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Codex: Imperial Agents


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From Frontline:

Adepta Sororitas


The first of two big codices in this book. There is actually some cool stuff in this book, and one very sad thing which I will cover at the end. First off, I noticed that this section is almost a direct reprint of the Sisters of Battle 6th edition book. Which is cool, because I felt like that book was not a terrible base for a faction, and just needed a few more rules and units to really become viable at the competitive-casual level. In this section you will find a detachment that lets you take a single Ministorum priest, as well as a new detachment for the girls in armor called the “Vestal Task Force”. Which has the ability to give all units in the detachment the ability to reroll any saving throws of 1 once in a game. Awesome! You are forced to take a compulsory elite option, but it isn’t all that bad because GW gave the sisters access to Deathcult Assassins, Crusaders, and Arco-Flagellents. Other then one minor detail, this section is a copy of the Adepta Sororitas codex, with some updated verbage to make rules clearer. Oh, and that minor detail you are wondering about….?




St. Celestine is gone. She is not an HQ choice in this book, and is completely absent from the Adepta Sororitas section of the book. On top of that, if you notice the picture above, which was on GW’s site. That hourglass symbol next to Celestine means that her model is a “last chance buy”. Now, we can only speculate whether this is part of GW’s master plan, or if a beloved character is getting phased out of the game. Let me know in the comment section!

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We already had access to Deathcukt, crusaders and arcos. Seriously, can someone review this who actually knows the codex? So we don't get told that hey, yiur getting this cool thing that you've had since 2011!
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From Frontline:

Adepta Sororitas


The first of two big codices in this book. There is actually some cool stuff in this book, and one very sad thing which I will cover at the end. First off, I noticed that this section is almost a direct reprint of the Sisters of Battle 6th edition book. Which is cool, because I felt like that book was not a terrible base for a faction, and just needed a few more rules and units to really become viable at the competitive-casual level. In this section you will find a detachment that lets you take a single Ministorum priest, as well as a new detachment for the girls in armor called the “Vestal Task Force”. Which has the ability to give all units in the detachment the ability to reroll any saving throws of 1 once in a game. Awesome! You are forced to take a compulsory elite option, but it isn’t all that bad because GW gave the sisters access to Deathcult Assassins, Crusaders, and Arco-Flagellents. Other then one minor detail, this section is a copy of the Adepta Sororitas codex, with some updated verbage to make rules clearer. Oh, and that minor detail you are wondering about….?




St. Celestine is gone. She is not an HQ choice in this book, and is completely absent from the Adepta Sororitas section of the book. On top of that, if you notice the picture above, which was on GW’s site. That hourglass symbol next to Celestine means that her model is a “last chance buy”. Now, we can only speculate whether this is part of GW’s master plan, or if a beloved character is getting phased out of the game. Let me know in the comment section!


I am so full of rage i cannot put it into words.

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I am so full of rage i cannot put it into words.


There has yet to be codex update that did not remove at least one unit from Battle Sisters' lists.  Ever.


That said, this is not our release.  This is not the real codex.  Don't let this glorified FAQ update distract your long term objectives. Plastic sisters, full codex, Spring/Summer 2017.  The last codex before 8th.  I promise.

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Who, above, said they were hoping to replace Uriah as our only named character that is actually not even a "sister." I silently semi-agreed and moved on. Then. This. Yeah, put me in the (uutf)censored.gif camp.

*trying to be optimistic*deeeeep breath*...

So, they CAN'T leave us neutered (spayed? mixing my metaphors...) like this so I can only (please please please) think that we get something next year that fill out the gapping holes like this.

I propose, in optimism, that next year provides us with more formations and HQ/character choices. Huzzah!

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I still maintain that this book is for those who don't have or play Sisters. What GW is doing mskes sense. They print a Codec and I think that is reminiscent of books of yester year. A compilation of all of the smaller Codexes, such as Legion of the Damned etc along with a lot of larger ones. It'll help drive sales of those armies before Christmas, help THEM BE RID of the last of the existing metal range, before exploding in the new year. Why is Celestine not included in the Codex? I've thought about this for some time, as it anguished me for her to be taken away, but it's for a simple reason. Her rules and role within the army has changed, that her model has changed, but to include her in the Imperial Agents book would have to mean a model and pictures to go with it. To do that would mean that GW would then have to ruin the surprise altogether.


I truly believe that our prayers to Him on Earth will be answered soon. We have waited a long time. Just hang in there a little longer Sisters. My opinion and nothing based in fact or rumour.


Also, I have bought the book and an Immolator, just to show GW that there is interest in Sisters. Buying the new Canoness will happen when the site allows me to. I want two. One to paint as a Valourous Heart, and one as my DIY Order.

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I still maintain that this book is for those who don't have or play Sisters. What GW is doing mskes sense. They print a Codec and I think that is reminiscent of books of yester year. A compilation of all of the smaller Codexes, such as Legion of the Damned etc along with a lot of larger ones. It'll help drive sales of those armies before Christmas, help THEM BE RID of the last of the existing metal range, before exploding in the new year. Why is Celestine not included in the Codex? I've thought about this for some time, as it anguished me for her to be taken away, but it's for a simple reason. Her rules and role within the army has changed, that her model has changed, but to include her in the Imperial Agents book would have to mean a model and pictures to go with it. To do that would mean that GW would then have to ruin the surprise altogether.

