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Syn's Emperors Children


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I have a quick question about the face plate. Would it look better in pink or black? Or a different colour entirely? I'm a bit tempted to paint it silver like the Sonic Dread, but there's already quite a lot of metallics on it.

Hard to say. It really depends on how the rest of him will look like.

Gold could look good. :P

And he's all painted up!







I'm thinking that I'll be using him more often as a Helbrute. I really like using the Hellforged Warpack formation, and I usually have my Sonic Dreadnought stand in as a Helbrute, but the new model fits in beter with the rest of the formation.


Looking really cool Syn.

​Will you also be starting the Death Guard warband you talk about a few month back.  Just with the new models shown last week.  Also not long until your going to Warhammer World, you'll need to try get a photo of the whole Emperor Children warband.

@sfPanzer and Kierdale - Thanks very much! I'm glad he's finally done!


@Insane Psychopath - Funnily enough, I've actually been toying around with starting an AoS Nurgle army! I'm hoping to get some stuff for that while I'm down in Nottingham (I'm about an hour away as I'm typing this). I am planning to revisit my Death Guard soon, I really like the look of the new Death Guard Terminator models and I always wanted to do a Nurgle Terminator Annihilation Force, so it seems like a good time to get that done. I'm hoping we'll be able to mix and match the new parts with the current plastic kits and forgeworld sets.


I'll be sure to snap plenty of pics when I'm there tomorrow. And who knows, I might even find the Vindicare Assassin!

So that's me back from Warhammer World, I had an awesome time and I've got loads of photos to share, But I still need to go through the long and painful process of getting them onto my laptop and uploaded to the internet. So, in the meantime, here's a taster of whats to come.



Right! Photo time! First up, a small selection of the pic's I took of the awesome displays. I took way too many to upload, so this is just a few of my favourites. My personal favourite is the Drop Pod accidentally killing a Warhound Titan.









And some in game photo's.


All ready for battle.



Marching to war.



My Maulerfiend did pretty well, it took down most of the Lychguard before being slain by the Overlord.



The Terminators showed up to try and finish off the Overlord, but were quickly joined by a unit of Immortals.



The Destroyers proved to be a pain to get rid of.



But the Wraiths went down surprisingly quick (first unit I took out).



The Decimator did really well. Usually when I bring along something new to try out it gets killed on the first turn. But the Decimator lasted for most of the battle and did a decent amount of damage, it even killed the C'tan. But then it wound up immobilised with its rear armour facing a Doomsday Ark, so it got blown up pretty soon after that.


Some army photos. I thought I'd accidentally deleted them but it turns out I'd just moved them to a different file. So here they are.











And finally, here's what I picked up while I was there.



I've been wanting to start a Nurgle AoS army for a while because I just love the Putrid Blightking models so much, but I never got around to it. So I've finally bit the bullet and got the project started. Would anyone be interested in seeing the progress for the Rotbringers, or should I just keep this log for 40K?

Thanks for all the comments guys! I had a great time at Warhammer World and I,m looking forward to going back! (nothing planned, but its inevitable).


Next up is nothing special, The 8 man unit of Noise Marines has been buggng me for a while, so I'm going to add two more Noise Marines. Here's how they're looking so far.





Army shots look awesome mate and yeah as someone else said this is power armour only forum. Love to see you tackle a Nurgle force though.


As it would happen ,I do have plans to add Death Guard allies to this army. I had a look through all my stuff a little while ago to see what I had for it, and wound up digging out all this.




I've got a handful of old metal Plague Marines, an Obliterator (there's only one left in the box), a box of Chaos Space Marines that my partner got me a while ago, the Forge World Plague Marines kit (the only thing I've actually bought for this project), 6 Terminators and a Spawn that I made way back when Codex: Eye of Terror came out, a Forge World Death Guard Dreadnought I got of someone at my local club ages ago, and enough Zombie and Cadian parts to make at least 10 Plague Zombies.

I'll be honest here, your guys make me re-think my decision to paint my guys purple&gold. The black&pink looks just too sweet. :biggrin.:


Hopefully when I get my purple and gold Children up they'll influence you back. ;)  That said, Syn's pink and black EC are very sweet.

Thanks for all the comments guys! I had a great time at Warhammer World and I,m looking forward to going back! (nothing planned, but its inevitable).


Next up is nothing special, The 8 man unit of Noise Marines has been buggng me for a while, so I'm going to add two more Noise Marines. Here's how they're looking so far.






Army shots look awesome mate and yeah as someone else said this is power armour only forum. Love to see you tackle a Nurgle force though.



As it would happen ,I do have plans to add Death Guard allies to this army. I had a look through all my stuff a little while ago to see what I had for it, and wound up digging out all this.




I've got a handful of old metal Plague Marines, an Obliterator (there's only one left in the box), a box of Chaos Space Marines that my partner got me a while ago, the Forge World Plague Marines kit (the only thing I've actually bought for this project), 6 Terminators and a Spawn that I made way back when Codex: Eye of Terror came out, a Forge World Death Guard Dreadnought I got of someone at my local club ages ago, and enough Zombie and Cadian parts to make at least 10 Plague Zombies.

A couple of years ago forte claimed that it was possible to paint a nurgle model in any two colours and have it look appropriate, i think he then went on to prove it during that year's ETL. Maybe you could make black and pink nurgle allies instead of straight death guard? Or at least keep some aspect of the pink to tie the army together - after all inflammation and sores can be quite a livid pink.

Decent Nurgle force you've amassed already. That'll be a great looking force for sure. I'm planning on working some of my buckshee models into a Black Legion force so I can utilise the other Cult troops a little more. The new Noise Marines are looking good so far buddy. I need to get back to my Emperors Children soon. This thread is full of inspiration.


Also have you checked out the Work in progress section of the forum? I know I tend to spend more time over on that section and forget about the sub forums. I'm sure there's others out there who have missed this army in the same way. Might be worth sticking a thread over there as well?


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