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  On 9/30/2016 at 5:18 AM, The Psycho said:

Just a quick note: The event proper will start at:

Midnight, Saturday 1 October Pacific Standard Time (UTC -7:00)

Man that sucks. That's like 5pm over here is Australia... Not that I mind, I don't finish work till 4:30 msn-wink.gif

With the exception of a couple of Vanguard vets 2 bikers and a hat. My list is built and ready to basecoat. The main issue with that is its the windy season here , so keeping an eye on the weather ready to jump outside and start spraying. Failing good weather i guess my first thing to paint would be a valkyrie since its already basecoated. Exciting tmes.

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!!!! it seems like only yesterday I was lamenting having to wait to get my paint on. And now that the time is finally upon us I'm nowhere near as prepped as I planned on being. This shouldn't be an issue though as I've already got at least enough ready to paint for the first two months so I'll be able to switch up day to day whether I feel like painting or cutting and gluing. As I mentioned I was thinking about starting with the two dreads I've been converting but they won't quite be ready and I'd rather not rush them plus I think I'd rather paint them at the same time as the contemptor I still need to acquire. So instead I think I'll start with a Leviathan and either a Cataphractii squad or a Seeker squad I can't decide yet I might just start on the Leviathan and see where I end up. As for modeling work I've still been working on the shield dreads.




20160929_234634.jpgfree upload pictures


The Former furioso and I had a little disagreement which ended in me tearing him in half and taking ye' old mulligan. Turns out he used to be a librarian errr... still is? Either way he has a new sarcophagus and face. I still need to build up the armour quite a bit as well but that shouldn't take long this weekend in between layers of paint. I also started working on making him some hands I used the power fist from the venerable dread as a size reference and made fingers out of tube that is connected with little tiny rod running through them. I tried to somewhat illustrate the steps with the three fists In the front of the second picture. The "prototype" on the far right was the first I built and wasn't happy with because of how thick I made the palm but I think the other two already look better anyways. I also built the lovely traitor smashing stick to the right of all three fists and I could really use some input I it. I think I'm definitely gonna shorten it up a bit but it feels like it's missing something else and I can't quite put my finger on it. Any Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I shall be making my declations of what I need to get done and the like on Monday the 3rd. I will be at a Event all weekend with my Chaos Marines, once I get home it will be all about this comp. 


(well appart from finishing my CoC vow)

Working on my list right now. I know what models I want to do, or at least some idea, but haven't worked out exactly how everything will fall into place, or points costs either.
It's looking something like:



Praetor - Cataphractii armor, chainfist or paragon blade, grenade harness, teleport transponder. Using the model I posted a couple days ago.

Chaplain -  Tartaros armor. Using the FW Praetor Tribune model.


10 Cataphractii Terminators -  Combi-meltas and flamers, chainfists, assault cannon, heavy flamer, teleport transponder. Built in the same style as my last 10 Cataphractii.

Contemptor Dreadnought - Chainfist, assault cannon(?) I've still got a few Calth dreads, might as well try to convert at least one more now.

(Tentative) 10 Tartaros Terminators - Unknown loadout. Using the models from next month's Prospero release.

(Tentative) Legion Veterans - I've been meaning to do a second squad of Vets for a while, now's as good a time as any.


2x 10-15 Tactical Marines - Pretty self-explanatory, kitbashed from the standard Tactical Squad, the plastic Mk IVs and the forthcoming Mk IIIs in Prospero plus random other Marine bits.

5 Recon Marines - Recon armor, mixed loadout. Kitbashed between regular SM scouts and Tempestus Scions.

(Tentative) Flamer Support Squad - Using the normal 40k flamers shortened. Again, these will be heavily kitbashed between whatever I have.

Fast Attack

10 Legion Seekers - Combi-plasmas. Kitbashed, all with running legs. I'm going with these the first month because I don't feel the need to include Mk III armor from the Prospero box with these.

Heavy Support

2-3 Vindicators


Have a feeling this list hovers right around 2500 points, give or take a couple hundred. Anyways, that's what I'm thinking at this point.


That maul looks good, Pyroclast. I'd suggest giving some extra detailing at the core of the head, but that's just me.


And regarding my choice of time: it's kind of arbitrary, but it's there, so...





Sooooo close...I can feel it upon the air :D Just building up a collection of fluff snippets to release alongside completed squads now...


Also starting to put together the last stages on any unbuilt models


This is going to be fun indeed :D

@ The Psycho thanks brother that's kinda what I was thinking unfortunately I didn't think of it until after I'd glued the main blades in place, perhaps I'll run electrodes up the handle to the head and connect them with power cables to the dread itself instead of a separate generator on the mace.

Had a mad assemblage spree last night of 4 dudes in 2 hours. I get stuck in converting space and have as I can't for the life of me make a regular tac squad with dudes just holding their guns.

Nope, each dude has all the kit he could need and his arms have to be turned this way and that way and I gotta troll through 3 separate boxes to find that 1 part that is gonna for juuuuussssst right (and then I drop him and have to rebuild).

