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  1. As the Title says, I finally got my Hands On my Combat Patrol Box!, Will be using this as a Tool to encourage me to Continue with it at hopefully a bit faster than my Usual Glacial pace . Pics soon of Grey plastic stuck together.... I've been looking at everyone else's models being painted and it has enthused me to kick it into gear. Cheers, M
  2. Hi I’m Casual Heresy, and I’m a hobby butterfly. And that’s okay. Afternoon all. A combination of the forum upgrades and downtime from catching Nurgle’s blessing (covid) for the first time means I’m finally going to start the WiP log I’ve always meant to start. I love space marines of all types so always have multiple projects on the go. Currently, I’m focussing on Black Templar reinforcements for the August Throne of Skulls at Warhammer Workd with heresy era ultramarines in the background. But various other armies and one off projects will pop up over time. Currently I’m about to finish the first of two Redemptors for my Templars, and a Contemptor I finished yesterday is waiting on tufts. After that there is only Grimaldus and his boy band, a Primaris Techmarine and Castellan to go.
  3. Ever since I saw the Stormcast Externals I thought they would making pretty good Space Marine Terminators, so with this half idea in my head for well over a year I decided to give one a try. Here is the massive shopping list of items I used to create a single model, I'm going to show some alternatives so you could leave out the Dreadnought, Terminators and Upgrade Pack, but I wanted to show where every item came from: Stormcast Externals Liberators Space Wolves Terminators Space Wolves Wulfen Space Wolves Upgrade Pack Space Wolves Wolf Guard or Space Wolves Pack Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought Space Wolves Thunder Wolves Cavalry Chaos Marauders Blu-Stuff Green Stuff Furry/Wolves Tabards (Spellcrow.com) Since getting some Blu-Stuff a few months back I've been taking cast from every 'Wolfy' thing I can find on every Space Wolf item I own, this stuff is great as you can even takes casts from painted items without affecting the paint job. If you do this too you can avoid using originals of some critical parts from expensive kits like the Dreadnought. So in a few places I've used my own casts to complete this model. My first cast for this project was from the Wolf Skull found on the Chainsword in the Space Wolves Upgrade Pack. Using two of these skulls made from the cast using Green Stuff I took a Sword from the Stormcast Externals Liberators and trimmed the Quillions down and added the skulls either side. Next I took a Power Sword from the Space Wolves Pack and trimmed the pommel off with the teeth and rune stones. I then removed the pommel from the Stormcast Externals Sword and attached it. To me it looks a little too wide for the sword handle, but I don't think it looks too bad. Now I started on the legs, these are from the Stormcast Externals Liberators, but any Stormcast Externals will do (the ones from the Age of Sigmar box set are a bit more tricky to convert as they have integrated heads and arms, but are still usable). First thing is to remove the chainmail tabard. We still have the leather straps showing, but that will be covered up at a later stage so leave that for now. My first idea for covering up the leather straps and Sigmar Insignia was to use one of the Belt-Buckle/Knife pieces from the Wolf Pack kit and as you can see it looks ok, I'd then just cover any odd bits with green stuff and make it look like fur. But then I remembered I had spare wolf pelt that is from the Venerable Dreadnought's shoulder, so I gave it a go and it looked pretty good, but would need some trimming to sit flush and would also need some filling in on the back of it because it has a diamond imprint in the back of it. Then my better idea was to make a cast of it so I could keep the original for other projects. After a lot of debate I felt the Belt-Buckle/Knife piece looked better, so I hacked the rest of the leather straps from the legs so the fit was better. I attached the buckle using green stuff and then inserted a fur tabard from underneath, this meant I could have the buckle sitting flush and had to cut the tabard a little to get it too fit. I added a bit more green stuff to keep the tabard in place, then set aside to dry overnight. Once this was dry I went back and added more green stuff to create some extra fur to tidy the whole area up. Now for the head, what an endless choice I had here, but it would have to be a bare head. I've included some of the choice I went through here, just be aware if you go for a Wulfen head they have no back of the skull, so you'd need to sculpt your own as unlike Terminator Armour there is no rear cowl to cover the missing bit. Most of the bare head Space Wolves heads really didn't work here, either the high Gorget just got in the way of the beardy ones and those without beards looked like their necks were too long. The best option for me was a head from the Thunder Wolves cavalry set. Shoulder pads, I tried fitting some normal Terminator pads here, but they just didn't work too well, maybe if I had some Cataphractii versions, they might work better. So I'm left with the normal pads from the Liberators. The left shoulder pad is pretty plain, so I've left that as it is, as I will most likely add a decal to it. The right pad has a hammer & lightning bolt symbol, so this needs scraping off, don't worry about the bit that goes over the bottom lip of the pad as this will be covered up by our next cast. For this I took a cast from a Thunder Wolves cavalry Shield. Superglue this to the pad and fill any gaps with green stuff. For the left arm I want to go for a shield just like the Stormcast Externals Liberators, so I had a couple of choices, a Terminator Shield or one from the Wulfen kit. I'm leaning towards the Wulfen shield as it looks more primal and the whole model has that feel. Now I added the fur cloak from the Chaos Marauders kit across his back, again I made a cast for this. Now for a small shield on the knee, I used the same cast I did for the sword and added it to shield you get from a Terminator set. I also added a wolf skull to the centre of the chest. Terminators have built-in power-plants in their armour and I wanted to keep that idea here as the armour is bulky enough to suggest it could contain a power source. The only downside is there are no visible exhaust ports on the back of the armour and it would need ventilation. So I went for the Wulfen backpacks, these are bigger than a normal backpack and the scale feels right, the only downside is you'll be looking at paying £30+ for a Wulfen set with only 5 backpacks, so this would work out to be a costly conversion. Anyway, hope you like the conversions and I’ll post some details of the rest of the squad soon.
