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AD-B's Horus Heresy & Dark Millennium Projects


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We have a Kill-Team Weekend (200pts.) on November 26-27, and I banged up a brief trailer to set the mood.




As for what's on the hobby desk right now? A bunch of unpainted AdMech that I wasn't really feeling when it came to Kill-Team games. So, in need of a boost, I ordered this to get me started:




I can't really imagine how well Legion of the Damned will do in Kill Team (especially as I'm yet to play this edition with any real focus) but I couldn't resist the idea. And it's a good excuse to grab 8 or so of some of my fave ever Space Marine models. 


Progress pics to come, once they arrive...


Interested in seeing what you're going to do here.


What are the chances of seeing some (recent) Angels Numinous in this thread? And I suppose that we'll be seeing some AdMech, too? Last but not least, is your Shattered Legions project still running?

That video intro was nice... but how many figs weren't painted during the creation of that video?!


Just kidding, it is very cool. It started like a Cirque du soleil show then quickly got serious with burning marines!!!


I will tell you as a player of Deathwatch that you must prepare for the Viet Cong tactics of the foul xenos. They will try to take advantage of your veteran (high cost) tactics by flooding you with savage butchery from Xenos that smell like a mix of burning doo-doo and melting plastic... they're everywhere.


I can give you insight from my latest fight against such a heinous enemy here:  Prot's Deathwatch vs. Genestealers


You can expect to see similar tactics employed against you with a similar army. :)


Good luck, and good hunting.

Huh, the Legion of the Damned is an awesome route to take for this - I'd never really thought about it previously, but kill team seems like a perfect setting for 'sub-faction' forces. Stuff like Vespid strike teams, or Ratling hit squads, Gretchin death mobs, Mandrake night-phage, etc.

Really cool idea man, and the perfect models for small units you can lavish attention on - no doubt this will be fun to watch smile.png

Interested in seeing what you're going to do here.

What are the chances of seeing some (recent) Angels Numinous in this thread? And I suppose that we'll be seeing some AdMech, too? Last but not least, is your Shattered Legions project still running?

In order: Very low; quite likely; and all previous HH attempts have failed.

I had to sell all my Space Marine boxes/sprues, so apart from the 1.5 painted Angels Numinous from 2+ years ago, I basically don't own any, anymore. Similarly, we couldn't really afford to dive into the Heresy even with the Victory is Vengeance rules because that started to add up once you looked at cool individual models rather than basic bolter Tacs - and when the rest of the group wasn't really interested (they prefer the lore and race variety of the Dark Millennium) Ross and I decided to abandon it.

My Adeptus Mechanicus are currently still on the table. They're still pencilled in as The 40K Army I Want To Do, but I'm super-slow with them, what with how intricate and detailed the delicious models are. I can't realistically get 4 Kataphron Breachers done in the month before the campaign, so I opted to try something completely new (and hopefully faster).

Right now, this 30% of a Kataphron Destroyer is the extent of my painted AdMech army:



...which, incidentally, is already almost my largest painted army ever. I know I mention the 4,000pts. of unpainted High Elves a fair bit, but my largest painted 40K army was three Blood Claws in 4th edition.

At this point I think I've painted - to completion - something like ten or eleven models, tops. Even typing that out is darkly hilarious.

That video intro was nice... but how many figs weren't painted during the creation of that video?!

Just kidding, it is very cool. It started like a Cirque du soleil show then quickly got serious with burning marines!!!

I will tell you as a player of Deathwatch that you must prepare for the Viet Cong tactics of the foul xenos. They will try to take advantage of your veteran (high cost) tactics by flooding you with savage butchery from Xenos that smell like a mix of burning doo-doo and melting plastic... they're everywhere.

I can give you insight from my latest fight against such a heinous enemy here: Prot's Deathwatch vs. Genestealers

Appreciate the link, Prot!

In case anyone's curious, this is likely to be the list to beat. We're a very fluffy kind of group overall, but between the strength of the eldar codex and this particular setup, there were a few hesitant mentions of "...oh, dude" at this one:


Looking forward to see this. tongue.png

Out of curiosity, are you playing traditional Kill Team or the fan-made Heralds of Ruin? The latter came up with some nifty ideas when running KT games.

Traditional! That's not to say I'm against Heralds of Ruin by any means, but we really wanted to start simple and use it as an escalation deal; the first 200pts. of a 'final' army.

Which I promptly flubbed by not working on my AdMech, but ho-hum.

I mean, you paint a mean red. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create.

I do miss the Angels Numinous though...

Me, too! But for my birthday, Katie got me a Thousand Son Tactical Support Squad (with volkites) so I figure between those and my AdMech, I'll still be getting my red on.

Huh, the Legion of the Damned is an awesome route to take for this - I'd never really thought about it previously, but kill team seems like a perfect setting for 'sub-faction' forces. Stuff like Vespid strike teams, or Ratling hit squads, Gretchin death mobs, Mandrake night-phage, etc.

Really cool idea man, and the perfect models for small units you can lavish attention on - no doubt this will be fun to watch smile.png

I was dead tempted by Vespids, too. I love those guys.

Legion of the damned, six man squad. Multimelta, flamer, power sword on the sgt. comes in at 200 dead. You can give the multimelta relentless, infiltrate on the flamer, everybody causes fear and has a 3+ invulnerable save. It's nasty.

