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Syn's Emperors Children


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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to see you posting again Syn. I had discovered your Warseer forum on this warband some time ago and since then you have inspired me to expand the Slaaneshi part of my chaos collection which I had long since neglected. I just love the colour of pink/magenta/purple you use in the colour scheme as it just pops in contrast with the black. Because of it i'm now split between wanting my noise marines to be coloured like yours or like the pastel pink GW had been using during the late 90's/early 2000's.


Keep up the great work and look forward to your progress.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much for all the kind words guys :smile.: Thats what keeps this snails pace project going!


The Marines are finaly done, backpacks and all.





Next up will be completing the Decimator. My girlfriend is taking me to Warhammer World at the end of the month for my B-day and I really want to take it down with me.

So I've got an update to show off, but photobucket seems to be broken. Whenever I try to upload an image it gets to 90% then freezes. Does anyone know a way around this? Or any other way to upload images to this log on B&C?


I'm also having a problem with photobucket that the moment.  As you said would ether freeze a bit, of the img part would not allow me to click to copy the code post onto here.


​But as said, Bolter & Chainsword has it own gallery.


Also - As said on facebook, you will really enjoy Warhammer World.  It really great & best hobby experience.  Just make sure take lot photos.  Also that most money going to go toward the Forge World store, it really easy to spend more than you plan to.


​Models are looking cool.  You'll need to try get a army photos of the whole collection that some point :D


You could use the B&C gallery? It's easy to set up and use :smile.:

I've had a crack at uploading to the B&C gallery, but apparently the file is too big and I'm not entirely sure what to do about that.




So I've got an update to show off, but photobucket seems to be broken. Whenever I try to upload an image it gets to 90% then freezes. Does anyone know a way around this? Or any other way to upload images to this log on B&C?


I'm also having a problem with photobucket that the moment.  As you said would ether freeze a bit, of the img part would not allow me to click to copy the code post onto here.


​But as said, Bolter & Chainsword has it own gallery.


Also - As said on facebook, you will really enjoy Warhammer World.  It really great & best hobby experience.  Just make sure take lot photos.  Also that most money going to go toward the Forge World store, it really easy to spend more than you plan to.


​Models are looking cool.  You'll need to try get a army photos of the whole collection that some point :biggrin.:




Hopefully photobucket will sort it's self out soon. I'm looking forward to Warhammer World! It should be good, and I'm not too worried about over spending. In fact I plan on it!



Why not use imgur like normal people? (I seriously dislike photobucket :tongue.: )


I'm giving that a look now, but I can't see where the image link is to copy onto here. How do I go about getting the image from Imgur onto this log?


sfPanzer, on 18 Mar 2017 - 12:04 AM, said:


Why not use imgur like normal people? (I seriously dislike photobucket :tongue.: )

I'm giving that a look now, but I can't see where the image link is to copy onto here. How do I go about getting the image from Imgur onto this log?


Well either by clicking on it:






Or by doing it the classic way of right click -> open picture in a new tab + taking the link directly from your browser url/copy picture address (possibly have to click 'open link in new tab' first)


So that didn't work. Attempt number 2!




It worked! I think. Can everyone see the photo?


If you can, this is how the Decimator is looking now that it's standing up. Still got a fair amount of work to do, especially on the waist section, but it's coming along nicely and should hopefully be fully built this week.

Glad you got the pictures sorted out!


Very happy to see more work on the decimator! I really like the way it's shaping up. It really remind me of those Slaaneshi titans I've seen for the epic game.


What loadout are you giving it and will you be building its weapons too?

Thanks for the comments, it's good to be back on track :)


As for weapons, I'm wanting to give it a CCW and a Butcher Cannon. You just can't argue with a gun called the "Butcher Cannon"!


I'm wanting to have the whole model built and painted up by the end of the month so I can take it down to Warhammer World with me, so I don't have much time left to get the arms built. So they'll probably be pretty un-converted.

Decimator is looking really cool mate. He's going to be a lot taller than I first realised. Looking forward to what you do with the arms.


Ps I'm not jealous at all that you're heading to WHW either ha. :smile.:

Initially I didn't plan on it being so tall, but after blu-taking all the bits together he looked a bit disproportionate. So I stuck one of Belisarius Cawl's arms in as a waist!


As for the arms, the CCW is a claw from the Heldrake kit and the Butcher Cannon is from one of the Forgeworld Chaos flyers.


The Decimator is built and ready for paint.





The more I look at him the more I want one. Seeing this guy I'd love to make one like a subjugator and proxy it. How tall is it? Have a comparison shot of him with a marine for scale? I am trying to guesstimate by looking at it and the pictures of your marines comparing the drawer behind them haha.

He almost looks like a knight without all the armor. :D

I hadn't thought of it, but now that you mention it, yes it does!


The more I look at him the more I want one. Seeing this guy I'd love to make one like a subjugator and proxy it. How tall is it? Have a comparison shot of him with a marine for scale? I am trying to guesstimate by looking at it and the pictures of your marines comparing the drawer behind them haha.

Not a problem, it'll get a size comparison photo up for you tomorrow. And this may be a silly question, but what is a Subjugator?

I only know them from internet browsing but it is a Slaaneshi titan from the epic game.




There is another one I think call a castigator which is had more guns I think. Actually, I think there were a few kinds. But I had been wanting a titan but wanted one looking the monster pictured above.

That thing is creepy as hell! Love it!




I'm sure the Castigator and Subjugator were approx Warhound sized. The Hell Knight and Scourge were Knight sized I think. I may be wrong about this but I had the original White Dwarf when they were released.


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