Isolia Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 (edited) Hi everyone, Since I've been admiring all your armies on these pages and love the constructive comments and cheering for WIP threads, which I follow eagerly myself, I recovered my camera and will start my own. I hope you enjoy these photos, and am very interested in your feedback for my armies. I am not a very experienced painter, but I like taking my time to make the most of what I can while learning in the process. I noticed I thin my paints more every day Due to a busy life and tons of work, this won't be a fast thread I suppose, but I'll try and keep it regular. The basic idea behind my forces is a Sisters of Battle army that descends from the Order of the Argent Shroud (hence the silver liveries). I yet have to make their background more substantial, and find a name that I am happy with (it's been changing over time ) but here are a few things: - Descended from the Order of the Argent Shroud, the order was founded initially as a crusade force and maintains their habit of not staying very long in once place - They consider the Emperor to be the only human who can read in the minds and souls and see the future of Humanity, and loathe psykers of all kinds. However, as they are a combat force that has been engaged in many theaters, they realize that some minor psykers of humanity can be tolerated for their helpfulness on the battlefield, although they keep a tight eye on them. - They have an escort of a Freeblade brotherhood, imperial knights they have helped from various worlds during their campaigns in the past and who have vowed them their service. One of them was a last defender of a tyranid-infested world and holds dear to eradicate these bugs from the stars. The Sisters see insectoid psykers with even more hate than human ones as they are a race doomed to heresy for they cannot be turned to the Light of the Emperor. - Sometimes, commander Karmov and his penal legion of Imperial Guards joins them for both heavy support, meat-shield...err, tactical protection, and because sisters have a very strong tendency to show the Light to criminals - either through prayer, or through promethium. - When required, the Ordo assasinorum assigns an agent or two to assist the sisters in their tasks, albeit the psykery kind have a tendency to disappear before returning to their masters, once the job is done... That being said, it sets the path for the upcoming work in progress. Sisters are assisted by knights, and I am focussing on these two codices for the moment in terms of modelling and painting. I do enjoy conversions, but it's a steep learning curve to make them look nice, not just cool, so I started off with some simpler ideas Here is the scheme on a couple of sisters - they need a bit of polishing and basing, still. The base is chaos black spray, followed by a Leadbelcher for metals, and Khorne red for cloth. Then it's layers of thinned Ironbreaker and Stormhost silver, that I particluarly like, shades with Nuln oil and its Glossy variant, and Necron compound. Cloth is highlighted with ever more thinned Wazdakka red, and washes are made with Scarborough crimson. Finally, gold is a Bronze base followed by lighter Glenna's gold and Auric armor. I kept those paints unmixed because I don't have drip bottles at home and want to have consistency. And here is a seraphim in the making: I have also converted a Baal Predator to an immolator. I just put on Dreadnaught exhausts chopped in half around the main flamer nozzle, and used the Forgeworld sororitas rhino doors and front plate. I had a broken Celestine so she ended up adjusted to "man" the turret still needs work, these are the base layers to guide me in the process, but the Black main colour will stay, to pop out in the army of silverware : ) And finally for today, the venerable Knight in the making. He follows a similar colour code as the sisters, he'll be basically schemed with the same palette on these base coats. He just got a Leadbelcher base, copious amounts of Nuln oil everywhere (I should have used a shower ) and got cleared up with Leadbelcher and Bronze, as well as Khorne red, to guide me for the next phase. He's magnetized in the arms so all the weapons are adaptable from the Renegade box. He'll get nice Fleur de Lys decals when they arrive from fallout. He'll be based on a huge round 160mm citadel base with a dead Hive tyrant at his feet (have yet to decide how dead it will be ). Thanks for reading so far, hope to post updates soon! On a side note, is it OK by forum rules to post the Knight based with a huge xenos at his feet? The bug ill be dead and not a centerpiece, in that it is not an exhibition miniature, but one for the tabletop. Just want to be right on the regulations Cheers! Edited November 13, 2016 by Isolia helterskelter, Soric, Dosjetka and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 (edited) Off to a fantastic start! Seeing all of these sisters is making me want to start up some myself. I like the mix and match forces you will have with them too. With the new DW release I have been hankering for an inquisition force to work on (despite having so much on my plate already). Edited August 13, 2016 by hushrong Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted August 15, 2016 Author Share Posted August 15, 2016 (edited) Thanks, yeah I try to match the forces both for the models I like and what they can offer in game, and I thought that