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Insurrection Timeline as requested:


031.M31 - Day of Revelation, Insurrection begins as does the Martian Civil War, the Seg. Solar pacification campaign, and the Maelstrom Conquest. Daer'dd dies this year. Icarion conquers Badab and gives it to the Morning Stars. K'awil is crippled. The mass exodus from Jiin to Strela begins. 


032.M31 - End of the Martian Civil War. The Jiin exodus ends. 


033.M31 - Halfway through the year, Seg. Solar Pacification Campaign is complete. Alexandros convenes the Loyalists Primarchs and warns them about Chaos. Hectarion and the Crimson Lions are sent West to begin the Pacificus Pacification Campaign, while the Scions Hospitalier are split between containing the Traitors and securing Seg. Tempestus. Wardens of Light also fight to end the fighting in their portion of Pacificus.


034-035.M31 - Icarion's Dark Imperium continues expanding as the Loyalists reclaim other galactic zones.


036.M31 - Crimson Lions successfully secure Seg. Pacificus. They begin marching North to assault the Jiin system and reclaiming Obscurus from the Traitors. 


037.M31 - Crimson Lions lay siege to the Jiin system (which is now heavily defended by 20,000 Warriors according to Drak). Niklaas and the FK complete fortifying the Sol System and begin fortifying Seg. Solar and reinforcing the front lines. 


038.M31 - The Crimson Lions sack Jiin. Begin marching towards Mexicatii Prime. Azus is captured by the Traitors. (Selene becomes the first Saint? Alexandros writes the Divinatus?)


039.M31 - Crimson Lions lay siege to Mexicatii system, Eagle Warriors unleash Chaos trap. Andezo rescues Azus. Icarion mobilizes to attack Seg. Solar. 


040.M31 - First Solar War begins, while Nomus and the General fight Azus and Andezo in the East. 


041.M31 - The Berserkers of Uran breach the first defense zone in the Center Front, forcing the Loyalists to retreat to the second line. Alexandros issues the Edict of Emancipation.


042.M31 - Xenos Auxilia begin to make an impact as they are arrive on the front lines.


043.M31 - First Solar War ends as Crimson Lions arrive to reinforce the Loyalists. 


044-045.M31 - The Warmaster and Stormlord try to out-maneuver each other, but a stalemate ensues. A few rebellions break out within Icarion's empire, and there is dissent among the Traitor Primarchs. Icarion becomes desperate enough to allow Travier's plan to become adopted. 


046.M31 - Blood Crusade begins. 


047.M31 - Blood Crusade ends. Berserkers and Eagle Warriors enter the Eye of Terror. Raktra becomes the first Daemon Primarch. 


048-49.M31 - Both corrupted Legions reappear out of the Maelstrom. Morro and Travier go East to begin the Drowned's ascension. Icarion moves to contain and pin the Western Loyalists. (Destruction of Grave Stalkers' homeworld by Crimson Lions?)


050.M31 - Warp storms strike Zbruch with the Godslayers there. K'awil is killed. The Suzerainty is established. Daemon Raktra leads the initial retribution campaign against the Suzerainty. Nurgle Godslayers reappear and move toward the Suzerainty. The Fire Keepers burn Zbruch. Andezo defects to the Traitors. Eastern Front collapses. Negotiations begin between Alexandros and Kozja.


051.M31 - The Loyalists and the Suzerains launch a joint invasion against the Yomi system to kill Icarion before the Eastern Traitors can arrive. Despite taking some territory, the campaign fails. 


052.M31 - Second Solar War begins. Pionus is nearly killed by Daemon Morro. Wardens of Light save the Loyalists from an early defeat. The Loyalists make a fighting withdrawal to the FK-fortified Sol System. The Suzerainty launches their own invasion into Icarion's empire. 


053.M31 - Sol and Madrigal systems are placed under siege. Alexandros declares his authorship of the Divinatus and claims to be a divine being. Writes a second testament while commanding the Loyalist defenses. Year ends with the Suzerainty winning the Madrigal siege.


054.M31 - Emperor is crippled, Alexandros is dead, Icarion is dead, and the Traitors are defeated. Official end of the Insurrection as recorded by historians.


041.M31 The Berzerkers of Uran stand around looking at each other trying to comprehend how Niklaas and his legion managed to kick them in the family jewels and casually execute a tactical withdrawal.

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So we have the Berserkers of Happiness as followers of khorne?

In real life I will cuddle :cussing anything.



Reallife Raktra being like Elmira?


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Okay, I found two from myself.


One, Blind, do you have a preferred naval warfare style? What kind of flagship would you want?


Two, Talonair, if you could name your flagship, what would it be?

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Generally I would prefer a three point strategy. Large capital ships keeping at range and picking off priority targets, Battle-cruisers and Frigates drawing the attention of the enemy fleet so that my Destroyers which have been moving to flank the entire time can get in close before striking the killing blow. However, since I would primarily be fighting legion fleets and being that I would have at least an academic understanding of legion fleet tactics, I would know that my preferred style of naval warfare wouldn't always be the correct tactic to use and would probably more likely lead to heavy loses in regards to both men and ships within my own fleet than it would to victory against my opponent. 


In short, I would use my knowledge of legion tactics to be flexible and would adapt my tactics to best counter the tactical tendencies of my opponents. 


That being said, my flagship would have to be an Oberon for it's multi-functional capabilities and also due to it's advanced sensor systems. I would name it Militaris Spurcius, or the "Unrivaled Tactician."

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Does someone have the latest link for Insurrection?

Thought that I got the latest version on my tablet. As it turns out, nope, I need to download it again. ^^

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I'll try to get you the link, Kel, but that ties into my problem.


B&C is barely working for me. It takes a minute to load each page, and it times out half the time I try to access my PMs. And it's only B&C that's doing it, everything else is loading fine, including heresy30k and dakkadakka.


What's going on?

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This seems to be a server issue as it affects many of the community, regardless of logging in via desktop or phone.

Within the "Bug Report" section is a thread which deals with said issue.

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So, to carry over the Facebook idea, Slips, would it be possible for this sub-forum to have one more sub-forum? The idea is that we establish a WIP workshop sub-forum, and then the outer sub-forum would contain all of the completed work. Ideally, this would make it easier for newcomers to see and join BotL.

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