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They do look good but they are one of those sets I have yet to buy for some reason. I do want to pick them up as I am making a Palatine Blade-esque bodyguard unit for my EC army but I've decided to wait and see what new plastics we will get from a Codex release.


Thats kind of where I am. Not terribly into deathguard, my thousand sons army is huge. 


Chaos as a whole I really like, but when EC come out I may have to dive in. idk yet. depends on where they go as an entire army. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings Scions of the Warmaster. I've got a 1500pt tourney in 4 days, my first 8th ed tourney and about my 5 game of 8th in total (3 of which as Chaos). I've been playing since 5th so I'm pretty experienced with the game in general. My list os technically a Night Lords list, but the Black Legion is nothing if not diverse ;)


My list is:





Warlord :

Daemon Prince, wings, Elixir, MoS, Delightful Agonies, that WT that requires enemies to roll an extra dice for morale


Sorceror, jump pack, MoS, Prescience, Warptime



10x cultists, MoS

10x cultists, MoS

5x csm, plas, combi plas, MoS, Rhino (MoS)


Elites :

5x berserkers, rhino

5x berserkers, rhino

8x chaos termis, 4x plas 4xmelta, MoS



5x havocs, 2x plasma, 1x combi, MoN, IoN

5x havocs, 2x plasma, 1x combi, MoN, IoN

7x havocs, 2x las, 2x cannon, MoS


The idea is to stick the plasma havocs in the rhinos with the zerkers and race them up the board with the Prince, who can cast agonies on them to keep them in the game till they get to the enemy lines, while the las/autocannon havocs provide cover fire and the cultists hang aroind doing whatever it is they do. Probably praying. The termies and sorc will drop in, warptime, endless cacophony, standard termie stuff.


The idea is for the msu to cause enough damage in shooting and meelee to finish enemy squads in morale, assisted by the Prince's WT.


Games are:

The Relic (includes killpoints). This last part confuses me. Are killpoints no longer a thing in Eternal War? Cause my army gives a lot of killpoints .

Big Guns Never Tire.

Secure and Control.


Any tips would be appreciated, and I'll be sure to let you all know how the good fight goes (pray I don't fail, the Warmaster's pretty touchy about that!)

  • 2 weeks later...

So I have a question for the folks in this thread....


Have we heard anything about Vortigern other than the following?


1. The name of his ship ("With Blade Drawn"),

2. He uses a sword well enough to be compared to Telemachon

3. He was originally a Fallen and led the Lost Lions before bringing them into the BL, apparently as the Black Lions

4. His warband appear to likewise be former Fallen.

5. He's super serious to the point of being nearly emotionless.


I'm asking because I have 47 Fallen and wouldn't mind a small Black Legion detachment to do things they can't. Some Black Lions looking for recruits or maybe honoring old debts might make a good companion force.

Hello folks! :D


Been working on a Black Legion project for a few months now but only just got around to posting in here! :)


Theres a WIP topic back over in the main Chaos forum but thought I'd post in here too as it seems a friendly little bunch of renegades.


The main force is made up of Black Legion veterans for my project, boosted with some Crimson Slaughter pledged to the BL and Abaddon.


Pics are below of what I've been working on.







So its slowly getting there. Counting my Daemons etc I can wield upto around 1500 points painted which I'm chuiffed with!
Anyways, lovely to say hi and see you all either here or in my thread +First Legion of the Long War+ :)

So I have a question for the folks in this thread....


Have we heard anything about Vortigern other than the following?


1. The name of his ship ("With Blade Drawn"),

2. He uses a sword well enough to be compared to Telemachon

3. He was originally a Fallen and led the Lost Lions before bringing them into the BL, apparently as the Black Lions

4. His warband appear to likewise be former Fallen.

5. He's super serious to the point of being nearly emotionless.


I'm asking because I have 47 Fallen and wouldn't mind a small Black Legion detachment to do things they can't. Some Black Lions looking for recruits or maybe honoring old debts might make a good companion force.

There's nothing more so far.