I think this is a good hint at what may come, and combining it with another post elsewhere I read that said "... it makes sense that an iconic HQ like Saint Celestine would not be used as an Imperial Agent at the bidding of others. Rather, she would lead Sisters armies to victory out her own codex" (Hillshire, FLG forums).


Also in this vein, can you imagine a new Saint Celestine model with the treatment AoS models get? Oh yeah baby.

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I wonder if i should jump the gun and buy this, i get this odd feeling that when i buy this i will be dissapointed when the actuall Sororitas dex hits the stores within half a year. And i would only be interested in the battle sister part of this dex.

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Unfortunately, this release is going to eat up basically all my money :P

Might I ask why you don't save your hard won treasures for the glory of plastic sisters? There will be a lot of second hand metals on the market by then.


As to St Cellly' ...I would be very surprised if she doesn't come back in a similar size to Magnus having fully ascended to the celestial ranks.


Some kind of crazy Lady of War with cherubs, scrolls, holy incense, etc


AoS seems to have lead the way in outlandish design and I think Sisters might suit that.

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Unfortunately, this release is going to eat up basically all my money tongue.png

Might I ask why you don't save your hard won treasures for the glory of plastic sisters? There will be a lot of second hand metals on the market by then.

As to St Cellly' ...I would be very surprised if she doesn't come back in a similar size to Magnus having fully ascended to the celestial ranks.

Some kind of crazy Lady of War with cherubs, scrolls, holy incense, etc

AoS seems to have lead the way in outlandish design and I think Sisters might suit that.

Dont put your hopes up, GW has removed characters before.

Doomrider, Lady Malys, Kruellagh, Asdrubeal Vect, and some more. Now 1 could argue they had no models but that isnt true, from those i named only Lady Malys didnt have a model.

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So basically, we lost our best character with this new codex, however, we can now field our sisters with valkries, grey knight land raiders, and even a grey knight dreadnought (which means we can model these to look more sister like), and then of course, we can add dedicated melee units of marines or inquisitors if we feel like.   Not like I would want a sisters army with marines and inquisitors, but if I can get me a sisters land raider, some sisters flying transports, and even a giant sisters dreadknight or dreadnought, that could be a perk.   Special characters are often over rate to me anyways, I usually like to make my own character so I end up using a generic hero anyways, but it was nice having our own amazing celestine.    Now for the real question, do I invest in this codex, or wait till they release the plastic sisters and hope they give a full dedicated codex to the sisters, and that this is just a general inquisition book, with watered down rules to use sisters with everything else. 

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So basically, we lost our best character with this new codex, however, we can now field our sisters with valkries, grey knight land raiders, and even a grey knight dreadnought (which means we can model these to look more sister like), and then of course, we can add dedicated melee units of marines or inquisitors if we feel like.


Nobody is entirely sure how the faction stuff works yet, but yes you can take less sisters and more not-sisters with potentially less points invested into unlock units like HQs (as I assume will any Imperial faction now since that is the point of the book).


Transport stuff is up in the air. There is a distinct possibility the sisters in the book are literally just the old sisters without Celestine.

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I was just trying to look at the positives, my main concern is I would hate to spend the money on the book, if the sisters are getting a proper release in january with a stand alone codex. If it is just new models, then I can always just buy the book, but I don't want to waste money now, if the new stuff is just around the corner.    I will probably just hold off on the book, but the fluff junkey in me also wants to get the book to read any new lore that might be in the book, plus it would be nice to be able to attach other units easier if I ever got the inclination to do so.   

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Maybe instead of a Codex they'll get a campaign book like the Wrath of Magnus or Damocles. The end of the Magnus book is said to have hinted at the introduction/return of Silence Sisters to 40k. And the campaign books do introduce new figures too, like the XV128 and the Primarch. Big time units.


So, wild theory, Imperial Agents might be our Codex, and a campaign book might come out with rules for Celestine, Inconcessus, or some other new figures for us to use. Not including whatever Forge World might put out.


I'd be a bigger fan of Celestine if there had only been more stories about her. My primary source of Warhammer is novels now that the FFG RPG is slowing down. If I ever get a Sororitas model I'll definitely make it look like Sister Miriya, my favorite female character in all of Warhammer (barring my OC, Tlatia, of course).

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"GW has removed characters before"


I'm not sure that any faction has lost more characters than Sisters (some probably have :P)


(In the order their disappearance)


Cardinal Armandus Helfire

Saint Praxedes of Ophelia VII

Helena the Virtuous, Prioress of the Convent Sanctorum

Redemptor Kyrinov, Arch-Confessor

Saint Celestine, Hieromartyr of the Paliatine Crusade (maybe)

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Jacobus was a 2nd Ed character who vanished up until 5th Ed's mini-dex came out.


So looking at the BoLS article the core of Acts of Faith and Shield of Faith has not changed. Which means the formation likely just gives. Bonus to SoF at most.


It really comes down to if the individual units have seen changes or not in their points cost and Acts of Faith abilities if it's worth getting this book to play Sisters with.

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