a knight with similar liveries shows how he has bound himself to the order by adopting their colors. The IG force I have is older or from the same period as my first sisters so they are very different, a mix of catachans with Sly Marbo and cadians with some special characters, all in desert camo. I tried to make something like Schaeffer's penal legion back then, shame they are not in the last codex, they were very fluffy :) But at least I can still have their background.matched with sisters , as a kind of repentance regiment. I'll make some pics when I have some time ! Edited August 15, 2016 by Isolia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted November 13, 2016 Author Share Posted November 13, 2016 (edited) Hey there, Long time no update, I've been busy moving, trying to not destroy my models in the process (success ! Not one casualty ! Well except for a few rolls of bubble wrap ;) ) and work has been very demanding. I hope this isn't necroposting yet since I have finally had time to move along the projects a bit :) So digging around for pictures for another thread on female models by gw (you can find it on the Sororitas subforum ) I found and made a few pics of the bigger guys of this project . Here is the knight almost finished, needs weathering . His arms are all done but this picture is to see what it would be with a second chainsword , you'll see why : The decals are bought online from Fallout hobbies and I had an old Witch Hunters decal sheet too. The shield was a tentative test with a vinyl stencil of a Fleur de Lys used as a mask for dry brushing , because I don't have an airbrush. Needs perfecting but not so bad . Full pics coming soon , need to get my camera back from work . The reason I was trying the dual chainsword is the following : ever since I saw a kind of crossover between a knight and a penitent engine it's been keeping me thinking that I really want something like that :) I'm thinking of this one that I saw via a Google search for sisters-allied knight colour schemes : But I wanted something different than just swapping the head with a penitent engine pilot, my idea was more a Penitent Knight ! Or, rather, a Knight Penitent,that sounds nobler ;) So I started planning a bit and quickly came to the following conclusions for the project to match my taste : - I want something recognizable , at least to the trained eye, as something close to a penitent engine, or at least reminding us of the Sororitas - that means a dual melee weapon wielding beast that has a dynamic pose -that also means a girl pilot to drive in the message of her affiliation with my Order , and because I'm partial to trying to build an all-female army - I also wanted it to be visually distinct from the classic knight , so less rounded , ornate shields and armor . The bare bones look of the penitent engine is more appealing for this project, raw, rough and rusty :) - I also needed a pilot that looks more like a badass girl who somehow ended up there (more on this later) and not so much a worn out, half dead prisoner . Partly because it's a unique machine and partly to fit my idea for her background . I also wanted to avoid just sticking an existing penitent pilot in lieu of a head. With that in mind I was initially going for a modified Knight Gallant , but I will see during the project if I make a Gallant loadout (chainsword & gauntlet) or a dual chainsword . I have a knights Renegade box to play around with and I'm happy to equip the next future knight with whatever is left from this project, worst case I'll make a Crusader :) So the idea was : -find a suitable female model for the pilot, that is easy to adapt because I am a beginner with greenstuff -repose the knight to be more dynamic AND to fit the pilot's pose, because I like the idea of her machine mimicking her actual movements, not just her thoughts -prepare a bare bones knight . But an easy repose, I've gotten a LOT of inspiration from the marvellous Queen Bee knight thread by Jeff Tibbetts here , especially for reposing, but I am not as meticulous so I went for an easy one ( ) - no armor for the moment, well see how it pans out - I'll try to build an engine and a lot of cables and pipes to fill the void under the "hood" or top armor of the knight , because ideally I want to avoid using that piece of armor, too. So after a lot of trials and looking around in gw models (I want my machine to be playable in official stores, even if as a modified gallant ) I opted for the dark eldar Succubus because she looks a lot like a badass girl who would fight solo , and the pose was to my liking . Here she is after some work and insertion in the knight head compartment : And here is the reposed legs pair , only the right leg has been cut at the knee joint to bend it back a bit, and the hip joints have been rounded inside to allow for a precise angle rather than the 60° of the hexagonal joints. Painted pair of normally assembled legs for comparison : A first try at the assembly with a bare cockpit (no top, front is dry fit ) just to see how it goes : Next was the cockpit/engine block , I assembled the bottom and sides and back normally but left the top and front open, the front being easier to paint separately with the pilot, and the top because I wanted to fill it . So I assembled the main block (firing mech) of the rapid fire battle cannon, and put it in so that the back points outward. Pieces of sprue were glued in as cross beams and two