We'll have to wait the next book to hopefully learn more about him and his warband.

There's nothing more so far.

We'll have to wait the next book to hopefully learn more about him and his warband.

OK, so I'll just convert some Ravenwing bikes I got for cheap, throw in some spare Terminators and Raptors, and add one tac squad for Let The Galaxy Burn, plus some Cultists for CP. That should do.


Gotta have Termies. I feel terrible even thinking of a BL force without at least one choice from either Termies, Chosen, or Possessed.

*THIS* is why I love my Black Legion.  Now I am looking at dark angel kits and going "Now to add you to the black legion, All shall join!" 

The modeling opportunities, and the ability to dip your toe into so many sub factions for chaos and marines. I know that *technically* other chaos legions can do it, but BL do it so well, and its 100% fluff accurate.  


Now I gotta think about some Dark Angel additions.... >_> (upon further thoughts; It actually makes perfect sense that Abbadon would adopt any of the fallen he could to the Legion, they are intelligent, reliable, and good fighters.  "Sons of the Lion" as always.) 

*THIS* is why I love my Black Legion. Now I am looking at dark angel kits and going "Now to add you to the black legion, All shall join!"


The modeling opportunities, and the ability to dip your toe into so many sub factions for chaos and marines. I know that *technically* other chaos legions can do it, but BL do it so well, and its 100% fluff accurate.


Now I gotta think about some Dark Angel additions.... >_> (upon further thoughts; It actually makes perfect sense that Abbadon would adopt any of the fallen he could to the Legion, they are intelligent, reliable, and good fighters. "Sons of the Lion" as always.)

Not to mention that the new identity and raw power offered by the Legion gives at least some protection from the Hunt.


My advice would be to buy Dark Vengeance and some DA Veteran kits, then buy a Sons of Horus upgrade pack and an SoH Contemptor from FW.


Then get out that hobby knife and some green stuff. :)

Now you guys are speaking my language. My Warband’s leader is Fallen and I love trying to map out his history. On how he went from Caliban being torn apart to where he stands at the forefront of his Warband, The Splintered.


I am setting my Warband’s timeline after the Black Legion’s first return from the Eye. And now the Dark Angels are starting their hunt after learning of their arrival.


I really like Eddie Eccles who has some fantastic Fallen and want to copy his work for for the handful of Fallen in my tanks.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've always wondered why the Black Legion is not a more prominent foe of the Dark Angels. Lore traditionally depicts them on a hunt for the Fallen, and the Black Legion would know the most given it's size / nature of accumulating lesser warbands. Feels like they should be constant foes, and that the Fallen should be part of the Legion in numbers.

So.....You know when you start updating your Black Legion to the 8th edition but despise the Ye Olde CSM kits? Enter, greenstuff trim!



Aim was to fit in with the DV and Raptor aesthetic using newer marine kits. Black Legion enough? Also had to de-Hades my Rapiers seeing as Forge World deleted that option, Laser Destroyers as mine were Heavy Bolters. Though they are magnetized :)


The Legion now marches for the 8th Edition! Well, it will once I get a few other weapon options sorted through my squads....

Yeah they are greenstuff molds of the Dark Vengeance Chosen - I love them and I am hoping the new CSM kits will feature them - and once painted up they look good, this is a just a boggo snap fit marine -


I can’t take credit for the idea, totally stolen from Malisteen :D


Cheers :tu:

Cheers B) the snap marine does look good but he is a little stumpy when standing next to his friends!


I think when the new stuff does come, they will be in the same style as the DV stuff, maybe not overly mutated like the Raptors, but the the trim will be very similar and quite asymmetrical, which suits me and my Black Legion but maybe not somebody with Iron Warriors. I just hope the scale is not way off compared to my current stuff!

Revisiting the tactical side of things, and having a lot more games under my belt since the last time I posted here I've come to some conclusions on my beloved Legion. Of course this is just my opinion so feel free to disagree.


