Soldier of Dorn Posted December 2, 2016 Author Share Posted December 2, 2016 Right! Been slacking (well, not slacking exactly, but quite preoccupied with life-ing and haven't been able to give this event the time it requires) so will be certain to get everything spick and span within the next couple days. As Brother SP says, it is now December, and so make your vows to reflect as such. When I have the time over the weekend I'll make a post regarding last month's results, and the consequences thereof... If you have a question of pressing importance, please PM me. I'll endeavor to prioritize those over other hobby-related activities. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 Well, Psycho, seeing as you haven't made a final November report yet, I'm sneaking in a late completion of my second November vow :D ;) The Librarian on Bike. More pictures, of all angles, here in my WIP log. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rangaman Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 I have been a tiny bit aloof this past week, and technically I failed my vow to finish the Lancer...however I did assemble two other Cerastii this month before being sidetracked by my new behemoth! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aeternus Posted December 2, 2016 Share Posted December 2, 2016 I'll forgo the excuses, and simply say I failed November. I'll use that as my bye month, and revow for december. I vow to finish November's vow (Typhon), in addition, I vow the following - Consul (Librarian, ML2, Cataphractii plate) - 150 points Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted December 3, 2016 Share Posted December 3, 2016 Since I am spending the next 11 days on the road, it looks like my next vow will be another small one. For December, I vow 3 Swiftclaws (1x Power Lance) and a Pack Leader with Power Sword totalling 120 pts. I'll be taking these guys on the road with me, along with the remaining wolf guard from October. My plan is to have these done before Christmas, and be able to complete another small vow before the end of the month. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted December 3, 2016 Share Posted December 3, 2016 Well Decembers Hit and I want to make a quick update.. Yes I failed my second vow of November Vow of the Month I, Uveron Once again vow on the honor of The Emperors Harbingers and all of the Sons of Sanguinius, to paint a Unit 1 Blood Angles Captain, With Artificer Armor, Digital Weapons, Power Fist and Storm Bolter , I addition I also Vow to paint 1 Blood Angles Terminator Captain, with the Fury of Baal, Stormbolter and Digital Weapons. And One Terminator Assault Squad, with Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields for a total point cost of 545. Before Pictures Hidden Content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted December 3, 2016 Share Posted December 3, 2016 Big thanks to pyroclast just got my bag of goodies! I'll be building a squad sgt after you mate your a legend. One more day and I'll be moved fully and can start my vow and post some gifts, so over this relocation crap Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted December 3, 2016 Share Posted December 3, 2016 YAY !!! was starting to have doubts in both our countries postal services ;) I'm glad they're finally there tho brother good luck with the moving isn't it always just the best ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted December 4, 2016 Share Posted December 4, 2016 So as they say better late than never rite? just noticed in the picture I forgot to black out the rims of my bases :( that's my I'll deal with it later face so with all that fun out of the way :D time to figure out what to do this month? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted December 4, 2016 Author Share Posted December 4, 2016 I did finish a good chunk of my vow for October last night. It's late, but it's finished. I know I said I'd do an official end of October/beginning of November thing today, but it's late, and I didn't sleep last night... probably will be up on Monday morning, as I am not busy then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Commander Eidolon Posted December 4, 2016 Share Posted December 4, 2016 Got myself a light box, and it seems to have done the trick, Here's a very quick test using my Tactical Squad, shall have a play around and take better pics soon, but I'm shattered and will update my progress later!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted December 4, 2016 Share Posted December 4, 2016 Psycho, thsoe Imperial Fists look really good, man. I love the red spot colour - makes me almost regret having chosen 5th company colours!Eidolon: That purple remains awesome. Great looking pics: if you wish to fine-tune it, I suggest a white cloth behind which to place your lamps, so as to disperse the light a little and avoid hard shadows. