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Knight Penitent, Sororitas & Knights - Isolia's WIP


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Thanks all ! I got so far as priming the remaining parts save for the fire sculpt which is still curing.


Yeah, STC designs were quite steam-, diesel- AND kerosene-punk so it's not a shock , we'll say that there is a massive cooling system that runs on crude oil because the omnimessiah required Terraforming a bunch of planets during the Age of Technology ;)


Or just because the Munitorum got a deal on coal ;)

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Hey there ,


Saturday is usually good for progress, I made some more decorations on the main hull with adepta sororitas icons (saint pictures and the banner) from the exorcist kit, and the purity seals from the knight kit. The white brazier thing on the exhaust is from remold metal acolyte of Witch Hunters, just found the old codex :smile.: The decorations will be easier to see once base colors are applied.


And I tried my best at sculpting a fire onto a lamp looted from the sanctum imperialis kit in the renegade box . The result is in the picture below. The pieces standing out (braziers and banner, chains) are only dryfitted for test purposes .






I also built the second Reaper chainsword and started basecoating , I used warplock bronze (2 thin coats to please Saint Duncan :smile.: ) on a chaos black primer . I want it to have an ancient , venerable look, so I'm trying to start with a bronze base instead of iron.


So here is a dryfit build to see where I am going:




I hope I'll make some more progress tonight and tomorrow


On a side note, I keep wondering why the knight, which is supposed to be nuclear-powered (according to the September white dwarf) , has two explosion-engine-type exhausts :smile.:

Remembering photos of real-world nuclear power plants, and what Tom Clancy wrote of the "Typhoon class SSBN" (the Soviets referred to the class as "Akula", or Shark) in 'The Hunt for Red October', the exhausts are either part of a cooling tower (in which case, the exhausts expel steam instead of flames), or for an auxiliary diesel power plant (which the Typhoon doesn't actually have, but considering how unsafe Soviet nuclear power plants are, I wouldn't be surprised if the ship's captain actually thought, "This is a great idea!").

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Agreed but the exhausts design is more akin to an engine exhaust than a cooling system :)


If I'm not mistaken every nuclear powered submarine and surface ship has a diesel engine for emergency power supply , mostly to power the reactor cooling system and life support


Ah it's probably grand imperial style on the knights : we power the thing with the Atom but we need a classical engine to provide burst power to secondary systems such as pivoting, weapons, arms, ion shields, and maybe even movement :D


But the stereo runs on uranium !

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  • 8 months later...

I really like where this is going, in particular the fact that it really looks like an enlarged penitent engine and not just a knight with bits tacked on. Good job on the fire at the back, I find that adds to the image of a fanatic and religious zealot stomping around. And hey, maybe it is burning incense or something like that? 

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I really like where this is going, in particular the fact that it really looks like an enlarged penitent engine and not just a knight with bits tacked on. Good job on the fire at the back, I find that adds to the image of a fanatic and religious zealot stomping around. And hey, maybe it is burning incense or something like that?

Oh I like the incense approach, I'll try and see what I can do with a leftover plaguecaster smoke there !


Thanks for the comments, I'm very slowly advancing this project and I hope to post some update soon

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