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Anybody encountering the same problem? Can't find any character HQs for Death Guard. Even in my existing lists....


Anyhow: Thank you for you efford! Hard to believe that a whole community 's army list rely on one person ;)

Are you sure you selected "loyalist" or "traitor"?

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Iron Warriors Tyrant Terminators show up as Troops choices when I use Pride of the Legion RoW (my current set up is Shattered Legions + Iron Hands + Iron Warriors + Loyalist allegiance with PotL RoW just in case that is a factor). They are now Heavy Support Units so shouldn't be troops using the rite anymore :( 

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Anybody encountering the same problem? Can't find any character HQs for Death Guard. Even in my existing lists....

Anyhow: Thank you for you efford! Hard to believe that a whole community 's army list rely on one person ;)

Are you sure you selected "loyalist" or "traitor"?

My fault. Thanks for the help!

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Just updated when I saw this and the rosters I've checked (Imperial Fists, Night Lords, and Word Bearers) have only the appropriate Rites of War showing.


Nice, thank you for checking!


A few things I've noticed for Dark Angels:


All characters should have access to Calibanite War Blade - right now I can't see them for Praetors and Centurions (independent characters are still characters).

Ravenwing Characters should be able to purchase Rad Grenades.

Consuls that can't take a Power Fist (like a Vigilator) shouldn't be able to buy a Terranic Greatsword.

Praetors and Centurions that have purchased Scimatar Jetbikes should be able to buy Molecular Acid Shells.


Thanks for all your work!


Excellent list, thank you!  The mighty First was the most challenging with all that special wargear...  Man I can't wait for our book.  :D


I've fixed all those, and also granted access to the Molecular Acid Shells to the Legion Command squads with Scimitar Jetbikes.  



Anybody encountering the same problem? Can't find any character HQs for Death Guard. Even in my existing lists....


Anyhow: Thank you for you efford! Hard to believe that a whole community 's army list rely on one person :wink:

Are you sure you selected "loyalist" or "traitor"?



:tu: sounds like you got it.  Thanks Paladin.  


Iron Warriors Tyrant Terminators show up as Troops choices when I use Pride of the Legion RoW (my current set up is Shattered Legions + Iron Hands + Iron Warriors + Loyalist allegiance with PotL RoW just in case that is a factor). They are now Heavy Support Units so shouldn't be troops using the rite anymore :sad.:


Hmm I'm not tracking that.  Since when are Tyrant Terminators Heavy Support?  LACAL has them as elites, right?  I must have missed something - would you be willing to point me towards that change?


Millicant, I think in the Chogorian Brotherhood rite of war, Sky Hunters and Outriders shouldn't remain in fast attack as they are said to count as troops. Not sure if that's just my interpretation of the rule.


Thanks again for your work!


Yeah I think you're right!  Originally I read that much like the others: "may be taken as Troops" but it actually says "Count as Troops choices" which does seem to imply that they switch from being Fast attack to only Troops.  Fixed!

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Tyrants got moved to HS in the new AoD book.


It also has a bunch of other minor changes such as Phalanx Warders +1I when charged now being +1WS alongside Dorn, Mortarion and Manreapers losing Unwieldy and gaining Reaping Blow instead which is -1I but +1 Attack for having 2+ models in b2b.


Alongside the changes to LA:SH, LA:EC, LA:WE, LA:DG and a few others.

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Yeah the changes are in the new Legion red book Millicant :)

I believe he already has a list of these changes, but is waiting for an actual copy of the new red book to save headaches later on.



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Quick question: is there a reason why...

  1. the benefits and limitations of Rites of War aren't visible?
  2. it's possible to build a list using a Rite of War that violates many of that Rite's limitations?
  3. Battlescribe doesn't differentiate between compulsory and non-compulsory Troops choices?


Also, I've been noodling around with Knights Errant, and I've noticed two problems:

  1. The Oaths of Moment text is all just lifted from Garro's rules, including Garro's name...
  2. Knights Errant should be available to all loyal armies; right now they're just available to a Legion list.


Thanks for all your excellent work!

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Quick question: is there a reason why...