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kobrakei Posted December 4, 2016 Share Posted December 4, 2016 Time for another vow! With it being Xmas at the end of the month and having a few busy weekends in-between, I wanted a simple thing to paint that wouldn;t push me to the wire. So, with that in mind, my vow for December is for an Interrogator-Chaplain with jump pack and power fist for a total of 150pts. He is partially painted from before the challenge, but not to a state where I'd consider him almost ready. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted December 5, 2016 Share Posted December 5, 2016 So ignore the Blu Tac but here is the before of the devestator squad. Not happy how the firing missile launcher seems to be targetting a bird but such is the cost of not sub assembling properly... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Studio Silvernale Posted December 5, 2016 Share Posted December 5, 2016 I wish I could have gotten in on this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted December 5, 2016 Share Posted December 5, 2016 I, Augustus b'Raass, vow on the honour of the Emperor, Dorn and my humble self to paint at least a five-man assault squad with Eviscerator and Flamer (100) , and a Leviathan Siege Dreadnought with Cyclonic Melta Lance, Siege Drill and three Hunter Killer Missiles (325) for a total of 425 points out of 2130 points before the end of this month. Failure will damn me to paint these units at a later date. Here's a WIP picture of the Leviathan (with a Leviathan Storm Cannon - but I'm magnetizing the shooting weapons so as to make it possible to swap them around) Edit: WiP pictures of the Assault Marines Vexillarius - Aldrik Zol'tara - Trysanna (with fluff) This is quite an involved kitbash. It has a black templar torso, a templar brethren head, the vexilla from the recent limited edition ultramarine store vexillarius, and MkIII legs from the BoP box. Weapon Specialist (Flamer) - Garic Westrat - Biohazard Weapon Specialist (Eviscarator) - Hannes Kirchberg - Lord Thorn Brother - Rainad Folker - kizzdougs Battle Brother - NEEDS A NAME Incidentally, there´s two more battle brothers in the other five man assault squad that need names. So if any of you have suggestions, I´m open to them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted December 5, 2016 Share Posted December 5, 2016 I really can't explain how much I love the Leviathan model they go together wonderfully with a fantastic range of motion for getting the pose just rite and they're a joy to paint I can't wait to see yours painted brother Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted December 5, 2016 Share Posted December 5, 2016 I put brush to dudes last night once again- pics to follow and have a 10 man vet squad armed with 2 plasma guns and 3 combiplas ready to bring the pain. Also have a few assorted tacticals and assault dudes Im working on. Ill gather points asap and post with the pic. Im enjoying seeing what solid work y'all are able to knock out and Augy im seriously looking forward to your Levi!! I received my HH3 book the other day and have yet to delve deep into the paper of it...very excited though:) I'm suffering from painter add once again as I am about to switch gears and build a airbrush booth and fumetrap so I can bring the speed and smoothness inside....also means Ill be investing in another airbrush compressor as somehow the idea of my 5 gal pancake compressor cycling in the house at 1am might bring death from my queen;) Found plans for super cheap DIY booth and trap ( so that will balance the cost of a AB compressor. Have a few HQ dudes, a 10 man mkiii squad, 6 jetbikes, spartan, 3 rhinos, dakka baneblade and fire raptor awaiting the airbrush booth so will try and have that assembled by the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostMalone Posted December 5, 2016 Share Posted December 5, 2016 I'll just leave this here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted December 5, 2016 Share Posted December 5, 2016 @Psycho: we're almost 20% of the way into the month - most of us have posted completions and have revowed - you should really update the first and second posts. The event hasn't had an update since at least November 19, as that's the date I posted my first November completion and that hasn't been recorded. I've made and even completed a second vow since then. Perhaps a weekly update on a fixed day of the week of your choosing would be a solution? I also edited my original vow 'slightly'. As it turns out, Epistolaries are apparently no longer a thing, and so Space Marine Librarians are now limited to level 2, the panzies. I also put some of the libbies on bikes, and gave my biker command unit two extra storm shields, added 5 marines and 2 grav cannons to each devastator unit, changed both assault squads to ten men squads with two special weapons, an eviscarator and melta bombs, and lastly I changed the Venerable Dreadnought with twin-las into a MkV mortis dread with double twin-las. The total of the army is now 2630. Also! My original fist September vow had three bikers, but I ended up finishing five... which means technically my completed points in the first post and in my first September vow should be increased by 42 points. