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So, given there's no mention if Talons of the Emperor count as Imperial Agents or what section they belong to on the AOD allies chart, what's the general consensus on allying them or adding allies to them when they're used as a primary detachment ?

Can a primary detachment of Talons take any allies at all ? Can they in turn be used as an allied detachment ?


Obviously it seems to be (another) oversight in Forgeworld's rules writing, but how do people feel about it ?

Hey all. I've been following this thread for a few days. Trying to read everything and absorb as much info as possible. I'm trying to solidify a buy list. If you guys could tear apart my list and offer any changes it would be appreciated. I also have 20pts I have no idea what to do with. I thought melts bombs on another squad but I figured the gauntlet was enough anti tank in combat.




+++ Custodes (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v64) (2980pts) +++


++ The Age of Darkness (Talons of the Emperor v69) ++


+ HQ +


Legio Custodes Shield Captain [A Single Shield Captain in your army may be upgraded to a Tribune as long as the detachment they are part of is 2000 points or more., Arae-Shrikes, Cyber Familliar, Digital Lasers, Melta bombs, Paragon Spear, Praesidium Shield]


+ Elites +


Legio Custodes Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought

Two Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons [2x Infernus Incinerator]


Legio Custodes Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought [May Take a Achillus Dreadspear with inbuilt Corvae Las-Pulser]

Two Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons [2x Infernus Incinerator]


Legio Custodes Hetaeron Guard Squad [Arae-Shrikes]

Hetaeron Guard

Magisterium Vexilla and a Master-Crafted Power Weapon [Power Axe]

Hetaeron Guard [May Take a Praesidium Shield, Paragon Blade]

Hetaeron Guard [May Take a Praesidium Shield, Solerite Power Gauntlet]

Hetaeron Guard [May Take a Praesidium Shield, Solerite Power Gauntlet]


+ Troops +


Legio Custodes Custodian Guard Squad [Arae-Shrikes, Melta bombs]

Custodian Guard

Magisterium Vexilla and a Master-Crafted Power Weapon [Power Axe]

Custodian Guard [Adrasite Spear]

Custodian Guard [Adrasite Spear]


Legio Custodes Sentinel Guard Squad [Arae-Shrikes]

Sentinel Guard [Magisterium Vexilla, Sentinel Warblade]

Sentinel Guard [Praesidium Shield, Solerite Power Gauntlet]

Sentinel Guard [Praesidium Shield, Sentinel Warblade]


Legio Custodes Sentinel Guard Squad [Arae-Shrikes]

Sentinel Guard [Magisterium Vexilla, Sentinel Warblade]

Sentinel Guard [Praesidium Shield, Solerite Power Gauntlet]

Sentinel Guard [Praesidium Shield, Sentinel Warblade]


Legio Custodes Sentinel Guard Squad [Arae-Shrikes]

Sentinel Guard [Magisterium Vexilla, Sentinel Warblade]

Sentinel Guard [Praesidium Shield, Solerite Power Gauntlet]

Sentinel Guard [Praesidium Shield, Sentinel Warblade]


+ Fast Attack +


Legio Custodes Agamatus Jetbike Squadron

Custodian Agamatus [Twin-Linked Corve Las-Pulser]

Custodian Agamatus [Twin-Linked Corve Las-Pulser]

Custodian Agamatus [Twin-Linked Corve Las-Pulser]


Legio Custodes Agamatus Jetbike Squadron

Custodian Agamatus [Twin-Linked Corve Las-Pulser]

Custodian Agamatus [Twin-Linked Corve Las-Pulser]

Custodian Agamatus [Twin-Linked Corve Las-Pulser]


+ Heavy Support +


Legio Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank [Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon, Searchlight]


Legio Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank [Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon]

Edited by omnivision6
Seems solid. But IMHO with many MSU custodes fielded on the ground, we are probably more vulnerable when faced with Marksman veteran with combi-plasma. My friend is running a Head of Gorgon list and he is building a massive plasma fielding army with LR Proteus. We haven't had a proper game yet but I'm a little bit nervous about his endlessly outflanking LRP.