Luckily most of my 1500 list is in vehicles and armor and my expansion includes a knight and a warhound:)- both of which came mostly assembled.:):):):)

The prelude is over. A mere prologue, to the many chapters to come.


Now begins our tale in earnest. Here is born the saga of the twenty, who came of their own volition to this hall.


Let the first Chapter begin.




The Tale of 20 Hobbyists

Month I: October



(Sorry for the wall of text, guys. Please read it if you can, though. It contains a lot of information, and most of it's important. If you run across any issues, please don't hesitate to PM me.)


Rules of the Tale: For the first month of the Tale, as with every subsequent month, participants will make a vow to what they paint within the course of that month, consisting of a number of whole units for their selected army (one exception will be made for the participant Rangaman, as he is doing a Knight army consisting of only 4 models.) The formats may vary, but they must convey three essential pieces of information: firstly, what unit(s) the participant in question are vowing, the points cost of these units, and the total points cost of all completed painted units in the army once these units are painted. Vowed models must be unpainted or in an early stage of painting (if you've painted test models already for your army, PM me and we can discuss it) and shown in a picture. For a vow to be considered complete, photographic evidence of finished painted models must be provided before the beginning of the next month at midnight, Tuesday 1 November 2016 PST (UTC-7:00). If you finish your vow before the end of the month, you may choose to make additional vow(s). This may be repeated ad infinitum.


Vows must be made every month by every participant, and participants will be expected (though not required) to provide regular updates on their progress throughout the month. Each participant has been allowed one bye for the course of the challenge, and if you have not made a vow for the month it will be considered that you have taken your bye. If you have already made a decision to make this your bye month, however, please let me know, either here or through a PM.


A note on incomplete vows: if you fail to complete a vow during the course of a month, you will have subsequent months to complete it and add it to your army total. However, it will not count as your vow for the month and you will be required to vow additional units to the challenge to make up for it. Don't let things stack up like this. It's not advisable.


For the first month, along with your vow, I ask that you attach your current army list for the project in that same post so that I have a better idea of what everyone's currently working towards. Thank you.



With that, I officially declare the first month to be OPEN.

I, the Psycho, swear to finish and paint one 10-man squad of Legion Seekers for 375 points, in the name of the Imperial Fists 284th Storm Battalion and the Tale of 20 Hobbyists before the end of October 2016. Completion of this task will bring me to an complete army total of 375/2992 points.


[picture to come]





First Lieutenant Rael Donovan, the Wallbreaker: 175 points

Legion Praetor with Cataphractii Terminator armor, paragon blade, teleportation transponder.

Judiciary Xayle: 120 points

Legion Chaplain with Tartaros Terminator armor.


I Wallbreaker: 521 points

Cataphractii Terminator armor, teleportation transponder. 7 Legion Terminators with combi-weapons, chainfists. Legion Terminator with Iliastus-pattern assault cannon, chainfist. Legion Terminator with heavy flamer, chainfist. Legion Terminator Sergeant with combi-melta, chainfist.

IV Wallbreaker: 516 points

Tartaros Terminator armor. 7 Legion Terminators with combi-weapons, chainfists. Legion Terminator with Iliastus-pattern assault cannon, chainfist. Legion Terminator with heavy flamer, chainfist. Legion Terminator Sergeant with combi-melta, chainfist.

Justici Zahn: 210 points

Contemptor Dreadnought with Kheres-pattern assault cannon, chainfist with melta gun.


I Tactical: 225 points         

19 Legion Tactical Marines with boltguns, close combat weapons. Legion Tactical Sergeant with artificer armor, power maul.

II Tactical: 225 points

19 Legion Tactical Marines with boltguns, close combat weapons. Legion Tactical Sergeant with artificer armor, power sword.

I Reconnaissance: 135 points

Recon armor. 2 Legion Space Marines with shotguns. Legion Space Marine with sniper rifle. Legion Space Marine with nuncio-vox. Legion Sergeant with artificer armor, power maul.

Fast Attack

Legion Seeker Squad: 375 points

8 Legion Seekers with combi-plasmas. Legion Seeker with combi-plasma, nuncio-vox. Legion Strike Leader with artificer armor, plasma pistol.

Heavy Support

Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron: 360 points

3 Legion Vindicator Tanks.


Total: 2987 points

"Ascarron... I still remember when we first arrived at that forsaken spit of a world in the back waters of the Imperium. Little more then a long forgotten speck on most Imperial maps the world had long since fallen from relevance to the Imperium as a whole it hung like a festering blister on the serene backdrop of the infinite void. I remembered thinking how the worlds toppled hive cities that had long ago succumb to the native flora so closely resembled those of far off Megara, our homeworld. That opinion lasted about five minutes after landing, when we first had contact with the Traitor filth that had come to infest the place. We should have burned that sickening rock from space. Left little more then ash and dust to remind those forsaken souls of their sins. But no. Redemption had to be earned, as it always must. Through iron... and blood." - Epistolary Lucio Pallas of the Iron Heralds Adeptus Astartes Chapter.
Following is an account of the Iron Heralds forces recorded as being involved in the Siege of Hive Tertius, Ascarron M.41
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Brother SP's October Vow


So welcome to what is going to be my next attempt to get a fully painted and ready army on the table top. I will be painting my DIY Chapter, the Iron Heralds. So for the first month I shall be attempting to complete Tactical Squad Xeron, minus their Rhino, and Revered Ancient Cirion.