  4. From the album: 40k Death Guard

  5. Greetings Bolter & Chainsword! It's been quite a while since I've started collecting my Chaos Space Marines and I'm finally going to be starting the long journey of painting up these midnight clad warriors of the VIIIth legion. I'm still not entirely happy with the paint scheme, but this is about as close as I'm likely to get for the foreseeable future. Without further ado, I present to you the little test model that could: Spooky McDerpSkull. I didn't bother to finish up the entire model seeing as this is just a test figure, however there are some parts which I think could use improvement. Specifically the lenses aren't quite as vibrant and glowing as I'd like so I'll have to try to fix that for the upcoming models. I might end up finishing this model in it's entirety, but it's likely I'll be starting the chaos side of the Shadowspear boxset instead. They're currently based in a ruined urban environment, but I'm open to other suggestions that might be more interesting visually. Feel free to comment & critique.
  6. What would you do? How would you fix/improve 40k in terms of LORE (not talking tabeltop rules here)? Here's my (incomplete) list: - fix the Tau by removing/toning down their insane luck/plot shields and insane technological progression. They are like that omnidiscippliniary scientists with 50 PhD's from comics. Let them be "tenderly" tended to by the galaxy. But no total annihilation. - remove perpetuals - retcon the Gathering Storm (the entire "Elite GK's, Smurfs and Guilleman captured" thing is terrible and needs to go, incosistent Crawl backstory needs fixing. Having him be directly guided by the Big E would be far superior to what we have now) - nerf Tyranids (no Bio-titans, they don't need them. No rending claws. Tone down their individual bull:cusstery and focus more on NUMBERS) - Bring back OldCrons. The new ones are far too human and far too egyptian. - KEEP the babycarrier (Before you should "HERESY", think about it stated purpose - fighting greater demons. Armor is useless, mobility and reach are important. In that sense, the design fits the role.) - That 40K kids book never happened - Make comedic 40K race game and imperial guard simulator (each soldier in a regiment is a life) - fire whoever designed that eldar chick. Terrible. TERRIBLE.
  7. LIBER XENOS =][=][=][=][=][= The Fra’al are an ancient race of void dwelling pirates, smugglers, black-market traders, and occasional conquerors, which have plagued the Galactic Northwest of the Milky Way for eons. Though their origin worlds are lost to all, including the Fra’al themselves who have forgotten much of their pre-void nomadic wandering, they may fact never had such terrestrial beginnings. What is known is that they are remembered by most other races of antiquity including records kept by the ancient ancestors of the Eldar from before the Fall and the birth of Slaanesh, as well as Human empires rising to prominence before their annihilation during the Age of Strife. Today the Fra’al Conclaves still reap a bitter harvest from the various void-ways and warp-translation lanes, taking what can be acquired by force or otherwise through guile and negotiation. When conflict is preferred or forced upon them, the Fra’al use their innate monstrous Psykana and Aetherically-saturated technology to destroy their enemies. =][=][=][=][=][= The Version 1.1 Fandex contains the following homebrew lore and rules to play as the Fra'al in 9th Edition WH40K: Lore on the Fra'al based on Black Library & Forgeworld resources, as well as originally created lore and content. Detachment Rules and <Conclave> Customisation abilities. Fra'al Weapons and Wargear rules. Fra'al Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Aetheric Artefacts, and the new Malevolency Psychic Discipline. 12 Unique Datasheets for Fra'al HQ, Troops, Elites, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, Flyers, and Lords of War. Initial Concept Artwork for the Fra'al Troops and Aether-Golems. =][=][=][=][=][= Version 1 [WIP] Available for Download Link 1 Bolter&Chainsword (coming soon) Link 2 MEGA Download =][=][=][=][=][= Feel free to make comments and send me a message. I'm hoping to reproduce the whole text below in comments like I have for other Fandexes. Many thanks ! MechFace
  8. Who might be attending the big London GT? I'm actually going, with a new list planned in the Ultramarines section here, link when I get confirmation from the TO about whether a Kratos is allowed. I don't expect to win of course but I expect to have fun and if I can get 40% wins I'd be happy. Oh if anyone sees me wearing my B&C T-shirt with Captain Idaho on it, come say hi! I'm a big fella but don't worry, I'm also pleasant enough in real life!
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