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Forgeworld: "Skitarii reinforcements inbound"


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Something tells me the Peltasts will be nerfed when the they loose their experimental rules. happy.png

I have a strong feeling this will be the case, yes. If nothing else I could see them bumping up the cost another point or two.

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Does someone know (from experience) when they will lose that experimental rule status? It seems strange to me that we can already buy the product and play it but the rules are still "in beta". 

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Does someone know (from experience) when they will lose that experimental rule status? It seems strange to me that we can already buy the product and play it but the rules are still "in beta". 


I think it tends to just mean "Here's a PDF of the rules until we print them" rather than "Go beta test these for us". They just give it a cool stamp and phrasing.


Similar to how "All our models and rules are official for 40K but make sure your opponent is comfortable playing against them" was often mistaken for "You MUST get your opponent's explicit and specific permission for these TOTALLY UNOFFICIAL resin toys, you loser."



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Similar to how "All our models and rules are official for 40K but make sure your opponent is comfortable playing against them"


Does an official "rule" like that really exist? We often tell each other which army we'll be playing but I sure as hell won't ask my opponent "Hey, I want to play Ad Mech. Are you cool with me bringing Skitarii Peltasts?". I can officially use them in 40K. I don't need my opponents blessings to use them. >_<

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You need your opponents blessing to do anything.


Some day I'm going to write a term paper on social contract and find a way to link it back to wargaming.  I hope to get the words "boltgun" and "heresy" in there somewhere.

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You need your opponents blessing to do anything. 


Which I have the moment we agree to have a game. In my LGS we also tell each other which army we'll be playing beforehand. If I actually needed my opponent's allowance to take specific models, we would have to exchange lists before every game to make sure no one is bringing any nasty stuff. The social contract in this instance isn't both sides agreeing on each and every model. It is about both players agreeing to face a certain army, knowing that they may have to play against e.g. a Wraithknight (when facing Eldar) or a Wulfstar (when facing Space Wolves). But this in turn enables them to bring out their big guns. In our case for example Castelan Robots or the new Skitarii models. 




I hope to get the words "boltgun" and "heresy" in there somewhere.


Try to add "cheese" and "powercreep". ;)



On another note:


Has someone heard any rumours regarding the release of the upcoming Imperial Armour book? Or what about the rumours that Ad Mech (40K) gets a transport vehicle? Any news on that?

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You need your opponents blessing to do anything.

Which I have the moment we agree to have a game. In my LGS we also tell each other which army we'll be playing beforehand. If I actually needed my opponent's allowance to take specific models, we would have to exchange lists before every game to make sure no one is bringing any nasty stuff. The social contract in this instance isn't both sides agreeing on each and every model. It is about both players agreeing to face a certain army, knowing that they may have to play against e.g. a Wraithknight (when facing Eldar) or a Wulfstar (when facing Space Wolves). But this in turn enables them to bring out their big guns. In our case for example Castelan Robots or the new Skitarii models.

I hope to get the words "boltgun" and "heresy" in there somewhere.

Try to add "cheese" and "powercreep". msn-wink.gif

On another note:

Has someone heard any rumours regarding the release of the upcoming Imperial Armour book? Or what about the rumours that Ad Mech (40K) gets a transport vehicle? Any news on that?

Deus Mechanicus I hope there is one. I havn't heard anything myself, but I so hope the book brings 30k cybernetica and Ordo reductor to 40k, as I feel that really brings the full force of the admec to the world.

I'm just praying the skitarii gets at least a rhino or a taurox, and will be pretty estactic for a chimera... just something under 135 pts please

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The rumours regarding the transport came up at the beginning of this year: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2016/01/40k-rumors-ad-mech-2-0-releases.html

Yea, and mechandrites crossed for more robots too (Always need more bots!)


I just want something more, just a little bit more info or another update.

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I'll be honest I have a small (1500pts) of Skitarii and just by glancing at FW they convinced me to kick my Wolves project to the side for now to get these guys.  As far as Secutarii go and after a couple proxy games I simply cannot wait to get them on the table.


From the few games I've played Peltasts are amazing anti hoard and can actually do some damage to everything, gotta love the 30in rending shots.  Pretty much with the Peltasts unless I'm dealing with AV14 I can reliably glance it (Str 4 + 6 [rolled] + d3 [rending]).  Though I did it only to see if I could, definitely not gonna do that regularly.  The other shots are still pretty good on a full squad the Salvo round puts out 80 SHOTS from one unit.  I don't care if it's only str 3, with Shred you're gonna hurt something, will it wipe a full squad of marines?  No, but that's what the AP3 round is for, but will it make Hoard units cry?  Oh so very much.  The last round is probably my favorite.  18in range, 3in Blast, Ignores cover, and no LoS needed.  That's just cruel and pretty much wipes out any Ork or Nid infantry it lands on, again str 3 but even if the unit survives it's going to probably be blinded or running away.