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted December 5, 2016 Author Share Posted December 5, 2016 Indeed, I've done my best to update everything. I think I've got most of everything, but I'm pretty sure I missed a few things (I will go back and fix it, though. Don't you worry. Just don't have the time right this moment.) Hence, I've changed the tracking system slightly. Completions are now recorded on a unit-to-unit basis rather than on a vow-to-vow basis, which makes it much easier to track completions on my part and make discrete edits. In any event, consider this to be the official beginning of Month III: December Completions from the past several days will still be accepted as part of November's challenge: the late start is purely my fault, and no other's (as is the absolute mess that is the tracking for November. That will be corrected, soon. I've done the best I can at the moment though.) Note that Dosjetka's name has been struck out on the first post ledger due to his retirement from the challenge, as has Player 404's due to his absence from the forum. I am going to be on vacation for the next week or so starting Wednseday, and the state of my Internet access during that time will be something of an unknown, but after I get back I will do my best to update as frequently as I can (probably every 1 or 2 days.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted December 6, 2016 Share Posted December 6, 2016 Uverons Weekly Update 9th Weekly update. Review of Last Week. Last week was a fun week. Looks like I am about to get a new job which is great for my wallet, but may have an unknown impact on my ability to get stuff painted! As far as my progress, well as discussed a few posts ago but for clarity I failed my second November vow. But I stepped up and made a second vow… == I, Uveron Once again vow on the honor of The Emperors Harbingers and all of the Sons of Sanguinius, to paint a Unit 1 Blood Angles Captain, With Artificer Armor, Digital Weapons, Power Fist and Storm Bolter , I addition I also Vow to paint 1 Blood Angles Terminator Captain, with the Fury of Baal, Stormbolter and Digital Weapons. And One Terminator Assault Squad, with Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields for a total point cost of 545. == Over the weekend I was able to make a bit of progress. First up I painted the bases for the Terminators and Captain. As I typed this I realized I missed a base for one of the Terminators! Anyway I was able to get these finished, they looked ok but after a bit of thinking I decided to add some static grass tufts (I used a mix of GW Middenland Tufts, and Army Painter: Highland Tuft). I thought they looked quite cool. I took a break from painting my vow and added the Tufts to the bases of the models I have already finished. (see this bad photo below the cut). Hidden Content Following this I started to production line the rest of the vow, working on one color across all the models. Though this I made some great progress, though it will probably take me next week to get this all wrapped up. Plans for this week. Well I want to try and get the vow finished before the end of the week with the new job on the horizon I want to get out in frount of it all. But that being said, I have changed my plan for my BA army, I had planned a small ish 2500pt list. But since the relies of Angles Blade I have been pondering about how I want to build my army. And I think the plan is to try making sure I can plan most of the formations from the supplement. So this will be my planned collection at this time… Hidden Content Leaders of the Anglelic Host x2 · Formation 1: 1 Terminator Captain. · Formation 2: 1 Captain + Command Squad Chapter Ancients · 3 Librarian Dreadnoughts Battle Demi-Company · 1 Chaplain · Tactical Squads o 10man squad in drop pod o 5 man squad in razorback o 5 man squad in razorback · Assault Squad- 5 man with Jumppacks · 1 Dreadnought · 1 Furioso Dreadnought · 1 Devastator Squad- 5 man not sure on weapons Archangles Orbital Intervention Force · Terminator Squad (5 man) · Terminator Assault Squad (5 man) · Terminator Assault Squad (5 man) 10th Company Ambush Force · 10 man scout squad (Pistols and Combat Knifes) · 6 Man Sniper Scout Squad · Scout Bike Squad Lucifer Armored Task Force. · Land Raider Crusader · 3 Baal Predators · 1 Techmarine Stormraven Squadron · 2 Stormravens Rapid Assult Force · Land Speeders Squadron (3 speeders) Other: · 15 Death Company. · 1 Fire Raptor Gunship (or Storm Eagle) · 1 Damocles command Vehicle This leaves me with the following shopping list. This is quite a list, and doesn’t include any inquisitors or imperial agents! Hidden Content · Comand Squad · 3 Libarian