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Codex: Imperial Agents


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So basically there's more downgrades than upgrades? How nice. Could've at least given us a formation with proper benefits. Taking Eviscerator from the Canoness is a plain dumb. WHY? I imagine it's a very common option that people have built and there's no sensible reason to remove it. I suppose it's at least good that I didn't yet convert one of my combi-canonesses to have an Eviscerator, or in turn give my "newer" Canoness a combi-weapon to go with an Eviscerator. But so, now we have no AP2 melee option for our primary HQ at all. How nice. I liked making a beatstick Canoness with Eviscerator and mantle.

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So basically there's more downgrades than upgrades? How nice. Could've at least given us a formation with proper benefits. Taking Eviscerator from the Canoness is a plain dumb. WHY? I imagine it's a very common option that people have built and there's no sensible reason to remove it. I suppose it's at least good that I didn't yet convert one of my combi-canonesses to have an Eviscerator, or in turn give my "newer" Canoness a combi-weapon to go with an Eviscerator. But so, now we have no AP2 melee option for our primary HQ at all. How nice. I liked making a beatstick Canoness with Eviscerator and mantle.

Damn. I almost always ran my Canoness with an Eviscerator. It was awesome. It did enough consistent wounds that I didn't have to worry that I was a squishy little human vs. Giant Mutated Freaks.

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So basically there's more downgrades than upgrades? How nice. Could've at least given us a formation with proper benefits. Taking Eviscerator from the Canoness is a plain dumb. WHY? I imagine it's a very common option that people have built and there's no sensible reason to remove it. I suppose it's at least good that I didn't yet convert one of my combi-canonesses to have an Eviscerator, or in turn give my "newer" Canoness a combi-weapon to go with an Eviscerator. But so, now we have no AP2 melee option for our primary HQ at all. How nice. I liked making a beatstick Canoness with Eviscerator and mantle.

Damn. I almost always ran my Canoness with an Eviscerator. It was awesome. It did enough consistent wounds that I didn't have to worry that I was a squishy little human vs. Giant Mutated Freaks.


Well, the Mantle of Ophelia and a Rosarius are also mandatory if you are going anywhere near close combat, but even then, you're right she is still pretty squishy.

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power axe is gone too?

Oops, good point. Since the Canoness doesn't come with one I usually forget about the whole option biggrin.png

Hmm.... adding an axe to the combi-canoness would be quite easy since it doesn't need the bracer, just the hand, but of course a regular power weapon would benefit from a pistol rather than the combi-weaponmellow.png

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So basically there's more downgrades than upgrades? How nice. Could've at least given us a formation with proper benefits. Taking Eviscerator from the Canoness is a plain dumb. WHY? I imagine it's a very common option that people have built and there's no sensible reason to remove it. I suppose it's at least good that I didn't yet convert one of my combi-canonesses to have an Eviscerator, or in turn give my "newer" Canoness a combi-weapon to go with an Eviscerator. But so, now we have no AP2 melee option for our primary HQ at all. How nice. I liked making a beatstick Canoness with Eviscerator and mantle.

Damn. I almost always ran my Canoness with an Eviscerator. It was awesome. It did enough consistent wounds that I didn't have to worry that I was a squishy little human vs. Giant Mutated Freaks.

Same. A Cannoness with an Eviscerator, Rosarius, Mantle of Ophelia and re-roll Saving Throws from a Ministorum Priest was actually a pretty good close-combat character. Her survivability was generally better than a Space Marine Captain (barring FNP shenanigans), and her damage output was at least as good if not better with Priest support. Her biggest downside was the lack of assault delivery options.

To be honest though, the details of Codex: Imperial Agents don't bother me too much. I'll simply continue to use the e-dex (which I've got nicely printed out and bound, alongside the Inquisition e-dex, courtesy my workplace happy.png) and pickout what I want from Imperial Agents for other things like Grey Knight or Deathwatch allies.

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What the hell?? Why would they remove the Eviscerator form the Cannoness!! God censored.gif damnit GW.

Seeing as they took away Celestine I was hoping they would give the Cannoness a jump pack option. I want my jumping, Eviscerator equipped Cannoness. So mad right now.

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They probably removed it as an option because they dont have a model to represent it.


The current model comes with what I've always assumed is an Eviscerator though... unless we've all been playing it wrong for all these years and it is really just a double sided chainsword?  It seems strange that they'd remove an option from the Codex that is an option in the Canoness kit...


I must say that I too was hoping for the return of the Thrice-Blessed Jump Pack Canoness-o-Doom.  That thing was a total monster under the old Witch Hunter Codex, and I've had my custom-built one serving as a Seraphim Superior for far too long.  I wish she could assume her rightful place at the head of my Order, but alas, it is not to be.

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It seems like they've removed or weakened all of the close combat options the codex had except for Repentia. Celestine was a combat monster. The Battle Conclave has been super needed if it was actually broken into three units (if He-on-Terra is good they will remain). The number of Priests has been hit hard (unless you take a bunch of priest detachments). And the Canoness lost her best CCW (let us pray that this doesn't actually happen and folks are misreading the page).


I plan on asking my gaming group if they mind if I stick with the E-dex.

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I remember hating the edex tell I found and reread priests. The leaks so far been ugh and make me a sad panda. On the bright side if I get more heavy flamers. I then can run 14 muwahha, and 10 heavy bolters. Only positive i found so far is i can acually field the bro fist inquisitor, and a ton of heavy weapons as elites. Might as well order 3 more multi Malta, 3 heavy bolters and 5 more heavy flamers along with the 2 immolators I needed.
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Honestly I think the news about Inferno Pistols is probably the straw that broke the camel's back for me. In removing Celestine and denying Canonesses Inferno Pistols, GW have managed to invalidate both of my current HQ choices under the new list in Imperial Agents. There isn't any way for me to move forward with the new Codex that won't require me to drop money on buying new models to replace those I can no longer field, and with the potential for a proper reboot in the near future I see absolutely no reason to go through with that.


I'm going to have to see if my local GW store will either let me keep using the digital Codex or allow me to use Celestine and Inferno Pistols despite their absence in the new book.

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Well I had a pre-order set up for the codex, and a bunch of other models.  The more I read and saw about the codex I became more and more disappointed.  I cancel the entire $185.00 order.  I decided to vote with my wallet, I hope others do the same.

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