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Beginning... November's already going to be a busy month... May have to fall on my sword with this one.  Just don't think I can give it the time it would deserve.  Will see how I go.  I know a true son of Dorn never gives up.  Good thing my guys are Cursed Founding an all...


Such a beatiful, smooth matte black that it hurts my soul to even think of marring it with a brush, damn it tongue.png I used to hate painting vehicles due to issues related to basecoating with the previous type of spray I used apparently, as with the new type it's a breeze!

  On 10/23/2016 at 7:00 AM, tvih said:

While I'm working on a Razorback vow-wise, couldn't resist attempting this tongue.png Freehand paintjob of the day (well, night/morning actually):

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Turned out OK, though the blue part isn't really as smooth as I'd like. The larger surface areas on the Rhino compared to the Dreads are proving a bit hard to get smooth with a brush, as I was afraid might be the case. But while I do have an airbrush (if only I could find it) I don't think Necron Abyss would really work with it :/

Also Drop Pod is mostly just waiting on highlighting, and even the Land Raider is being sprayed, just that I ran out of spray and gotta go to the store to get some more in a moment.

Good news: Necron Abyss works fine through an airbrush! I just tested it and it's really like any other acrylic. :) :tu:

  On 10/24/2016 at 9:54 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Good news: Necron Abyss works fine through an airbrush! I just tested it and it's really like any other acrylic. smile.pngthumbsup.gif

I tried airbrushing GW paints for a bit a few years back, ended up clogging the airbrush after a few moments despite my best efforts to thin 'em. Then even after cleaning I couldn't get any paint to go through again, even though pure water did go through so it wasn't clogged. I was using Abaddon Black at the time I think. I've just heard Necron Abyss has a thickness and granularity that makes it a poor choice for airbrushing along with many other Citadel paints.

Regardless, it's starting to look like this Land Raider will be painted BT after all - which would only be fair since I've used it unpainted as BT in many a battle - and will instead order a Deathwatch Land Raider (since it has both Godhammer and LRC/LRR sponsons for no price increase) to paint as CF, as my DW won't really need a LR anyway tongue.png

Problematic though, the new spray, despite being the current equivalent of the old one that just ran out, isn't as good as the old one, so I painting the DW LR may end up a pain in the butt again...

tvih: The Razorback hatch freehand symbol is looking good. :tu: And yeah, I love the fact that the Deathwatch Land Raider, in addition to having the upgrade sprue, has all three variants for a few pounds more. It's crazy good!

@ tvih: I have four words for you: Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver. It'll change your life. Well, your airbrushing experience. This stuff can thin even the thickest acrylics down to something that'll flow through your needle like it's water, even though it's thicker than milk. It also acts like a drying retarder, so no tip drying. I even use it to thin paints on my palette for things like eyes, glow spots in lenses, and highlights.

I don't think anyone sells that locally though, would have to order it from somewhere. Outside of water, I only have some Vallejo Medium Matte Thinner that I haven't tried. I haven't been able to find the airbrush yet, only its hose. The whole apartment is in chaos right now... anyway I really would've liked to try airbrushing the Rhino, but I guess I'll have to make do with brushing for now, haven't made any progress on it since that pic as I've been distracted by the Land Raider (which is now waiting for detail and highlight painting as well, having been glued - something I haven't event done for the already painted LR - and its sponsons magnetized).

In other news, the two Rodricus Grytts of Overkill fame that I bought off eBay finally arrived, cool beans! Such a cool model, kinda wish I had the guts to convert at least onfo the buggers to be able to use other weapons for non-Deathwatch use (would have to saw off the stub of the right arm and then magnetize it, plus model an attachment for a regular backpack). Although then that'd mean painting him in non-Deathwatch colors and thus no DW-use... pff! Anyway, I was thinking of adding them in some vow, maybe as heavy bolter proxies? One will be Rodricus/IF, the second will be Godric/CF smile.png

Haven't actually managed to show any progress on the first Templar's front, so here it is...kinda. Still quite a few details to go, but a shot of him in battle to tide you over. Who else would take on a primarch? 


(Also a few more photos of other fists from the board, I've left out most of the excessively dead ones, I'm kind like that ;) )




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  On 10/22/2016 at 9:42 AM, Dosjetka said:

+ List updated (finally) +


Brother Carn: Loving those tanks. Got any more you'd like to paint up?


Thanks, and I just might do... :) 3 Grav-cent with missiles, 270 pts!


With this painted and a bit more work on a few marines my 1500 pts IF is done!

And so, the last model required for my vow finally appears, along with some other parts... tongue.png


The terminators are waiting for a future vow to be repainted as CF. The chapter shoulders would look amazing on the Space Hulk models, but carving the existing ones out is not something I'm enthusiastic about.

Edited by tvih

Finished the first unit of my fifth vow, the devastator Squad:

If you want to see more pictures, including of all miniatures from three different angles, and read fluff I wrote for all of them, check out this post in my WiP thread.



About to start on my Mk IV Ironclad... wish me luck, I'm nervous about it as it's the most expensive model I have and looks so "pretty" unpainted, hope I'm not gonna mess it up! unsure.png As the arms don't stay on on their own which is a bit disappointing, I magnetized one arm (kept the peg, so torso magnet is inside the peg) before I ran out of magnets once again. 200 more on order. I sure do use 'em up, don't I?

Also noticed two of the four claws on the power fist arm have a snapped tip :( Oh well.

  On 10/26/2016 at 9:03 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Finished the first unit of my fifth vow, the devastator Squad:





holy... emperor's....


those are... gorgeous.


the techmarine sgt is stand out.


just... wow...


kneeling guy...


and bolter baby....





Yeah. I guess it's the stupid spray bottle acting up again. The engine section - which was detached - came out acceptably, but the hull, not so much.


I think I gotta try and find another brand of spray to try, I don't want to deal with this inconsistency. I wish GW's wasn't so expensive. But at least even that would be less of a headache. Too bad the "good bottle" I had ran out before I got to the Ironclad.

Yeah, that's a shame. What I do with my spray cans is to stick them between my thighs while I'm sitting at my desk before I paint to warm the can up. Not sure if it'll affect my chances of having healthy progeniture later on in life but it sure as hell stops the paint from messing up too badly (still have to be careful about shaking the can properly and outside temperature and humidity). Also, directly after you spray, giving the models a good blast with a hair dryer can also mitigate any mishaps.

Ugh, tried spraying the legs, not as bad as the torso but waaaayyyy glossy, from what it supposed to be a matte paint. Sigh. I guess I'll have to go to the FLGS and grab a GW spray if I want to get any basecoating done. Not sure why the cans are acting so poorly now, previous ones used to be fine outside of not being able to spray properly aimed downward.

  On 10/27/2016 at 7:25 AM, tvih said:

Ugh, tried spraying the legs, not as bad as the torso but waaaayyyy glossy, from what it supposed to be a matte paint. Sigh. I guess I'll have to go to the FLGS and grab a GW spray if I want to get any basecoating done. Not sure why the cans are acting so poorly now, previous ones used to be fine outside of not being able to spray properly aimed downward.

Which brand are you using now?

  On 10/27/2016 at 7:26 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:


Which brand are you using now?


Maston, a Finnish brand. The "good bottle" was Maston too, older style nozzle which was better - talk about degenerative product development. Usually the Maston basic matte black (as compared to the good bottle which was a primer) was essentially identical to GW's paint in terms of shininess, I wasn't able to tell them apart really. But for some reason sometimes it gets superglossy, as if it hasn't been shaken properly or something, even when it has.

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