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Why yes, I will.


After considering it a bit more, I think I'm going to put the deredeo dreadnought in too. The pdf says that it can be used in a LACAL army "until the rules are published." Obviously once proper rules are released via book or download I will update the entry.

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Right. As someone who has only just got battlescribe and doesn't have a clue, what do I do?

Welcome to Battlescribe!


Once you have it installed (pc or mobile) head on over to the appspot link on the first page. From there you should be able to click on the download icon next to the Horus Heresy repository, and Battlescribe should do the rest. There is also a post earlier in this thread where I break it down step by step if you like.


From there, everything is available as laid out in the books. Remember that bolded text means there are more options underneath it, while plain usually means it is a selection. For instance, the Rites of War are found under the Praetors Master of the Legion rule/entry.

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How much work would it be to make the Legion Command Squad an individual choice in the HQ section? As it is at the moment if you assign a Command Squad to a Primarch (in my case it was Perturabo) you get the warning you are spending too many points on the Lord of War which isn't a massive deal but can be a bit annoying. I imagine the hard bit would be making the squad selectable only after you get a Praetor or character who allows the deployment of a Command Squad... 

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I've been using quartermaster for a few years now. Creating my own templates. Thought I'd have a look at this as there was a free version. At first I found it as confusing as hell, difficult to find anything (especially the rites of war...so I took a breath and just looked though it and click, it all makes sense now. Wow, it's handy. Kudos on all the hard work Millicant, Cactus and everyone else who's been working on it.
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Thanks Adra!

I haven't forgotten about you guys - Reyner and Krikey. Just been very very busy. I will follow up soon with more updates.

Please don't rush. Nothing here is critical. Real life comes first!



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Well, I will finally have a few hours to myself this weekend.  I plan on addressing the above issues and some other bugfixes, as well as adding the brand-new Xiphon Interceptor!  Looks pretty nifty...

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If you have the time, would you mind adding the power dagger to the (Alpha Legion) Rewards of Treason unit characters? Evidently, they meet the requirements. Don't stress over it, though, it's very minor.



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How much work would it be to make the Legion Command Squad an individual choice in the HQ section? As it is at the moment if you assign a Command Squad to a Primarch (in my case it was Perturabo) you get the warning you are spending too many points on the Lord of War which isn't a massive deal but can be a bit annoying. I imagine the hard bit would be making the squad selectable only after you get a Praetor or character who allows the deployment of a Command Squad... 


I'm afraid I probably won't make this change.  I see what you're getting at, and there are definitely some instances where that might be (namely the one you listed, a Primarch with a Command Squad) but this would eliminate the ability of the Command Squad to reflect the choices of the HQ they accompany - for instance Terminator Armour, Jetbikes, and similar unlocked wargear.  Hopefully that makes sense - I'm not just blowing you off.  :)



If you have the time, would you mind adding the power dagger to the (Alpha Legion) Rewards of Treason unit characters? Evidently, they meet the requirements. Don't stress over it, though, it's very minor.




Yikes, this may take a little while.  I'm not entirely sold on that yet, but I will look more in-depth and see if it is feasible and/or worth it.  


Got another one -- for the Questoris Knight Crusade list, titans should be available as Lords of War choices.






Done and done.  



Xiphon Interceptor also added.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heya, Millicant -- I hadn't looked at your version of the HH data files in a while, but it looks like you have Legion Sicaran Battle Tank as "Legion Sicarian Battle Tank". Not a big deal but thought you'd like to know.



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Just two points here, hopefully it's the right place to put them.


Firstly, I noticed I can't put a Mortis Dreadnought (of either variety) in a drop pod with the Orbital Assault RoW... not sure if that's an error or if I didn't read the rules properly.


Secondly, in all cases of 'Phoenix Spear' has been misspelled as 'Pheonix Spear' in the EC list.


and finally....


Thank you so much for such a useful program ^^

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Hey, long time user, but only just found this avenue of contact.


Looking to use fortifications other than a castellan stronghold, are they in there somewhere I'm missing? Strongholds? ADLs? Landing platforms? Fortress of Redemption?


Excellent work though, greatly appreciated.

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Firstly, I noticed I can't put a Mortis Dreadnought (of either variety) in a drop pod with the Orbital Assault RoW... not sure if that's an error or if I didn't read the rules properly.

Unfortunately, in the CAL, the Legion Mortis Dreadnought and Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought both have separate entries from Legion Dreadnought Talon and Contemptor Dreadnought Talon, and only the latter have the ability to take Dreadnought Drop Pods as dedicated transports (and even then only if the Talon numbers a single dreadnought).


Hey, long time user, but only just found this avenue of contact.

Looking to use fortifications other than a castellan stronghold, are they in there somewhere I'm missing? Strongholds? ADLs? Landing platforms? Fortress of Redemption?

Excellent work though, greatly appreciated.

1) add a force to your roster

2) select Force Type: Fortification

3) select Catalogue: Fortifications v4


That should give you pretty much everything allowed in Stronghold Assault.



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