That's brutal! The multi-melta Legionnaire is one of my fave models in the range, so he was on my radar anyway. I'd not actually considered they'd be any good, so this is a pleasant surprise.

Does this mean we might get a battle report out of this? happy.png

That seems entirely likely.


Interested in seeing what you're going to do here.


What are the chances of seeing some (recent) Angels Numinous in this thread? And I suppose that we'll be seeing some AdMech, too? Last but not least, is your Shattered Legions project still running?


In order: Very low; quite likely; and all previous HH attempts have failed.


I had to sell all my Space Marine boxes/sprues, so apart from the 1.5 painted Angels Numinous from 2+ years ago, I basically don't own any, anymore. Similarly, we couldn't really afford to dive into the Heresy even with the Victory is Vengeance rules because that started to add up once you looked at cool individual models rather than basic bolter Tacs - and when the rest of the group wasn't really interested (they prefer the lore and race variety of the Dark Millennium) Ross and I decided to abandon it.  


My Adeptus Mechanicus are currently still on the table. They're still pencilled in as The 40K Army I Want To Do, but I'm super-slow with them, what with how intricate and detailed the delicious models are. I can't realistically get 4 Kataphron Breachers done in the month before the campaign, so I opted to try something completely new (and hopefully faster).


Right now, this 30% of a Kataphron Destroyer is the extent of my painted AdMech army:




...which, incidentally, is already almost my largest painted army ever. I know I mention the 4,000pts. of unpainted High Elves a fair bit, but my largest painted 40K army was three Blood Claws in 4th edition.


At this point I think I've painted - to completion - something like ten or eleven models, tops. Even typing that out is darkly hilarious.

It's a shame that we won't see any Angels Numinous but if they had to go, they had to go. Any chance you'll be posting the fluff you created for them? I for one would be very much interested in reading through it.


The Kataphron looks good though I'm not sure why you've gone with painting the model in seperate parts. If your aim is to paint them in time for games and such, assembling them entirely before painting has many benefits: you spend less time painting the models because anything your brush can't reach doesn't need to be painted (people won't see those parts unless they look closely, which isn't going to happen much on the tabletop), you don't lose pieces, and it's generally a lot less finnicky if everything is assembled. Less faffing around with pinning stuff so you can paint it.

I used to try and paint every single nook and cranny of my models before realising that it was no use and I was just wasting both time and paint. And I like to believe that nor the quality of my painting, nor the overall look of my models has suffered with the change in painting process. If anything, I can paint more in the same amount of time which is great with time being such a premium.

Anyway, enough rambling. Just my thoughts on the subject.


And you shouldn't worry about having painted so few models: many people (myself included) haven't done much better.

Legion of the damned, six man squad. Multimelta, flamer, power sword on the sgt. comes in at 200 dead. You can give the multimelta relentless, infiltrate on the flamer, everybody causes fear and has a 3+ invulnerable save. It's nasty.

Legion of the Damned are already Slow and Purposeful, so there's no need for Relentless. Infiltrate on the flamer is 100% a great idea, though.


Legion of the damned, six man squad. Multimelta, flamer, power sword on the sgt. comes in at 200 dead. You can give the multimelta relentless, infiltrate on the flamer, everybody causes fear and has a 3+ invulnerable save. It's nasty.

Legion of the Damned are already Slow and Purposeful, so there's no need for Relentless. Infiltrate on the flamer is 100% a great idea, though.

Good point. How about Tank Hunter then? Or is that a bit too overkill in such small games? Perhaps Monster Hunter instead?

Tank Hunter is probably overkill in Kill Team, as you'll never see much heavy armour. Monster Hunter is probably a waste, too, as how many Monstrous Creatures will you see? My money would just be on Preferred Enemy. Against most things you'll be wounding on a 2+, so rerolling 1s is about all you need, and rerolling 1s to hit is just gravy.

I can't really imagine how well Legion of the Damned will do in Kill Team (especially as I'm yet to play this edition with any real focus) but I couldn't resist the idea. And it's a good excuse to grab 8 or so of some of my fave ever Space Marine models. 


Progress pics to come, once they arrive...



Sounds like an awesome Kill Team to me! How will you paint them; "traditional" red/yellow flames or something more ethereal?





Legion of the damned, six man squad. Multimelta, flamer, power sword on the sgt. comes in at 200 dead. You can give the multimelta relentless, infiltrate on the flamer, everybody causes fear and has a 3+ invulnerable save. It's nasty.

Legion of the Damned are already Slow and Purposeful, so there's no need for Relentless. Infiltrate on the flamer is 100% a great idea, though.

Good point. How about Tank Hunter then? Or is that a bit too overkill in such small games? Perhaps Monster Hunter instead?



Haha, I think even Monster Hunter might be a bit much! When a model with a heavy weapon is already Relentless, other skills seem a bit redundant in Kill Team sized games. Perhaps just spread the skill-love among the other models?


At this point I think I've painted - to completion - something like ten or eleven models, tops. Even typing that out is darkly hilarious.




Well Kill Team is a step in the right direction to be honest but completely know where you are coming from. Kill Team is something I really want to take a bash at as well, I think it is a great way to slowly start on an army, if this works out (which I hope it does for you) you could always pick ad mech for a second kill team and slowly build two force that can ally with each other. I was looking at something similar for a small Unification Wars force.


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