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The Berserkers of Uran - a thread from the past


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  • 4 weeks later...

IMMORTAAANN!!! *coughs* Ahem, sorry, I mean Raktra! I found something you might find interesting...

Sorry xD


There's a new squad of Primaris type marines currently being discussed over in the News & Announcements Forum called Reivers (no not a mispelling) whose heads may be of use to the VIII...


Pondering what we should add to the Berserkers' fluff and two connected things have occurred.


1. The Berserkers don't massacre solely for :cuss-es and giggles. It's a product of their worldview, not so much Curze meets Angron as Curze meets FW Ferrus.


2. They're necessary evil, as far as the Emperor is concerned. Indeed we should reference the Rangdan Xenocides here (with a redaction-shaped nod to the Wolves) and indicate the VII's ferocity here was important to the victories won. We could also add that they gained some of their mortal followers - Army, Knights, Titans etc - from military bodies shattered in the fighting. Perhaps Alexandros' treatment of Raktra marks somethng of a departure?

  • 2 weeks later...


Do we have a name for Raktra's armour?

I don't imagine Raktra is the kind to name functional stuff like his armour
He might not be, but the Terrawatt Clan forgemasters who made it (or whoever forges the armour for the Primarchs) might.

I called it the Behemoth Cuirass originally, but I had a whole Catholicism thing going on at the time of writing. Not entirely sure if it's still worth keeping. If I don't keep it, how does the Orphan's Cuirass sit? It's A- a Bloodborne reference, though not to armour, and B- something I have an idea for the fluff of.


Frankly, I just really want to use the word "cuirass".


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