Make it to 2000 and have tankbune for staters

Battlescribe didn't have the Tribune option available

Why so many sentinel guard and hetaerons? No melta bombs on anything either, with very few anti tank options is sketchy at best too

Would you run them only in squads of 3?


I guess, if you had to suggest a single substitution, what unit would you remove and what would you replace it with?



Yea just do squads of 3. If you drop the extra hetaeron and sentinels you basically get the points for the good upgrades (i.e. melta bombs on models with no fists; fists on the hetaerons and sentinels)





Make it to 2000 and have tankbune for staters

Battlescribe didn't have the Tribune option available

Why so many sentinel guard and hetaerons? No melta bombs on anything either, with very few anti tank options is sketchy at best too

Would you run them only in squads of 3?


I guess, if you had to suggest a single substitution, what unit would you remove and what would you replace it with?

Yea just do squads of 3. If you drop the extra hetaeron and sentinels you basically get the points for the good upgrades (i.e. melta bombs on models with no fists; fists on the hetaerons and sentinels)

Would you say always run squads of 3? Is the extra model not worth the wounds in your opinion?

Seems solid. But IMHO with many MSU custodes fielded on the ground, we are probably more vulnerable when faced with Marksman veteran with combi-plasma. My friend is running a Head of Gorgon list and he is building a massive plasma fielding army with LR Proteus. We haven't had a proper game yet but I'm a little bit nervous about his endlessly outflanking LRP.

Turn two before they can come on and outflank is still a roll.  That is also a 365 point squad (minimal)  If he goes after Hetearon then it is a good use of points.  From a precision shots stand point you can shunt wounds and if you worried about your specific model being killed just make sure he is in the back.  You will have a good idea where the outflank will happen.


Honestly, Plasma support squads with Autek Mor attached and another given preferred enemy from his warlord trait are scarier.  That is a lot of preferred enemy plasma shots.




Make it to 2000 and have tankbune for staters

Battlescribe didn't have the Tribune option available

Why so many sentinel guard and hetaerons? No melta bombs on anything either, with very few anti tank options is sketchy at best too

Would you run them only in squads of 3?


I guess, if you had to suggest a single substitution, what unit would you remove and what would you replace it with?

Yea just do squads of 3. If you drop the extra hetaeron and sentinels you basically get the points for the good upgrades (i.e. melta bombs on models with no fists; fists on the hetaerons and sentinels)

Would you say always run squads of 3? Is the extra model not worth the wounds in your opinion?



Can I say it depends?  From a LD check there is no difference between a squad of 3 or 4.  Losing one model is still 25%.  If you have several squads with 4 models you could have another squad. 


PF are so important in our list.  It is a way to deal with dreads and armor.

I was supposed to post this a few days ago, but I just didn't get round to it. I had a 3k game against my friends Stonewall list. Age of Darkness mission was get into your opponent's deployment, ambush deployment with me defending.


My opponents list was:


Sigismund in a 6 or so man Templar Squad in a LR Phobos

7 Storm Shield Terminators in a Flare Shield Spartan

2x15 Breacher Squads with Power Fist and Artificer Sergeant and Apothecaries

1x10 Breachers in a Phobos with extra Lascannons


2 Vindicator Laser Destroyers


My list was:



5 Hetaeron Guard with shields, 3 Solerite Gauntlets, Vexilla and a Paragon Blade

2x6 Guard with Vexilla and Coronus Transports

3 Guard

2x6 Sentinels with 1 Solerite Gauntlet and Vexilla

3 Sentinels with 1 Solerite Gauntlet

1 Cadillus


Deployment saw my opponent put his Vindicators and Sicarians to my right with all of his Land Raiders and infantry to my left. I deployed with my vehicles facing the Vindicators and Sicarian and resigned them to death. I put the majority of my infantry forwards, Sentinels at the front with the Hetaeron and Tankibune close behind. Guard Squads and the 3 man Sentinel Squad in front of them.


