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Soldier of Dorn

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Just in the process of building the three Rhinos I need for my list, and then it's all ready to go! As we're not using the old thread anymore, and have swapped out my Deathwing for some Deathwing Knights at the same points, do I need to post an updated list here?


Also...is it October yet?

@ Pyroclast91: Oooh cool and excellent progress on the plasticard. The shield design is excellent, but I have to somewhat agree with Psycho about its size. He and I differ in that he thinks it´s a BIT too big and I think it´s WAY too big.ohmy.png That nemesis sword is always a cool idea, but I´d shorten that too. Even in a shortened form, it´s somewhat oversized for even a contemptor! The choom is coming along nicely though!!!

I myself also started making some progress! Here's the first bike unit in my list:


Pretty happy with how they turned out, if I may say so myself. smile.png

I also made good progress on my biker Captain. I'd need some advice on him though, and require feedback on the different headgear options I have in mind for him. You can find more pics of the options in this post in my WiP, if you'd like to help out - I'd appreciate it! smile.png

Thanks you guys I think you're rite the more I look at it the more I may that shield far too large I actually used the size of the unmodified dread as my template. But even with the leg extensions on the shield dread it does look a bit out of place. As for the nemesis sword I'm not sure I'll stay with it I originally wanted to use the hammer but I can't find the one I had .


update: been toiling away at it today mainly on the shield and on adding power coils to the pyroclast pattern volkite culverin that I'm very proud of so far.


http://s18.postimg.org/6r9ibpv8p/20160924_202121.jpgimage hosting over 10mb


http://s11.postimg.org/72iotbl4j/20160924_202128.jpgphoto uploading


I've cut down the shield quite a bit both on the sides and height wise but I think it's still too big. Should i maybe cut notches out of it on the diamond plated section? And the more I look at it the more Augustus is absolutely rite that sword is to big I need to figure out something else I also need to decide how I'm going to mount his flamestorm cannon the options are 1. forearm mounted 2. shoulder mounted or 3. mounted to the shield. The last option is least likely as I imagine he'd need to use the cannon while bracing behind the shield. I could really use your thoughts on this one as I'm struggling with settling on one as I see pros and cons for all.

So a question, for my fellow Tale Hobbyists: Anyone know how to break a poly cemented bond on plastic models? I am attempting to recycle a poorly kit-bashed Librarian to make an awesome one but the couple of parts I want from him just aren't separating.

If not anyone have a spare Grey Knight Psychic Hood and Force Staff? Or Librarian with staff...? tongue.png

@ Brother SP Have you tried using alcohol to soften the glue then just cutting it with a razor?


I'm glad the sites back up I didn't know what to do with myself over the weekend I ended up being pretty productive since I couldn't get side tracked lurking the wip threads.


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I still have some armour plating to add as well as some details but the choom dread is getting closer to finished.still quite a way to go on the flamestorm dread but it shouldn't take me long once all the the styrene work is done I'll do the sculpting and these fellas will probably be ready for paint. I'd love to hear what you guys think

Uverons Weekly Update (Week -1)


Running a bit late as the site was down. But next follows my weekly update!

Review of Last Week.

Well my weekend started well, with the arrival of my order of models! I then spent most of the weekend putting together the infantry from the order.


The first model I put together was the Terminator Captain. Now After playing around with the model from the start collecting box, I decided that I would actually use the Sergeant Body from the Assault Terminators, with the arms of the Terminator Captain as it gave a very different pose to the model, and the robes and cape worked well together.

Now I had decided to avoid using un-helmeted heads, so I looked though the plastics I had and decided that the MK3 Power-Armor head looked ok as a head for the Terminator Captain, and mirrored conversions I had done for my Chaos forces. But looking at these pictures over the last few days I have started to second guess myself? So I ask should I just find a un-helmeted head or leave it with the head he has now?


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The next unit I put together was the Tactical squad; I built the squad to be ran as one large 10 man unit or two 5 man units. Happy with this squad really nice kit.



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Then we had were the Assault Terminators, don’t have the best pictures of this squad but I liked putting this unit again together. I started to stick the shields on them and then I decided that I should wait until after painting… sadly the glue had set on two of them before I made that choice, I didn’t want to force the bond too much as not to damage the model.


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Finally I have Scouts. Getting a 3rd box of scouts allowed me to put together 16 scouts… 5 snipers, 1 Missile Launcher, 2 Snipers and 8 with Pistols and Close Combat weapons, Like the Tactical the Close combat scouts were built to be ran as a 10 man squad or two 5 man units.