green stuff sausages as exhaust/intake conduits : Some more gear inside , cables, pipes to start making it look like the top of a regular penitent engine, and because its been around for a while: That's it for now, I'll be trying to keep this post more regularly up to date now that I have an ongoing project again :) Comments and advice are, as always, very welcome ! I'll try and perfect my phone picture skills while I can't have my camera ... Edited November 13, 2016 by Isolia Vairocanum, rossjk and Dosjetka 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Svartmetall Posted November 13, 2016 Share Posted November 13, 2016 Loving these - Sisters are just about the only Loyalist army I would ever consider doing, these look great so far. Liking the Immolator in particular :) Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted November 13, 2016 Author Share Posted November 13, 2016 Loving these - Sisters are just about the only Loyalist army I would ever consider doing, these look great so far. Liking the Immolator in particular Thanks, for the immolator I was stuck between a rock and a hard place because I didn't want to buy the expensive ones on eBay, and I wanted one , so I McGuyvered it out of a baal predator :) In the end I found some good immolators in a bundle deal with troops, suited me, but it makes it kind of special (and probably a fire magnet, I'll test it soon ^^) I tend to go for easy covnersions because I'm not very skilled yet, but the result is quite sistery :) I need to get stuff painted too but my light is really bad so I need to invest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted November 13, 2016 Share Posted November 13, 2016 Wow, great conversion idea, looking forward on seeing more of it! Sisters are always an interesting army to see. Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted November 13, 2016 Share Posted November 13, 2016 The knight pentient looks really interesting, looking forward to seeing what you do with it! Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted November 13, 2016 Author Share Posted November 13, 2016 Thanks ! I will try to make progress on a more regular basis , I'm also curious how it'll end up as ideas keep shifting in my mind ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted November 20, 2016 Author Share Posted November 20, 2016 Howdy, I managed to take some time and inished the main body engine , at least for the moment and for the inside mechanical bit. Decoration will come at a later point :) Now I'm testing different setups to add some chains , here are two, with a preference for the one that wraps around arms. I need to build a second chainsword arm instead of this borrowed one. I also started digging around for some zealous bits of relics to add some kitsch to the grimdark ;) It's starting to look like something :) Lemainus, Goreshed, Skorus and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skorus Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 wow! that knight conversion is a serious project...looking great so far. Lookin forward to watching this progress Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 What you've got so far is really cool, could I recommend torches and burning things for the upper part? I saw it in a tzeentch knight conversion, but I think it could fit this one quite well! Looking forward to seeing more. Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted November 20, 2016 Author Share Posted November 20, 2016 What you've got so far is really cool, could I recommend torches and burning things for the upper part? I saw it in a tzeentch knight conversion, but I think it could fit this one quite well! Looking forward to seeing more. I was having similar thoughts, working on it :) I've found one torch from a metal model, probably something from the Witch Hunters era , but I'll need to make one or two more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 I like the idea of a Penitent Engine based on an Imperial Knight chassis, and hope to see the completed model soon. As for the Immolator, is it armed with a twin-linked meltagun in addition to a Flamestorm cannon? As the Immolator also serves as a transport- a function I doubt your modified Baal Predator can serve, as the Flamestorm cannon's fuel tank will undoubtedly occupy the necessary space- it's best to claim this is a "recovered STC pattern for a flamethrower tank, providing heavy support for [your Adepta Sororitas Order Militant]." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted November 21, 2016 Author Share Posted November 21, 2016 (edited) I like the idea of a Penitent Engine based on an Imperial Knight chassis, and hope to see the completed model soon. As for the Immolator, is it armed with a twin-linked meltagun in addition to a Flamestorm cannon? As the Immolator also serves as a transport- a function I doubt your modified Baal Predator can serve, as the Flamestorm cannon's fuel tank will undoubtedly occupy the necessary space- it's best to claim this is a "recovered STC pattern for a flamethrower tank, providing heavy support for [your Adepta Sororitas Order Militant]." Well good point,never thought of it like that for the immolator. I merely consider it a twin linked heavy flamer , with a big nozzle as it is made from recovered pieces , but the chassis was kept for its relative good state. So in effect I consider it an immolator proxy, and I figured the only fuel the flamers