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Obscura, I had no knowledge of what happened and just read all about it. I'm so sorry, man. My condolences to you and yours. What a terrible tragedy. Words fall short. I wish there was something I could do - if anything, let me know. I wish you strength and patience. 

On a lighter note? Just hoping for some feedback on the blending concept, utilising 40k sonic weapons with kakophoni attempting to get a blend of predecessor and future evolution of the noise marine.



Im sort of back in the loop, woefully behind and not sure how to catch up.


So i have yet to finish anything so this months vow will be a doozy.


Death watch Captain

Deathwatch Librarian

Deathwatch Dreadnought


and for this Month, hell make it a Valkyrie too .



What have i done....

I finally decided what to do for the month of December Im building and painting a 10 man vet tac squad which I changed up from my original list slightly mainly because I don't have the originally planned volkite chargers. Also I decided a missile launcher worth flak and a heavy bolter would give me a little more flexibility with all the upgrades the vets sit at 300 pts even and if I get them done they might just get an 85 pt rhino but that's to be seen.







oooh ya I'm also slowly starting to clean and prep this fella for his turn under the brush I was tempted to change the model but the only thing I can think of changing would be to have him actually holding his pistol but I think the best way to do that would be cut the pistol off just in front of the cylinder and build a new barrel. Since most of his pistol is holster on the model. But then how best to put it in his hand? Heat it and re shape it? I'm not sure I'm up to fully sculpting a decent looking hand any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.


So I am a little curious if people (mostly you oh overlord Psycho) would mind if I changed this months vow.  Things have got difficult and at this stage I am unsure how long till I can get the paints I need and so am unsure if I can get the Librarians done until after this month.  I will know closer to the end of the month but if it comes down to it could I possibly swap?  Just don't wan't to fail a second month over the same thing...

Brother SP: Sure, why not? Just let me know what it is you're swapping it with.


Pyro:Huh, it's possible that you'll be able to reshape the flamer hand, but honestly, I wouldn't, as having two weapons on one arm always tends to look a bit odd. 'Course, that's just my opinion, so if you don't have any issues in that regard,go for it. :)


Kurama, those are some sexy Kakophoni man. Keep it up!


And Obscura, mate... I don't quite know what to say. My condolences for your loss. Certainly, if you need to take some time off from the Tale, go ahead and do so. It won't be the end of the world, and the B&C will still be here when you come back. :)


Anyways, right now I'm on the way to the airport to get on a plane and leave this city before it's too damn late. ;) Nah, but I will be gone a week to visit family down in Arizona with somwwhat sporadic Internet access, so while I will attempt to update as frequently as possible, I cannot guarantee it.


Take care everyone!

Ahhh... got in 120 minutes of blissful brushwork by tidying up the blacks on the vet squads capes and trim, painting their pouches brown and then hitting the whole squad with reikland flesh... it's amazing what that can do for the soul.

Everyone's progress is inspiring and I hope to add to it with bloody pics soon


Lil taste of what's to come underneath them:)


Obscura- my condolences bro!! Read about the fire online and saddened by so many bright lights being turned out.

Big love from your brothers and sisters

@ Psycho: I saw on post two that there was no link to the WIP of my Librarian in the November vow. For your perusal, it's here :) :tu: 

I built my first ever Assault Marines today. Without running legs. I have regrets. Pictures tomorrow. I hope you guys can give me some pointers. :/

I am constantly impressed by the quality and quantity of everyone's work!

Tiny bit late but here is my December pledge, complete the Cerastus-Lancer and paint the Acheron chassis/base. With the time off over Xmas I will most likely get the Castigator done aswell, but I will hold off on pledging him until I am certain...


Obscura - I'm really sorry to hear about that. :(


Hobbywise it's taken a back burner as I can't sit for long without the back flaring up. I'm only managing shorter hours in work sat down so avoided even attempting to sit and paint.


Think I'm going to use my bye month for December. Then it'll be pedal to the metal for the rest of the challenge.

WIP Pictures of all my December models:


Vexillarius - Aldrik Zol'tara - Trysanna  (with fluff)

This is quite an involved kitbash. It has a black templar torso, a templar brethren head, the vexilla from the recent limited edition ultramarine store vexillarius, and MkIII legs from the BoP box. 



Weapon Specialist (Flamer) - Garic Westrat - Biohazard



Weapon Specialist (Eviscarator) - Hannes Kirchberg - Lord Thorn



Brother - Rainad Folker  kizzdougs



Battle Brother - NEEDS A NAME



Incidentally, there´s two more battle brothers in the other five man assault squad that need names. So if any of you have suggestions, I´m open to them!



And then finally, there's my Leviathan. I've had this bugger since it came out, and couldn't decide whether to do him in Imperial Fists or Iron Warriors colours. But since I already painted my dreadnought drop pod in Imperial Fists colours and he needs one of those to be effective, I finally decided to get him that. Since then, I also bought him a Cyclonic Melta lance - which is an awesome weapon! Duuuuude! Mind you, btw, the red is just the colour fo the putty I used. It's not going to be any different than my standard bases.

Looking good there Augustus! Can't say the assault marines are my thing, but the leviathan is looking badass. The pose really works.


Lil bit of progress on the librarian. Went through quite a few stages on the Shades he's summoning. this is the latest mock up - a mixture of bone and blood. How do you think it is? Works? Otherwise I might and try to go more for the bare muscle angle on them, or just give up and make them blue or green.


Face is almost done, need to add some veins in the forhead. Botched the eyes a bit, so a bit of tidying up is in order but I'm reasonably happy with how it looks. Suitably pale and haunted.



Whoa!!! Bleeding eyes!! That's flipping sweet!!

Aug- looking forward to seeing your Levi painted in the glorious yellow of the Fists

Got about 2 hours in again last night- tired of yellows so this time was spent working on my blood angel allies.

As always, no pics but grateful for getting 6 hours of sleep last night! No kids waking up at 3, no whining dog, no insomniac wife... it was sweet!!:)


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