So thats a Tactical with Heavy Bolter and Grav (180 points) and Revered Dreadnought with Lascannon (150 points).

My really rough blu tacked together guys (and yeah I have cleared the 2/3rds done guy with Psycho) :



That will mean upon completion I will have 330/1850 Points completed. And so it begins...

The game is afoot! My army list, gents.


+++ Tale of legions (1506pts) +++


++ Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1506pts) ++


+ No Force Org Slot (71pts) +


Lone Wolf (no force org) (71pts) [2x Fenrisian Wolf]

··Terminator Armour [Frost Axe, Storm Bolter]


+ HQ (210pts) +


Bran Redmaw, Curs'd Lord (FW) (210pts)


+ Elites (233pts) +


Wolf Guard (233pts)

··Drop Pod [Deathwind Missile Launcher]

··5x Wolf Guard [5x Bolt Pistol, Combi Flamer, 2x Combi Melta, 2x Combi Plasma]

··Wolf Guard Pack Leader [Combi Plasma, Power Sword]


+ Troops (342pts) +


Grey Hunters (171pts) [3x Close Combat Weapon]

··Drop Pod [Deathwind Missile Launcher]

··5x Grey Hunter [5x Bolt Pistol, 2x Bolter, Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Axe]


Grey Hunters (171pts) [3x Close Combat Weapon]

··Drop Pod [Deathwind Missile Launcher]

··5x Grey Hunter [5x Bolt Pistol, 2x Bolter, Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Axe]


+ Fast Attack (505pts) +


Skyclaws (200pts)

··9x Skyclaw [7x Bolt Pistol, 8x Chainsword, 2x Flamer, Power Maul]

··Wolf Guard Sky Leader [bolt Pistol, Power Sword]


Skyclaws (185pts)

··8x Skyclaw [6x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword, 2x Flamer, Power Maul]

··Wolf Guard Sky Leader [bolt Pistol, Power Sword]


Swiftclaws (120pts)

··3x Swiftclaw Biker [2x Bolt Pistol, Power Lance]

··Wolf Guard Bike Leader [Power Sword]


+ Heavy Support (145pts) +


Long Fangs (145pts) [2x Long Fang w/ Lascannon, 2x Long Fang w/ Missile Launcher]

··Long Fang Ancient [bolt Pistol, Chainsword]


And for my first month's vow, I pledge to complete Bran Redmaw, one drop pod with Deathwind missile launcher, and 6 Wolf Guard with five combi/pistol combos and one combi/powersword combo worth 443/1506 points by October 31.








And for Bran, I accidentally saved over the original primed pic with the filtered one I posted yesterday. Since I am on the road and cant get another one, here is an earlier one sans primer.



Brother SP: Looking good, mate. Good mix of different bits on the Tactical Squad.


codyrstuart: Nice work on Redmaw! (though I do consider it a little bit of sacrilege that you've turned Khârn into a member of the Vlka... :P) Looking forward to seeing him painted up.



I went through all of my Warhammer stuff today to see what I have. I'm currently putting my list together which I will post with a bit of army fluff later on tonight.

One thing that I realised is that I really have tons of infantry but little else. Hopefully I'll have enough disposable income in the near future to invest into some Predators, Land Speeders, Rhinos/Razorbacks, Vindicators, and a Land Raider or two. ;)

  On 10/1/2016 at 6:26 PM, The Psycho said:


codyrstuart: Nice work on Redmaw! (though I do consider it a little bit of sacrilege that you've turned Khârn into a member of the Vlka... :P) Looking forward to seeing him painted up.

Haha I actually borrowed the idea from our good brother Kurama. I feel that it provides the right amount of ferocity and violence before the Wulfen takes over (which I have arms and head magnetized to show that as well).


And so the Legion marches once more to war and the death of civilisations...


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For this first month's vow I pledge one Night raptor squad all armed with dual lightning claws, including a Huntsmaster with artificer armour and trophies of judgement - worth a total of 285/2482 points.




The path of glory was never ours to tread, no.

 Our gilded brothers in purple and red spread out, proclaiming their perfection and the righteousness of their cause.

We always struck a dark reflection.


- Attributed to Night Raptor Icathron, 1st talon, 7th claw, 101st company



Had a bit of a shopping spree to increase the firepower of my inquisition.


Got the bikes and vanguard vet models i needed to finish the current list and added a Knight...... cos... well its just cool.


The way this army work is fairly sensible too.


Initially the inquisitor and his warband go in....... Kill team size

They need a little muscle so they call in the Deathwatch .... 1500 - 2000 point fights

The inqisitors weaponsmith calls in his Skitarii buddies for 2000 - 3000 point fights

Then the big dogs (2 knights) come in for anything bigger.



So yeah thats how i justify spending close to £100 on plastic.


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