  1. the benefits and limitations of Rites of War aren't visible?
  2. it's possible to build a list using a Rite of War that violates many of that Rite's limitations?
  3. Battlescribe doesn't differentiate between compulsory and non-compulsory Troops choices?


I may not be Millicant, but I've been looking at making Battlescribe Catalogues for various fan projects, and I've seen some of the work you have to do for them. What Millicant already does is astounding, so I hope it's alright I chip in here to explain the limitations of Battlescribe.


1. Millicant's said before he doesn't want to list things like that because it's encouraging yarr-harr'ing. I agree with this, and besides, it's actually fairly easy, if laborious, to edit it in yourself.


2. It is extremely time-consuming to set up all the modifiers and conditions for each rite. Imagine the Legion Veteran Tactical Squad. The catalogue's main link to it is set as an Elite's choice. You've got to then set up a copy of the link, modified for Troops, and set the modifiers on it to be hidden if there's less then one selection of the Pride of the Legion or Primarch's Chosen Rites of War. Then this has to be done for every unit effected by the Rite.


3. Can't be done. I've tried this myself on an Age of the Emperor catalogue and the system won't allow for differences between compulsory/non-compulsory. Also, because of this any Rite which limits or changes the FoC chosen can't have that limit/change placed into effect, so it's not possible to cap NL Heavy Support units to just one in total.

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Yeah the changes are in the new Legion red book Millicant :smile.:

I believe he already has a list of these changes, but is waiting for an actual copy of the new red book to save headaches later on.





I'm not sure what page of this thread its on but he has stated he wants the books before he makes any changes to minimize any possible issues.


Nailed it!  I don't make changes until I have the books in-hand.  



Quick question: is there a reason why...

  1. the benefits and limitations of Rites of War aren't visible?
  2. it's possible to build a list using a Rite of War that violates many of that Rite's limitations?
  3. Battlescribe doesn't differentiate between compulsory and non-compulsory Troops choices?


I may not be Millicant, but I've been looking at making Battlescribe Catalogues for various fan projects, and I've seen some of the work you have to do for them. What Millicant already does is astounding, so I hope it's alright I chip in here to explain the limitations of Battlescribe.


1. Millicant's said before he doesn't want to list things like that because it's encouraging yarr-harr'ing. I agree with this, and besides, it's actually fairly easy, if laborious, to edit it in yourself.


2. It is extremely time-consuming to set up all the modifiers and conditions for each rite. Imagine the Legion Veteran Tactical Squad. The catalogue's main link to it is set as an Elite's choice. You've got to then set up a copy of the link, modified for Troops, and set the modifiers on it to be hidden if there's less then one selection of the Pride of the Legion or Primarch's Chosen Rites of War. Then this has to be done for every unit effected by the Rite.


3. Can't be done. I've tried this myself on an Age of the Emperor catalogue and the system won't allow for differences between compulsory/non-compulsory. Also, because of this any Rite which limits or changes the FoC chosen can't have that limit/change placed into effect, so it's not possible to cap NL Heavy Support units to just one in total.



Viridia - right on the money, thank you!


Quick question: is there a reason why...

  1. the benefits and limitations of Rites of War aren't visible?
  2. it's possible to build a list using a Rite of War that violates many of that Rite's limitations?
  3. Battlescribe doesn't differentiate between compulsory and non-compulsory Troops choices?


Also, I've been noodling around with Knights Errant, and I've noticed two problems:

  1. The Oaths of Moment text is all just lifted from Garro's rules, including Garro's name...
  2. Knights Errant should be available to all loyal armies; right now they're just available to a Legion list.


Thanks for all your excellent work!


Just to further follow-up, there are some limitations with the Battlescribe system that prevent some of these things from being implemented.  However, as I mentioned a few pages back, Jon of Battlescribe is developing 1.16 right now, which is going to offer catalogue creators the ability to share entries from gamesystem to catalogue.  My fevered mind has already worked out how I will use this newfound ability to create Force Organization chart modifications and possibly introduce compulsory vs non-compulsory entries.  However, once that is released (it's in Alpha right now) it will still take me weeks to months to implement, as it's going to be a HUGE project.  