Our trait is more of a burden than it is a buff. I've stopped using it entirely and have been running purely mixed detachments with random chaos units thrown in that are effective for the list but I don't have to take extra units as taxes to fill out separate detachments. Abaddon is pretty much an auto-include for me as his rules and aura abilities are what make the Black Legion actually have some of it's own character. I've personally always played this Legion because I love the idea of chaos undivided and having as many different god aligned units, or units that were once from another legion, marching under one banner. So since there is pretty much next to no reason to ever use our trait from a rules perspective, I find it much more effective to bring forth all the horrors that the Eye of Terror can spew forth.


Chapter Approved changed everything because we don't lose ObSec for running mixed detachments anymore.


With that said, there are a lot of units that can be very useful to us when played this way:


- The Bloodletter Bomb: 3 CP and just over 200 points of a 30 man squad of choppy death. They don't need character support and they take up a troop slot so they have ObSec aswell. They murder anything on the charge and can provide a good pincer maneuver if paired with plasma terminators.


- 40 Alpha Legion Cultists: It's been said before, but being able to cover the entire midfield with fearless ObSec bodies before the game even starts is amazing. Yea they don't get the reroll aura, but if you get first turn, you will probably play them more aggressively so that they'll be too far from Abby anyway. If you go second, then they basically do what conscripts used to do except they start halfway up the board. Once you're opponent chews threw a big chunk of them, just use the 2 free CP from Abby and revive them with Tide of Traitors!


- Ahriman/TSons Daemon Prince: I usually take these guys in a separate detachment to get the 6" psychic range buff. But these guys are the best psykers we can get. Yea they don't buff anyone with rerolls but they both are fast and hit hard, the the Tsons Prince can cast double the psychic powers and has a 4+ invul. You can even spend 1 CP and give him the relic that lets you regenerate command points.


- Renegade Commanders: Fill hq slots for next to nothing. Yea they don't do anything, but these guys can provide deep strike denial and sit on backfield objectives whilst being untargetable due to being characters. Even then they still have 4 wounds and 5+ invul so they can take a few hits if you're lucky.


- Renegade Sentinels: Fill fast attack slots (if you want a brigade) and more importantly use their scout move to prevent deep-striking nasty things hitting you turn one. These things are great in my Guard army and they're just as good here.



So yea, I know this might upset some people since you could see this as unfluffy, but I see it as the Warmaster having every tool within the Eye at his disposal and using them accordingly. I've been enjoying my games so much more since I ditched the Legion trait as I feel there are so many more ways to build a good list with lots of unit variety.


I'd love to hear what you guys have been running lately, let me know if you agree or disagree with my view and share why that may be.


P.S. And yes, my lists do still use power armoured marines unlike the super competitive tournament chaos lists out there :)





Anyone been following the recent rumors about upcoming (as in later this year, not imminent) Black Legion releases?  Specifically new Abaddon and bringers of despair, releasing along with not a new CSM or Black Legion codex but instead maybe some sort of narrative campaign book following Abaddon's progress towards earth.


While not an entirely unexpected development, this is a lot sooner than I was expecting to see new undivided stuff, should it prove to be true.  As I've mentioned elsewhere, I have been expecting Emperor's Children/Slaanesh Daemons and World Eaters/Khorne Daemons releases later this year into early next year, with a new undivided push including new abaddon/bile/huron, revised CSM codex, and new units in the form of some chaos version of or answer to primaris marines, showing up with a narrative campaign on the crusade towards terra, late next year.


So this release, again if the rumors prove true, is coming a year earlier than I would have expected, though apparently not with a CSM revision removing EC and WE legions, so that prediction, along with further undivided CSM releases, might yet come to pass later on.  It does match my expectations that, apart from updating old metal/resin HQs, new releases will be in the form of entirely new units rather than updates to the existing range, since the rumor is 'bringers of despair' and not 'chaos terminators' - though I have few doubts that plenty of players would use new bringer models in place of regular terminators.



