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Followed closely by Vow III


I, Lippy, vow on the honour of the Black Templars to fully paint at least one Razorback with Storm Bolter and Lascannon and Twin-linked Plasma Gun and one Drop Pod with Deathwind Launcher fromCodex: Space Marines, and worth 130 points by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.

Ave Imperator!




That reminds me, I really need to convert a pair of plasma guns into something that can be mounted onto a Razorback turret! I also wish I had extra TLAC turrets, as the only ones I have are on my LRC and LRR. Though I suppose those won't be seeing the table much anyway, so the turrets could be... borrowed... at times.

An interesting conversion just popped into my mind. One could take a predator autocannon turret, and tweak it into a single lascannon turret and then pintle mount a home made twin linked plasma gun...


And yeah, those TLAC turrets are completely interchangable.

Edited by Canadian_F_H

Also just noticed that Deathwatch Razorbacks can't use Las+TLPlas turrets. Aww. "Funny" though, what with all the agonizing I do over what to paint as BT and what as CF, my budding Deathwatch plans are really throwing an extra wrench into the gears biggrin.png Currently I'm pondering how to get them a Dread... I guess I may have to buy a regular Dread and make it DW instead of CF like I planned to, as I'd rather not paint my BT AoBR dread's arm to make him DW (given the shared black base color a spare arm would solve the issue, but the only spare left arm I have is a seismic hammer - should've added a left arm in the bits order I did a while ago, darn it). In addition might've made sense to make one of my two witches DW instead of both as CF. Pfff dry.png

Also, I just recently tallied up the things I could paint for IFE into Army Builder. Came up at over 4000 points. Yeah.... if only I was getting any darn painting done as it is.

Biker squad finally finished. More pictures - from all angles of all members individually - and with individual fluff - here in my WiP thread


VII Biker Assault Squad 


++ Vow Complete ++


Sword Brother Erion Veritas







Marshall MacLaren quickly made his way down the corridor as the vibrations rattling the superstructure became a thunderous din. Turning the corner towards the Grand Chapel of Dorn, he beheld a number of Initiates and their Neophytes standing at the threshold of the main entryway. They all were looking in at some sight to behold within the chapel. as he approached, Techmarine Carrus came running with his Neophyte Varia closely following. 


The Marshall cut to the point, "Curse tha warp Brother Carrus, wha is tha RACKET?"

"The Reclusiarch finished the rites of awakening  a cycle ago my lord, however this particular dreadnought has been in stasis for such a long time it took longer than anticipated before regaining conciousness...", the pounding began again, only now could the Mashall now hear the vox-voice of the interred Astarte.


Cannon to right of them, 
Cannon to left of them, 
Cannon behind them,
Volleyed and thundered.
Stormed at with shot and shell, 
While horse and hero fell. 
They that had fought so well 
Came through the jaws of Death, 
Back from the mouth of hell, 
All that was left of them, 
Left of six hundred.
The Marshall entered the chapel and at last saw something that would be his first, a dancing Leviathan. The tower of armor and heraldry was tapping a beat with it's massive left foot, accompanied by the tapping of it's siege claw. Techmarine Carrus was just behind MacLaren.
"We cannot get him to stop, at this rate the Leviathan will cause critical damage to this area, and -"
"Enough Brother, I know what to do."
The Marshall strode before the gyrating war machine. 
"Well sung Brother! You have truly announced your awakening!"
The Leviathan came slowly to a stop, and then eased over to look down upon the entity addressing him
"Well met Marshall," he boomed, "I am Sword Brother Erion of the Leviathan Veritas, second to bear it's name. Are you the one who has beckoned my service? Lead me to my quarry with haste! The spirit of this body hungers for battle."
The Marshall smiled eagerly.
"All in due time Brother Erion, but first tell me of the song you sing."
"It is an ancient one M'lord. May I tell you of the Charge of the Light Brigade?" 


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  On 10/18/2016 at 8:33 PM, Canadian_F_H said:

That's a lot of white for a black templar... lol

Nice work tho!