Dreadnoughts (or Chapter Ancients box set) · 1 Chaplain · Tactical Squad · Assault Squad · 1 Dreadnought · 1 Furioso Dreadnought · 1 Devastator Squad- 5 man not sure on weapons · Teminator Squad (5 man) · Terminator Assault Squad (5 man) · Scout Bike Squad · Land Raider Crusader · 2 Baal Predators · 1 Techmarine · 2 Stormravens · 3 Land Speeders · 15 Death Company. · 1 Fire Raptor Gunship (or Storm Eagle) · 1 Damocles command Vehicle · 5 drop pods · 2 razor backs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Commander Eidolon Posted December 6, 2016 Share Posted December 6, 2016 Eidolon’s Weekly Update (Week 10)Folks,Well another late update, thanks in part to the sneaking up of December!! Review of Last Week. I had a bit of a rush getting things at least semi respectable for the month end and vow completions. Please check out my WIP thread, as I’ve posted a few more pics of the tac squad thanks to my new lightbox. I need to find by flyer base bits of the speeder before I photograph it, but otherwise it is done – until I can figure a way out of making the flamer a grav gun…. The rest of the time has seen some progress on the pesky Praetor – here is his current state of play…. I’ve also been doing some stuff on my Thousand Sons – I really think I need to incorporate an allied detachment…. To help the Psycho tidy things up, thus far he can tick off1 x Legion Apothecary - 70pts,1 x Legion Land Speeder - 65pts1 x 10 Man Tactical Squad – 195pts Plans for this Week.I will have a bit of a hobby tidy up and sort some stuff out, things have got very messy which has led to be flit around projects. I shall sort out the Speeder base and add chips and battle damage, otherwise it’ll get lost on my to do list… I’ll continue to work on the Praetor, he will be good practice for my eventual Eidolon model…. I am wanting to push the blends and highlighting with glazes some more, so he might be finished, he might not…. I need to consider my vow – I am pondering either an Assault Squad or Veteran Squads, just need to see if I have all the necessary bits on hand. I will have a look at my Army List and shall likely revise it somewhat!! Future Prep. I will have to start mocking up the proposed Assault Squad, so standby for updates on that front; my issue is the jump packs, as all will become clear…. I am still soaking the lovely drop pod in dettol, so hopefully that ebay fail can be revitalized!! Not that it is an original vow, the damn thing just kept annoying me… It needed breaking and dipping….. Got some fun Thousand Sons stuff to show off too – but need to rededicate myself to the Third!! I have however managed to acquire some Stormbird ‘parts’ so I shall also finally finish the model’s hangar bays when that arrives…. Then the real fun begins…. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Obscura Posted December 6, 2016 Share Posted December 6, 2016 Hey folks, First off, got my vow from last month finished ( camera decided to commit suicide, working on getting a new one situated ), I'll post it up soon. Started to kinda work on this months vow and then things went to :cuss . Thirty six ( so far are accounted for in the debris ) people died at one of the venues ( Ghost Ship in Oakland, CA ) I worked at, so been consolidating work at various venues/wake schedules and filling in since a significant amount of people who work are out due to grieving since a lot of the key members/support staff are injured/dead or lost someone they were incredibly close too. I just wanted to keep you folks in the fold since I said I'd do this and do this I shall, yo. Updates won't be as regular, but let's be honest. I was just :cuss talking and making fun of Kurama. For who knows, perhaps things will calm down for me soon. . . and I'll be back to regularly posting "Guess whose got two thumbs and doing his vow at the last possible minute." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted December 6, 2016 Share Posted December 6, 2016 On 12/6/2016 at 1:05 PM, Obscura said: Thirty six ( so far are accounted for in the debris ) people died at one of the venues ( Ghost Ship in Oakland, CA ) I worked at, so been consolidating work at various venues/wake schedules and filling in since a significant amount of people who work are out due to grieving since a lot of the key members/support staff are injured/dead or lost someone they were incredibly close too. I want to give my Condolences. I would try and say something positive and supportive, but words can be quite hollow on the anonymity of a forum like this. But I will say this, my Facebook feed has been filled with tributes to the wonderful creative people who were taken from us by this tragedy. Because of this I know that the thoughts and sympathy of many are with the people left to try and move forward with their lives, and i know that the many will be there if you need us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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