Furthermore - following up on the Knights Errant.  The Oath of Moment was in fact lifted from Garro, because it's identical.... :tongue.: I missed his name in two places, those are now changed to Knight Errant.  Good catch - there is nothing too small!  I will never find typos on my own so please bring them up!


As far as making them available to all Loyalist armies... Yikes.  I think I'm going to hold off on that.  Right now, I'm not implementing a Loyal/traitor option in the other army lists because it has no effect.  I will make the available to all armies once 1.16 drops.  Until then, I think you might be stuck using an additional Force Org as a stop-gap.  If that causes a lot of heartache, I will reconsider, but transferring multiple entries across that many catalogues is problematic, especially if any updates come down.  




Finally, the Mechanicum updates are in!  Not much new here, just the character and the Arlatax Battle-automata, with some minor updates to the other entries.  

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Make a new list using lacal, and an aod detachment.

Go to the legion entry, add it.

There you have the option of selecting shattered legions.

Then select all the legions you want.

Right, but how do I make it say that this unit is Salamanders but these other guys are Iron Hands?

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This might be stupid but with the solar auxilia if I select Tank commander in Hq should I be able to select his vehicle without using another Foc space?

That's how it works afaik (and gives you the option of a HQ superheavy?)

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Make a new list using lacal, and an aod detachment.

Go to the legion entry, add it.

There you have the option of selecting shattered legions.

Then select all the legions you want.

Right, but how do I make it say that this unit is Salamanders but these other guys are Iron Hands?

You can't, in most cases equipment would let you know. But ultimately on the generic stuff it's colour scheme.

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Make a new list using lacal, and an aod detachment.

Go to the legion entry, add it.

There you have the option of selecting shattered legions.

Then select all the legions you want.

Right, but how do I make it say that this unit is Salamanders but these other guys are Iron Hands?

You can't, in most cases equipment would let you know. But ultimately on the generic stuff it's colour scheme.



You can always manually add something to the unit in your list to identify them as Salamanders or Iron Hands. Just click on the unit in your list, and then click on the pencil icon on the right of the grey bar that has the unit name on it. I use this feature in Battlescribe to identify different Tac Support Squads by their weapon type at a glance.

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Make a new list using lacal, and an aod detachment.

Go to the legion entry, add it.

There you have the option of selecting shattered legions.

Then select all the legions you want.

Right, but how do I make it say that this unit is Salamanders but these other guys are Iron Hands?

You can't, in most cases equipment would let you know. But ultimately on the generic stuff it's colour scheme.



You can always manually add something to the unit in your list to identify them as Salamanders or Iron Hands. Just click on the unit in your list, and then click on the pencil icon on the right of the grey bar that has the unit name on it. I use this feature in Battlescribe to identify different Tac Support Squads by their weapon type at a glance.


Right, but that doesn't give you the ability to take legion-specific upgrades.

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Oddly enough when I pick 2 legions, and shattered legions I get upgrades for both legions available.


In the case of IH and salamanders I get both artificer weapons and cyber familliar available for a tactical squad sergeant.

It's because the squad is technically both according to battlescribe. But not in the rules, just need to be careful with your wargear selection.

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Oddly enough when I pick 2 legions, and shattered legions I get upgrades for both legions available.

In the case of IH and salamanders I get both artificer weapons and cyber familliar available for a tactical squad sergeant.

It's because the squad is technically both according to battlescribe. But not in the rules, just need to be careful with your wargear selection.
Just to clarify, I understand. It's just that EP is saying it's not working for him. :)


Edit: typo

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Eh. It's kind of a moot point now - I was excited at the idea of fielding some Relentless Iron Hands grav gun terminators... but then I saw that actually the only terminators that can get grav guns are the gorgon terminators, who I am 1) not sure are worth it and 2) something I would want to build out of the official Forgeworld kit, not bash together out of B@C terminators and some spare grav guns, because the official Forgeworld kit is so damn awesome.


So... it's not as big a deal right now. I might still invest in some other stuff to make a shattered legions force, but not yet.


Maybe I'll build some Blood Angels B@C Cats with assault cannons.

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