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Soldier of Dorn

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made some progress on the dreads tonight but I feel like I've hit a wall with my shield dreads. The armour paneling just seems too plain too me and though I plan to use a lot of that space for some freehanding it just strikes me as missing something. I could really use some input I this area.




Current Status of Dreadnoughts in progress^^^^


while scratching my head trying to figure out my armour dilemma I finally broke out the GS which for some reason I've been avoiding and started making lenses , drake hides, and one of the shields drake emblems. Then I did another test fit on the contemptor as I'll be painting him and Iram this weekend. Speaking of the contemptor I've still yet to figure out a name? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. while test fitting said contemptor I realized something that's crossed my mind several times before.... I really don't like the conversion beamer :( so it's either gonna get chopped and converted or I'll try to find someone who wants a beamer and has... Pretty much any other contemptor arm ;) So ideas for what I could convert that ugly pile of tv antenna into would be awesome. I hope you are all having a productive week... well besides you Kurama you're already too productive ;)

Well, I've been plugging along with this guy, in between some Thousand Sons!! Not boding well with these distractions..... Still, it looks like we are having a major pink fest here!!


This is inspired by Obscura's use of Kakophoni, my take on 'Otiartes' Von Kalda from the Path of Heaven; he hasn't quite gone bad yet, but you can see the rot has started....








Still a little more work, I mean a base would help... 

Pic of my allied BA praetor... Should I biggerize the bottom of jump pack- could attach fans to polux's backpack



Also, what else should he be armed with- thinking AA, paragon blade, MB, iron halo, digilazers and??? Maybe an archeotech or serpenta??

Seem to have got into the painting groove and knocked out the termie in record time. Really need to source some black undercoat spray and blast a load of models. Longest part of the paint job is waiting for 2 nuln oil washes to dry.


I've got just a single model sprayed black (Librarian) so I think that will get tackled next. Though that'll be more blue than black? Or I might just do the chest blue? Or all blue with a sliver arm?

Kurama, I hate you.


Paint my guys next.


As for my progress, it's been rather minimalistic lately since everyone in my city seems to be losing their :cuss over the current elections. There are two Helos circling about half a mile west of my current position, neighbors nearby are yelling and gathering in protest.


I at least got more shading done on my Primus and Contemptor?

I just don't like painting these days, I'd rather build/convert. After painting 40k worth of Orks ( when Apocalypse was incredibly active where I lived ) I kind of got burnt out on painting.


Though I will say this event is helping me get on track again.


I'll hopefully be able to post up a little more progress sometime tonight.


If you ever come to the US and decide to muck about in CA, you can crash at my place, you just have to paint an army :P

Hmmm ... I've been taking a blade and clippers to Ahriman from the Prospero box. He's now rocking a DW pad and there's a lot less t'sons bling on him. Need to trim a bit more before the gs gets cracked out and the fun begins. Not sure which chapter he's goin to be rocking from?

Update on my painted stuff-10 man tac squad with rhino, 7 man flamer support squad, Sigismund, 3 bodyguards


Next round to paint-5 man assault squad, 10 man recons(will be 5 vets and 5 seekers), rest of dudes will be tacticals


Another shot


Brother SP's Update - 2.2

This Week:

Okay so progress has been remarkably slow. Enthusiasm has been hard to come by as I enjoy the roller coaster of being put on meds by the doc. The first four days of the Month gave me nothing, thus no first weekly update. The following week has resulted in this:


Regardless as of this moment I should be finishing the third guy of the squad but as it stands he is only undercoated. Still, progress is progress.

Next Week:

So I hope for a blitz of enthusiasm and energy this week (miracles have been known to happen) and complete hopefully the last three guys of the assault squad. I also hope to actually keep up to date with monthly updates this time around. And at some stage finish my Chaplain conversion. Turns out the sternguard backpack topper bit I intended to use for his crozius I have already used... oh well, I guess I can find something else.

Why do you only spot bits you've missed when you post pics ...




The black had more definition just the lighting messing up the pic. Can't believe I missed finishing the paper on the purity seal. :(

The conversion work is getting a bit more fun ...



What chapter should he become and what should top his staff?

Good to see everyone is churning out the work, and a battle of the pink marines seems to be ongoing! I have just finished priming my Lancers armour after doing some light converting, tournament is tomorrow so after that I will be fully dedicated to my Knights...



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