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Plans for this Week.

This week once again he plan is to again focus on my well Chaos Marines I have a Grand Tournament Event (The Iron Halo) and then attend the event. I have taken off work on Monday the day after the event so I will make a start on getting thing ready for actually Painting!

Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Looks great Uveron! I was wondering how those Scions heads would look on Scouts - now I need them! Termie captain looks good - I did something similar, but used a Grey Knight head instead. They actually fit the Blood Angels termies but not the standard ones.


Again, nice job!

So, not alot on my front to report. Trying to get my knight finished up so I can focus solely on this. However, I can tell you that October will be dedicated to Bran and a drop pod. Maybe the unit the pod belongs to if I dont want to throw it across the room.

I've sorted out the Hereticus stuff I'll be painting bar the top of the Nul Rod I'm giving on of the Inquisitors.


I decided I wanted to crack on with the DW but needed to know what bits I could pilfer from my GK's without making the kits unusable. So I'm currently working through what I can make with the GK's I have available. I've decided to keep hold of some of the original metal GK's in TDA and messing around with the arms that come with the plastic TDA kit I've worked out I can make 5 of the metals into a Paladin Squad with a Psycannon, Apothicary, and 3 normal Paladins.


This allows me to make a Librarian for the GK's with force sword and storm bolter from the kit.


For the DW I have also done a Librarian using GK sword and stormbolter just replacing pads and head to bring it in line with the DW side of things. There's another 3 plastic GK TDA bodies/legs which will go into the bitz boxes with the spare arms/weapons ready for kitbashing. :D


Just need to work on the PA GK models now. So I may end up with Malleus stuff sorted before the Xenos side of things.

Nice work everybody. Pyroclast, the Dread's are coming along pretty nicely. And yeah, I think most of us were pretty productive during the server downtime. Not me, personally, because I'm me, but most of us. :P


Sorting out everything for October now: we're almost ready to roll, guys. Exciting times!

You and me both, bro, you and me both. I just can't get inspired or motivated without the forum. Even if I'm not looking at it or doing models that I intend to show here, it's really my main form of hobby support. Without it everything just goes to pot.

If only the issue was reliance on the forum to get anything done... ah well, no point in lamenting about it. I hope to have something done by Sunday evening. And I figure that I'll probably start copying Uveron and his "What I've done this past week"-type posts just to get into a rythm of posting regular updates. :)

Same here Dos.  I intend on doing a "This Week in the Tale I...:" post every week, as well as starting a new army wide blog.  I got a few bits and bobs done in the down time but not much.  Well, come October its going to get real.


Oh and I was only joking in regards to the bits.  If you happened to want to waste more of your precious hobby resources on me then I wont stop you but I may end up buying Severin Loth and his body guard just for the extra gubbins for the command squad and slapping a force staff on him. Not sure yet...

First vow is glued to push pins which are glued on top of paint pots. Sprayed matt black and ready for painting to commence.


However painting for me will start on the 4th unless I pull some crazy painting sessions inbetween shifts over the weekend. As this isn't a speed painting comp but more of 7 month road trip with fellow hobbiests I'll be avoiding the late night sessions. Lol ... Ok I'll try and avoid the late night sessions. :)


Hope everyone is doing well and getting geared up for the coming months. :p

I've been chipping away at various bits and bobs, such a hobby butterfly, but I've not really had too much time to play other than strip old stuff down and tinker with some kit assemblies! I'm hoping I'll be in a position to post some pics and then collectively pick your brains.... I promise you, it'll be good.....

Just a quick note: The event proper will start at:


Midnight, Saturday 1 October Pacific Standard Time (UTC -7:00)


I'll make a post at that time, and we can begin. I'm saying this now for two reasons: Firstly, so that certain people (Augustus, I'm looking at you ;)) don't bug me about it already being October in... just over 6 hours, at least in New Zealand. My brain won't be thinking like that. :P That ties into my second reason: it's simply much easier for me to keep track of. ;)


Also, when everyone posts their first vow for the month, if you could go and include your army list in that post, that would be very helpful. As it is, everything's kinda diffuse and I've lost track of a few people's, so if you don't mind, that would be very much appreciated. :) Thanks!

Thought I'd go a little mental and add some hobby action into the mix!


This kit is a nightmare; pretty  - so much for bargains!! Still a lot more to do, with shimming and filling and then some more plasticard work and converting!! Hopefully I'll be able to salvage it.... Not painting stuff did at least force me to start/build it!


Still, it did give me the opportunity to try something a little different...






I think it might look a little bit cool, if I pull it off


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