Hoplites in my game haven't fared too well, mostly because the instant one guy saw what they did to anything with AV they instantly became target #1.  Should they survive the first round of shooting, well they pretty much gave the rest of my army free reign to go murder his.  As a bait/sacrifice unit they're amazing, murdering armor, well you're gonna be cover running and hoping your opponent doesn't just keep backing the tanks up.

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I get the impression with Hoplites that their utility will shine in lieu of vanguards and rangers, no in addition to.


I mean: it's their figurative purpose.


If you've got some knights or a small horde of Onagers stomping around neutroning anyone and everyone, you need something that augments them, and also prevents a compelling alternate target.


And I think that's Hoplites.


Most skitarii are almost under the radar in my experience, no one unit is target #1 by leaps and bounds (unless fighting 2+ armour with one squad of three calivers, I digress).


But a big chunk of two of Hoplites are something to worry about. But they work best if there's a *bigger* target. It gives the opponent a headache - deal with the worrying Hoplites that if left alone could be devastating, or the giant git that is already devastating.




If the Hoplites are the biggest target, then I think their utility is lost. Big chunks of Hoplites and Peltasts might balance against each other, though, as both are v serious troublemakers (as the experimental rules stand).




I rather like the idea of a big phalanx or two of Hoplites escorting some Cult Robots and Onagers though. A 2×5 Ranger duo to camp on objectives might help out too

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I get the impression with Hoplites that their utility will shine in lieu of vanguards and rangers, no in addition to.


I mean: it's their figurative purpose.


If you've got some knights or a small horde of Onagers stomping around neutroning anyone and everyone, you need something that augments them, and also prevents a compelling alternate target.


And I think that's Hoplites.


Most skitarii are almost under the radar in my experience, no one unit is target #1 by leaps and bounds (unless fighting 2+ armour with one squad of three calivers, I digress).


But a big chunk of two of Hoplites are something to worry about. But they work best if there's a *bigger* target. It gives the opponent a headache - deal with the worrying Hoplites that if left alone could be devastating, or the giant git that is already devastating.




If the Hoplites are the biggest target, then I think their utility is lost. Big chunks of Hoplites and Peltasts might balance against each other, though, as both are v serious troublemakers (as the experimental rules stand).




I rather like the idea of a big phalanx or two of Hoplites escorting some Cult Robots and Onagers though. A 2×5 Ranger duo to camp on objectives might help out too


Oh I fully agreee with units like Skitarri/Secutarii they're all varying forms of threats.  Nothing top tier, but honestly very little should be overlooked.  


Hoplites are fun, but if your opponent brings quite a few tanks/armor, well lets be honest if they know what they do they're getting shot off the map ASAP.  Which in all honesty is what happened to me, first game I used them in I fried a Knight and Vindicator squad in two turns.  After that my gaming group pretty much assigned them to be first blood even if they had to use their entire army to shoot them off the first turn, the only guy who doesn't is unsurprisingly the Tau player, he just uses MC/GMCS so no fear of haywire.  


Don't get me wrong the Hoplites are a decent unit, but being foot sloggers, cause no current transport options are available they're going to be one of the main targets for turn 1 shooting.  Especially since you're going to want to get them in close asap.


Overall they're good units, not the best, but they're good.  Thankfully not all Titans have immunity to Haywire so they'll be great in 30k, but in 40k's unbalanced shooting gallery they're just not what you need in this edition.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't get me wrong the Hoplites are a decent unit, but being foot sloggers, cause no current transport options are available they're going to be one of the main targets for turn 1 shooting.  Especially since you're going to want to get them in close asap.


We can work with that though.  If I understand this correctly, once a, opponent chooses to shoot at them their weapons get a -1 str. Since it happen when they shoot and not when they hit, the value of a void shield generator just went up even more. One thing I am looking to do is add ally in a librarian conclave. The Fulmination discipline is great for us and has two powers that can move the Hoplites up the field quickly. And the Fulmination and Technomancy disciplines fit well to an AdMech army.

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If I understand this correctly, once a, opponent chooses to shoot at them their weapons get a -1 str. Since it happen when they shoot and not when they hit, the value of a void shield generator just went up even more.


I'd feel like a jerk if I pulled that on someone in a game, even if it's RAW.

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If I understand this correctly, once a, opponent chooses to shoot at them their weapons get a -1 str. Since it happen when they shoot and not when they hit, the value of a void shield generator just went up even more.


I'd feel like a jerk if I pulled that on someone in a game, even if it's RAW.


I probably would too in a casual game but in a tournament nice guys finish last.

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You can't shoot at a unit when the voidshield generator is still up. You first have to target and destroy the voidshields before you can shoot at the guys inside. 

That's not how void shields work. RAW, you target a model within the shield. The void shield only comes into play after a model inside the shield has been hit. 

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