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I am the Arch Fiend, aka Biohazard’s Undivided Chaos log


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Thanks for the comments guys,


Kraut, I think part of the problem just now is all the different colours making things vary in proportion slightly, he’s still a long way from done though and I will be working more on the head so keep the faith bud. :tu:


Bjorn Firewalker, Thanks bud, the base of the head is an Armiger with some extra panels added. I’m sure the front visor is from a Dark Eldar Talos but I’ve had that part for so long I can’t be sure now.


I used this guy in a game today against an Ultramarines list. It died turn 1 :D To be fair the Ultras list had 2 Redemptor Dreads with the plasma cannon, a Leviathan of his own with twin butcher cannons (or whatever the loyalist version is) 3 squads of Hellbastards and 3 squads of Aggressors. To say it was a blood bath is an understatement but I made him fight for his victory and in the end it came down to just 2pts between us. ( he had most of his army left and I only had 6 models total but that’s beside the point :) )


There was a couple of cool duels, Abbadon dropped in with a squad of Terminators and a Terminator Sorceror, his bodyguard were subsequently turned to pink mist by 2 units of Hellblasters after they destroyed a Redemptor with some overcharged plasma. My opponent was cool enough to leave Abbadon alone so he could march past the Primaris and challenge Primaris Calgar in hand to hand. The battle lasted 3 turns before Abbadon was victorious. Which of course then meant all agreements were off and everything within 18” inches including the remaining Dreads blasted Abby. It was really thematic though seen Abby walk right through the enemy lines to challenge their Warlord. I love moments like that.


I used a Raptor formation today as well and while my Warp Talons were as abysmal as always the Raptors did make a decent dent in the centre of the battle taking out some Hellblasters and a unit of aggressors in combat. It was tough though. We ended up with my Haarken in combat with Lt Calsius as well which my opponent had buffed with a couple of psychic powers which lead to another few rounds of fraut combat until Haarken was victorious and shredded the new blood.


So when I got home tonight I made a start on painting the first squad of 20 Raptors, but I also made a start on Haarken Worldclaimer. Really love the model and only just noticed when I’ve uploaded the pics that I’ve missed the entire trim on the back of his left leg! :( That will be fixed tomorrow though.





Also threw together another Terminator Sorceror to try out but I think I’m actually going to work on a Jump pack Sorceror as well to run with the Raptor Talons.


Nice to see that the Despoiler put that upstart Nu-Calgar in his place! Sounds like a good game mate :tu:


I must say I the more I see the Worldclaimer, the more I like him. At first I wasn’t sure (still not sure about his spear! But at least he is different) but I really like him now. I like the purple accents that you are running on the power weapons, and good choice of heads on the Raptors. Of course they had to be Khorne :devil:


Your Sorcerer looks suitably swiped though I am not keen on his head, though that is just personal taste! (Needs horns to call himself a proper Sorcerer! :D )

Bjorn Firewalker thanks buddy. :)


Midnight, I really like him now as well. Really enjoying painting him, I was seriously considering converting him to get rid of the spear when I first got him but thought I’d just build this one straight out the box. I have a second one here as well that will probably find its way into the World Eaters with some conversion work though. The Sorcerer will still be tweaked a bit, the head isn’t final and you’re right he needs something more to show his status. :)


Pearson73, thanks and yeah I’ll give that a try and see what I can come up with. :tu:

Still painting away but while I was waiting on washes drying last night I grabbed a spare Terminator Lord that I had started putting together a while ago to use in a conversion I’ve planned for some time. This is just a rough mock-up and most of the Terminator parts shown here will be replaced with cleaner bits. Same goes for the the trophy pole. I just wanted to see if this would work in model form.




I see the Black Legion as being the most self serving and arrogant of the Legions and I think it would be right up their street to carry around an impales Custode to show off. The so called greatest warriors of the Emperor suffering a fate like this would please them no end I’m sure. :devil:

The Custodian on a stick standard is a wonderfully gruesome idea (even if I am slightly miffed that you have those sweet Custodes bitz to merely toss around like that, buddy). I think the Terminator would work better with something that's not a chain-fist, though -- it somehow strikes me as a slightly weird setup. Really looking forward to seeing this take shape, though! :)

Thanks guys, I’m glad you like him. I look forward to roughing up the armour a bit and maybe adding some fleshy details to the Custode.


Kraut, like I say most of those parts will be replaced, the model I used for this mock up already had the chainfist on. I’m thinking I might change it for a combi weapon with a sword in scabbard somewhere on him. I’ll throw some stuff at him and see what sticks :D


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