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Ultramarines 1st Company - The Beginning


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I'm currently working on an Ultramarines army to eventually be used in both 30K and 40K, hoping to have a nice mix of interesting units from both game eras. Currently trying to focus on the core units of the army first so I can play as I add to it however some more exciting stuff will be done to break up the monotony of basic power armour.


The basic idea for the colour scheme was a brighter, more colourful version of the studio models with a lot more white as a spot colour. The bases are also much more colourful and hopefully provide some contrast to the blue armour.




Here's what is currently finished:


- Current Chapter Master








- Converted Techpriest







- Cataphractii Terminators







- Land Raider








- Venerable Dreadnought







- Tactical Squad W.I.P.








- Tactical Rhino







- Currently W.I.P. Contemptor Dread






There will be many more models done for the project including more vehicles and forge world vehicles however progress is quite slow. The above is approximately 6 months work. Some deathwatch models and possibly the Corvus will also feature and will be painted as returned ultramarine units rather than the usual black scheme.


C+C greatly appreciated!




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Thanks for all the positive comments, really helping keep the motivation up to keep painting power armour! Got a small update with a new breacher squad using the Forge World Mk3 set. Glad to get them finished before the new plastics come out since they will be substantially easier to work with. Very much looking forward to the new Tartaros terminators too, always felt they were one of the nicer looking styles.




- Mk3 Breacher Squad






Also got the Contemptor finished with its new base, similar to the Venerable Dread base but with a larger flat surface for the feet.



- Finished Contemptor Dread







Beautiful army. I love the bases - some of the most innovative I have seen. Please provide more details on how they were done.


Thanks very much! The bases are painted and then etched with a laser cutter to add the ornamental design, much easier and more consistent than freehand not to mention far faster. I'll be starting a thread in the W.I.P. section soon so I can go into more detail there about how I do the bases.




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