I'll be putting paint on him. Whew... looking forward to seeing this near ancient metal termilibby brought back into service.

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