Turn 1 saw my Cadillus die and both my Coronus lose their guns. Sigismund and his Templars charged a 6 man Sentinel squad whilst the Terminators charged the 3 man sentinel squad. The rest of the shooting did nothing but knock a wound off another Sentinel squad and one on the Tankibune. 1 Templar died to Overwatch and Sigismund only got 1 wound through in his challenge, insta killing the Sentinel he fought. The Sentinels killed 2 Templars, but Sigismund has fearless so the combat dragged on. The 7 Terminators killed 2 Sentinels whilst the Solerite Gauntlet and Sergeant didn't hurt each other, the Sentinel held in combat due to the no modifiers on leadership. My turn 1 saw a 6 man and 3 man Guard Squad charge the Terminators, a 6 man Sentinel squad charge a breacher squad and the Hetaeron Guard and Tankibune charged into Sigismund and his Templars. The two damaged Coronus moved forwards to body block my opponent's tanks on the far side of the board. Combat saw the Sentinels kill a few breachers but stay locked in combat, Sigismund took 3 wounds from the Tankibune for none in return, the Templars did nothing and the Hetaeron Guard's Solerite Gauntlets wiped the squad and Sigismund. the 7 Terminators just about died as the Sentinels threw out an ungodly amount of attacks, the last died to the Solerite Gauntlet he previously challenged.


Turn 2 saw both Coronus die to the Sicarian and Vindicators and the Sentinel Squad that was charged by Sigismund lost a few models to mass Lascannon fire. The Breacher squad was wiped by my Sentinels. My turn 2 saw the Hetaeron charge the Phobos, the Sentinels charge the Proteus and the lone Solerite Gauntlet from the 3 man squad charge the Spartan. The Tankibune charged into the Breachers first to soak up overwatch before the depleted Sentinel squad followed him in. All 3 Land Raiders died and the Breachers were wiped out. 3 of the 10 Breachers in a Land Raider died.


Turn 3 saw my opponent miss with his shots. I charged the 6 man Sentinel squad into the Breachers and wipe them. A 6 man Guard squad knocks two hull points off a Sicarian in combat. My opponent calls it.


http://imgur.com/a/8GExx - Gallery of pictures.


I'll be playing against my club's most competitive player, it'll have two Knights and a load of AdMech filth in it, so that will be this lists' baptism of fire. I've been toying with a few lists with Sisters in as I don't want to just steamroll my opponents, its not that satisfying taking 9 models off and deleting everything your opponent has.

I'm going to throw this out there and say that ambush is one of the worst deployments for non-narative games. Unless your list is extremely good, I'd say most defenders are at a severe disadvantage

This is what I'm planning to run at 2500 points, thoughts before I fully commit to it? Sisters are for Nuncio voxes and cheap supporting fire/objective campers.





Excruciatus Cadre

-5 Members



Hataeron Guard

-3 Members

-Teleportation Transponders

-2x Adrasite Spear

-1x Solarite Gauntlet and Praesedium Shield


Achillus Dreadnought


-Infernus Incinerators


Achillus Dreadnought


-Infernus Incinerators




Custodian Guard squad

-3 Members

-Teleportation Transponders

-Adrasite Spears


Custodian Guard squad

-3 Members

-Teleportation Transponders

-Adrasite Spears


Sentinel Guard squad

-3 Members

-Solarite Gauntlet



Sentinel Guard squad

-3 Members

-Solarite Gauntlet


Prosecutor Cadre

-5 Members

-Nuncio Vox




Agamatus Jetbikes

-3 Members

-Adrathic Devastators


Agamatus Jetbikes

-3 Members

-Adrathic Devastators


Edited by chosen40k

Laugh at them with your T5 3++ multiwound models that can knock them out with Solarite.

But what about the lascannons? :P

Mor isn't a problem when you have easy access to ID shooting and combat :D

But maybe the vehicles will out maneuver us? I mean most of my custodes are fielded on the ground after all. Edited by lanceqi

Maybe... But you can probably take most of the punishment they dish out is the beauty of it!


So I have a campaign coming up, first match is 1k Points - I'll probably have about 15 Sisters and 15 Custodes to play with in a ZM game, any ideas? They are currently not built so going to make them based on the list.


I wan't to avoid the tankibune because it's a narrative campaign mostly and I'll be against Militia first game... Maybe once we get into the 2/3k range I'll have one.


Any ideas on what to take for 1K points ZM? I'm up for buying a Sword and Board Dread or something....

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