If this release happens, I'm, well, of mixed minds about it.  Overall I'm very excited about the possibilities on the model front, a revised Abaddon by all rights should be an absolutely epic model, looking at the updates we've already seen for Khârn and especially Ahriman.  And the existing terminators are showing their age a bit.  They're not terrible, but the posing is a bit dull, the pauldrons don't quite fit right with the trophy racks, and the detailing is a bit thick and blocky compared to the finer, crisper details on more recent stuff.  And for a black legion unit expecially, I'd love to see a more mutated look taking after the dark vengeance models a bit more, so we'll see.


So new models, if they happen, should be epic, but rules-wise?  Without a new codex update, Abaddon's rules would almost certainly be unchanged.  That's not too much of a let down, his existing rules are pretty impressive, but I still would have liked to see some updates/rethinks.  In particular, I'd much rather see the talong of horus as the 'bunch of attacks' weapon and drachnyen as the 'few but devastating attacks' weapon.  IMO, that would be a much better fit for the fluff, but would require re-writing the rules for abby's weapons completely.  Additionally, without a new codex, the rules for the Black Legion itself would remain unchanged, which is disappointing since, unfortunately, time and experience seem to be coming down on the side of my initial reaction to our legion trait.  IE, that it's so worthless that you're better off forgetting that it exists outright.  Combined with a stratagem and artefact which, while far from useless, are nothing to write home about either, and @dakkamasta isn't the only player taking a mix of heretic astartes and generic chaos detachments and just calling it black legion.  It would have been nice if a re-imagining of abaddon's model could have coincided with a re-imagining of his personal legion's lackluster rules, but so be it.


As for the bringers of despair, if they get new models those should be fantastic for representing black legion terminators, but as a unit of their own I doubt they'll stack up.  Rumors for them are chaos terminators with WS/BS 5 who can tank wounds for Abaddon, and conceptually that's nice, but does any of that sound like something you'd pay extra points for?  Not so much for me.  Abaddon already lets your plasmanators reroll hits, BS2 with rerolls isn't enough better than BS3 with rerolls that I'd pay more than a point or two extra for it.  And regular terminators already tank shooting for abby via the character targeting rules, so I'm not sure the ability to also do so in melee, or against the game's relatively rare snipers, is really worth paying extra for either, especially when Abaddon is already durable enough that against some opponents on some tables I already deploy him in front of regular terminators so that he tank hits for them.  And tanking in melee is iffier due to the lack of character-joining-unit rules that so often has characters charging into melee without their retinues or vice-versa.



So... yeah.  I'm really excited about the possibility of new models, and hope the rumors are true on those grounds alone, but I haven't seen anything in these rumors that seems likely to make any sort of mechanical difference in how I run my army or what tools are meaningfully available to it, and overall I kind of would have preferred to be hearing about new world eaters or emperor's children releases which I feel are both more needed (terminators may be showing their age, but the zerker and noise marine models might as well not even exist at this point), and more likely to come with meaningful mechanical additions to the game, with new undivided stuff waiting until enough time had passed to justify an update to their codex rules along with the introduction of new models.

I haven't seen any rumors for the Bringers of Despair, only new Abaddon, Angron, and Berzerkers were kits mentioned by name in the rumors that I read.


I'd be very surprised if they revisited any rules whatsoever in this edition, but it does seem at least somewhat possible. Looking forward to seeing more concrete info one way or another on both new models and rules changes.

Bringers of Despair you say??!! Colour me excited, though not too much as, yanno Chaos and salt and all that :D I best get to painting the rest of my Terminators as if they are as good as I think they will be then mine will be long forgotten.....!


Thanks Sagentus, I will hopefully add a few more (but not too many lol) before any new kits arrive. Maybe even paint some too :)

Nice kitbash/conversion, GreaterChicken. May your decimator reap many foes!


I was also going to say that I hope my current pile of plastic crack lasts me until we truly get new CSM goodies. yet knowing how slow I am with building I shouldn't have to worry at all.

FYI, Chosen got crazy with the new FAQ. They can ALL take items from the Melee Weapons list without switching anything out and can still take the 6 ranged upgrades.


The "Chaos Golf Bag" of weapons from earlier Chosen (and CSM) iterations has returned, at least for Chosen.


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