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Picked up the GW Chaos Black. On the upside, it seems like a joy to use again after the Mastons. On the downside, paint removal from the torso isn't going well. The paint does turn into a sludge, but not not so much that it would've come off properly at least yet. This is gonna be a pain...

  On 10/27/2016 at 8:32 PM, tvih said:

Picked up the GW Chaos Black. On the upside, it seems like a joy to use again after the Mastons. On the downside, paint removal from the torso isn't going well. The paint does turn into a sludge, but not not so much that it would've come off properly at least yet. This is gonna be a pain...

Use brake fluid if all else fails. It won't. Careful with your skin though. It's pretty bad. :tu:



Looking a bit better, but on the right side it still looks as if there's a bit of paint pooling in the details, maybe because the paint removal wasn't so successful in all the recesses and such. Oh well, I guess it'll have to do.


As the legs aren't in perfectly symmetrical still stance like in the GW dreads I tried to give a touch more of dynamic posing to the thing by ankle and waist joint angling, I think it works decently. The piece of "rubble" is actually casting flash from one of the FW thingies. Waste not, eh?

Uhhh. I just realized I had one unresolved issue that I should've decided upon before painting the torso to begin with. Which is attaching the frag launchers and missiles. I'd rather not glue them on permanently to avoid having to pay for them in every game, but also unlike with the plastic dread it's hard to do hidden magnets. The attachment points for the accessories on this FW dread are small, so magnet-wise could use 2 mm just barely. But the problem is the hull magnets. They'd have have to be drilled on the top of the dread, leaving them visible. Technically could put a small layer of milliput on top to try to blend it with the hull, but the odds aren't in my favor to pull it off properly. Plus now that the top is painted that'd mean removing the paint AGAIN sad.png Why do I always have to mess up?
@tvih: Yeah... I can't help you with retroactive preplanning, there. I can give you some advice on the hiding of the magnetization. Use a mix of greenstuff and milliput. Milliput can be sanded, makinng it very easy to mask. It also reponds well to pressure and wet fingertips in blending, so there's that. Just milliput will make your life even harder...

Don't have any greenstuff currently, not even sure what happened with the rest of what I had (but it'd be "too old" now anyway I think). I have plenty of milliput if only I could find it.


As far as the rest of the model, hull-mounted secondary weapons are magnetized. So much nicer than arm-mounted ones because so much easier to magnetize. But one thing I'm undecided on is the torso-leg-join whether to magnetize it or just stiffen it with blu-tack like it is now. Mostly because it'd have to be magnetized "off-center" which somehow rubs me the wrong way. Having OCD tendencies is not good in this hobby.


Now if I could just actually get myself to proceed with further painting of all the four vehicles...

Forgeworld Ironclad, different type of launchers :) In the previous vow I did the regular Ironclad, there I installed the magnets hidden in the underside of the "roof". At any rate the magnets are in place in this one now too. The magnet locations can be seen on the paint, but it's not too glaring. And of course when the launchers are in place, there's no problem. So, I suppose it's an acceptable end result.



Here's a pic of the top, you can see one magnet spot.


I suppose an extremely thin plastic sheet might've worked, anything more and the magnets wouldn't hold as the 2 mm ones aren't particularly strong especially with any distance between them. Now that the magnet is slightly recessed I guess it's probably too late for that anyway though tongue.png

Oh yeah that's not too bad at all actually. A skim coat with liquid green stuff (or very watered down milliput) would be able to fill the slight imperfections easily, but it's probably not even that big of a deal anyway. Especially if the magnets are not very strong, you don't want too much material in there if it might block their pull after all.

@ tvih: dude, that's very well done. Far better hidden than those on my FW Ironclad, that I finished as part of my fvow II or III in this event. I did the same thing magnetizing those launchers. Don't worry too much if no-one is goign to see it anyway. thumbsup.gif

@ cephalopod: Welcome buddy! Awesome of you to join the Expansion. You can find all the rules in this, first post. To summarize: you have to make an official vow, with detailed units and their composition, and a total points cost. thumbsup.gif


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The rules for this event are simple:

You pick a side between the Imperial Fists and their successors or the Iron Warriors and their splinter groups. If you are reading this, the choice is already made. Welcome to the winning team, Frater.

Every participant on either side must make at least one (1) and up to a maximum of seven (7) vows. Each of these vows must have at least one (1) and up to four (4) Codex-legal units. There is no limit on points.
To be accepted, the vow must be posted either in this thread (for the Sons of Dorn) or the Iron Without thread (for the Sons of Perturabo) using the following format (minor variations accepted):



I, [insert name here], vow on the honour of [insert Chapter/Legion name here] to fully paint at least [unit name, wargear, and quantity] from [source (ie. book, dataslate, etc)], and worth [total points value] by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.

Ave Imperator!

It is crucial to note the following things:

  • If you fail to complete one vow, then all previous vows are considered void and do not count towards the final points total;
  • You must start work on your vow after having submitted it. Miniatures that are entered into the challenge must be unpainted, undercoated, or in the very early stages of painting. If you are unsure whether or not your models qualify for entry, please ask.
  • A vow must be completed before another is made. Also, once submitted, a vow cannot be modified in any shape or form so think before you pledge!

Once the event is over and the dust has settled, a number of things shall happen.

Firstly, for all of those who have successfully completed all of their vows, there shall be a signature banner celebrating their personal success and the upkeep of their promise. Wear it with pride as you continue your activities on the Bolter & Chainsword!

Secondly, Lord Thorn and I shall have the wonderful task of going through all of the vows and do the tally of successful vows to determine which of the two teams is the winner. The winning team will receive a special signature badge to celebrate victory over their rivals.

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
Okay then. I vow to finish a land raider crusader for 250 points. In two weeks time. So that I may bring the might of Dorn to my advisarys gate. So that my brothers may purge them with bolter, fire, and fist. May the holy treads of the land raider grind the bones of our enemy to meal, it's cermite hull keep safe our brothers so they may find shelter in hail of war, in the name of the Emperor. In the name of holy Terra. In the name of Dorn. Edited by cephalopod
  On 10/30/2016 at 11:57 PM, Canadian_F_H said:

Well if I finish my current vow with enough time to spare, I'll assemble a quick mk3 marine from BoP and paint it up for the 50pointer.

Unfortunately the 50 pointer can only be the first vow. Still, you can make a 5 man 40k squad :)

  On 11/1/2016 at 8:10 PM, Knight of the Raven said:
  On 11/1/2016 at 12:55 PM, Brother Carn said:

1 done, 2 to go!

Heh, you made a centurion actually look good. I guess there's nothing a maximus helmet (and some good painting and color choosing) can't make better. biggrin.png

Holy crap, that's why that centurion looks so good - the MkIV helmet swap. I mean, he's also painted really well, and the base is simply fantastic - but that simple helmet swap is just inspired. It elevates the model from good-looking to holy crap I want to marry it. Ok well, at least have coffee with it. In any case. Consider the idea stolen, Brother Cam. :tu:

I, Lippy, vow on the honour of the Black Templars to fully paint at least one Crusader Squad featuring 1 Initiate with Power Axe and 4 Initiates with Bolt Pistol and ChainSword and one Crusader Squad featuring 1 Initiate with Meltagun and 4 Initiates with Boltguns from Codex: Space Marines, and worth 240 points by Saturday 3rd December 2016. I promise to provide at least one "start" picture and a final "vow completed" picture in that time. I vow to bring honour to Dorn and the Emperor by completing my vow and not failing my brothers-in-arms.



Ave Imperator!



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