That's a lot of everything for a Black Templar. Yet somehow he managed to overdo it without overdoing it. That dread looks amazing. eek.gif

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Finished the Captain!

More pics here in my WiP


And with the previously posted squad of VII Biker Assault Squad...


...I declare my fourth vow finished!

Now lessee if I could manage something else. I'm on a roll again, and properly motivated too. biggrin.png

Okay home so I can comment! First off that Dread is freaking awesome Onetruezon! Everything I look at it I see something more I love in the details. The big script on it is fantastic, are those decals or are you just that good with a brush?!? :D


Augustus that yellow is fantastic there, as usual very nice models!

Printed my own on decal paper. The office I work at has a nice laser printer that no one uses anymore (except me, MWAHAHAHAHHA) however it can't print white. I tried doing an off-white cream color, but it was just too transparent to work. I was thinking of getting some white script done with a decal service like Fallout Hobbies or something similar. 


It's also the reason I used so much white, so I could see how far I could push the scripting. 

Ok Fifth Vow:


I, Augustus b'Raass, vow on the honour of the Imperial Fists to fully paint at least one unit of 5 Space Marine Bikers with a Veteran Sergeant armed with two Graviton Guns, and one unit of 5 Space Marine Devastators with a Veteran Sergeant armed with two Graviton Cannons and an Armorium Cherub from Codex Adeptus Astartes Space Marines, and worth 300 points by Saturday 3rd December 2016. Below is the "start" picture and I promise to provide at least a final "vow completed" picture before the deadline. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.

Ave Imperator!



I, tvih, vow on the honour of the Black Templars and the Crimson Fists to fully paint at least
- a Land Raider Redeemer with Multi-melta and Hunter-Killer Missile
- an Ironclad Dreadnought with 2 Hunter-Killer Missiles and Ironclad Assault Launchers
- a Drop Pod with Deathwind Launcher and Locator Beacon
- a Razorback with Twin-Linked Lascannon, Storm Bolter and Dozer Blade
from Codex: Space Marines worth 560 points by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.




Vehicle madness!

I Andrew Christlieb, vow on the honour of the Celestial Lions to fully paint at least one unit of 5 Tactical squad marines with a flamer and 4 bolters, one unit of 5 Space Marine Scouts with Sniper rifles and camo cloaks, and one Librarian with ML2 and Bones of Osrak from Codex Adeptus Astartes Space Marines, and worth 260 points by Saturday 3rd December 2016. Below is the "start" picture and I promise to provide at least a final "vow completed" picture before the deadline. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.



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Edit: forgot some wargear.

Edited by AndrewChristlieb

+ List updated (finally) +


Wow, sorry about that folks. I was for a lot longer than I thought I would be. I've finally updated the list of participants with all of the new vows and completions! We've jumped from a measly 25% to a whopping 37% completion rate in just a couple of weeks! This is terrific! :tu:


I shall now strive to pop into this thread once per day to catch up with the latest updates from you all. Looking forward to seeing what you have to share! :)


tvih: Congrats on finishing your vow! Hopefully you can keep your motivation going until the end. :tu:


Augustus: You're on fire, mate! Five vows already! :D


Brother Carn: Loving those tanks. Got any more you'd like to paint up?


AC: That Celestial Lion Librarian is looking great, really loving the character you've given him with the various greenstuff parts. Looking forward to seeing him painted!


mccaptain: Almost there! Just a few more hits with a brush and he'll be good to go. :tu:


TOTZ: Mentioned it elsewhere but what a beast. You did a great job painting up that Leviathan!

While I'm working on a Razorback vow-wise, couldn't resist attempting this tongue.png Freehand paintjob of the day (well, night/morning actually):


Turned out OK, though the blue part isn't really as smooth as I'd like. The larger surface areas on the Rhino compared to the Dreads are proving a bit hard to get smooth with a brush, as I was afraid might be the case. But while I do have an airbrush (if only I could find it) I don't think Necron Abyss would really work with it :/

Also Drop Pod is mostly just waiting on highlighting, and even the Land Raider is being sprayed, just that I ran out of spray and gotta go to the store to get some more in a moment.

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