get are from the turret mounted tanks . A bit risky, and it sure did blow up second turn last time I played :) Edited November 21, 2016 by Isolia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canadian_F_H Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 Like Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 I like the idea of a Penitent Engine based on an Imperial Knight chassis, and hope to see the completed model soon. As for the Immolator, is it armed with a twin-linked meltagun in addition to a Flamestorm cannon? As the Immolator also serves as a transport- a function I doubt your modified Baal Predator can serve, as the Flamestorm cannon's fuel tank will undoubtedly occupy the necessary space- it's best to claim this is a "recovered STC pattern for a flamethrower tank, providing heavy support for [your Adepta Sororitas Order Militant]." Well good point,never thought of it like that for the immolator. I merely consider it a twin linked heavy flamer , with a big nozzle as it is made from recovered pieces , but the chassis was kept for its relative good state. So in effect I consider it an immolator proxy, and I figured the only fuel the flamers get are from the turret mounted tanks . A bit risky, and it sure did blow up second turn last time I played I suggested making your modified Baal Predator a different vehicle, for two reasons: 1) It spares you outrage from "fluff Nazis" who'll otherwise complain, "That's not an Adepta Sororitas Immolator!" 2) It gives you freedom to give the tank heavier armor (a Baal Predator has front AV 13, instead of AV 11), more weapons (meltaguns are more useful against enemy tanks than flamers), and more powerful weapons (a Flamestorm cannon is S 6, AP 3, compared to a heavy flamer's S 5, AP 4). You just need an appropriate name. Maybe "Blessed Predator", after the Adeptus Mechanicus Magos who discovered the STC pattern? Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goreshed Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 I absolutely love that knight titan! The pentitent engine style is awesome! Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lemainus Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 That penitent engine conversion is metal as :cuss. I'm intrigued. Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted November 22, 2016 Author Share Posted November 22, 2016 (edited) Thanks :) Bjorn, Thanks for the input, I'll consider making homemade rules adapted from the Baal, and it's not a big stretch for fluff (as long as it burns heretics ... :) ).For the moment if I encounter a national-fluffcialist I have a spare immolator turret in my bag (but it's missing the windscreen thingy , since the exorcist comes with it but the transparent plastic is oop) Edited November 22, 2016 by Isolia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isolia Posted November 26, 2016 Author Share Posted November 26, 2016 (edited) Hey there , Saturday is usually good for progress, I made some more decorations on the main hull with adepta sororitas icons (saint pictures and the banner) from the exorcist kit, and the purity seals from the knight kit. The white brazier thing on the exhaust is from remold metal acolyte of Witch Hunters, just found the old codex :) The decorations will be easier to see once base colors are applied. And I tried my best at sculpting a fire onto a lamp looted from the sanctum imperialis kit in the renegade box . The result is in the picture below. The pieces standing out (braziers and banner, chains) are only dryfitted for test purposes . I also built the second Reaper chainsword and started basecoating , I used warplock bronze (2 thin coats to please Saint Duncan :) ) on a chaos black primer . I want it to have an ancient , venerable look, so I'm trying to start with a bronze base instead of iron. So here is a dryfit build to see where I am going: I hope I'll make some more progress tonight and tomorrow On a side note, I keep wondering why the knight, which is supposed to be nuclear-powered (according to the September white dwarf) , has two explosion-engine-type exhausts :) Edited November 26, 2016 by Isolia The Traitor, Mileposter, Race Bannon and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canadian_F_H Posted November 27, 2016 Share Posted November 27, 2016 Because grim dark.. and billowing soot is diesel punk... And nuclear reactors do vent a lot of heat... And same reason bolter caseless ammo is always drawn ejecting brass... according to gw "because it just looks so cool" Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jukkiz Posted November 27, 2016 Share Posted November 27, 2016 Because grim dark.. and billowing soot is diesel punk... And nuclear reactors do vent a lot of heat... And same reason bolter caseless ammo is always drawn ejecting brass... according to gw "because it just looks so cool" Wasn´t autoguns and such caseless ones? Yes we see cases all around Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted November 27, 2016 Share Posted November 27, 2016 (edited) Loving this! Great to see some sisters getting love and the knight is looking :cussing ace Edited November 27, 2016 by Kurama Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted November 27, 2016 Share Posted November 27, 2016 Very nice work on the knight, really imaginative use of the kit. :tu: Isolia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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