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Syn's Emperors Children


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I just found this thread and my jaw dropped to the ground. Man your conversions are awesome, great slaaneshi force!

The Warpsmith fits perfectly in the Emperor Children aesthetic, creepy as hell, and your marines are really cool. However this Decimator is a whole new level of awesomeness, can't wait to see it finished! Also your colour scheme looks great and you've got a quite impressive army, so much noise! 

It is a shame I missed this for so long, I'm sure there are all kinds of awesome painting threads all around the forum that I miss for not being on the WIP section, I will have to look out more in the sub forums, specially Chaos!


Thanks for all the comments guys! I had a great time at Warhammer World and I,m looking forward to going back! (nothing planned, but its inevitable).


Next up is nothing special, The 8 man unit of Noise Marines has been buggng me for a while, so I'm going to add two more Noise Marines. Here's how they're looking so far.






Army shots look awesome mate and yeah as someone else said this is power armour only forum. Love to see you tackle a Nurgle force though.


As it would happen ,I do have plans to add Death Guard allies to this army. I had a look through all my stuff a little while ago to see what I had for it, and wound up digging out all this.




I've got a handful of old metal Plague Marines, an Obliterator (there's only one left in the box), a box of Chaos Space Marines that my partner got me a while ago, the Forge World Plague Marines kit (the only thing I've actually bought for this project), 6 Terminators and a Spawn that I made way back when Codex: Eye of Terror came out, a Forge World Death Guard Dreadnought I got of someone at my local club ages ago, and enough Zombie and Cadian parts to make at least 10 Plague Zombies.

A couple of years ago forte claimed that it was possible to paint a nurgle model in any two colours and have it look appropriate, i think he then went on to prove it during that year's ETL. Maybe you could make black and pink nurgle allies instead of straight death guard? Or at least keep some aspect of the pink to tie the army together - after all inflammation and sores can be quite a livid pink.

Ahh yea the Fruit Salad marine. That turned out really good. :wub:


Shame Forte has moved on from GW stuff, I miss seeing his Slaanesh stuff. Bounced around a few good ideas for conversions with him as well.

Hey guys, thanks for all the comments! Progress on this army has slowed a bit for the time being. I'm working on my AoS Rotbringers and I'm painting up a Tyranid army for a friend. Trying to do three projects at the same time is causing all of them to go really slow.


Decent Nurgle force you've amassed already. That'll be a great looking force for sure. I'm planning on working some of my buckshee models into a Black Legion force so I can utilise the other Cult troops a little more. The new Noise Marines are looking good so far buddy. I need to get back to my Emperors Children soon. This thread is full of inspiration.

Also have you checked out the Work in progress section of the forum? I know I tend to spend more time over on that section and forget about the sub forums. I'm sure there's others out there who have missed this army in the same way. Might be worth sticking a thread over there as well?

In all honesty I didn't know there was a w.i.p part of this forum. I'll have to have a look and get a log started over there too.


I too would love to see more of your Emperor's Children, I'm still planning to use the idea you gave me about the Skull Cannon pistons on something, possibly the next Obliterator.


I just found this thread and my jaw dropped to the ground. Man your conversions are awesome, great slaaneshi force!

The Warpsmith fits perfectly in the Emperor Children aesthetic, creepy as hell, and your marines are really cool. However this Decimator is a whole new level of awesomeness, can't wait to see it finished! Also your colour scheme looks great and you've got a quite impressive army, so much noise! 

It is a shame I missed this for so long, I'm sure there are all kinds of awesome painting threads all around the forum that I miss for not being on the WIP section, I will have to look out more in the sub forums, specially Chaos!

Thanks very much, I'm glad you like the Decimator so much, it took a stupidly long time for me to get him done! He's all painted up now, there's some photos of him on the previous page of this log.



 Trying to do three projects at the same time is causing all of them to go really slow. 

Yup I can sympathise with that. I've got about 5 units on the go from different projects an assignments for a masters degree so nothing is going anywhere quickly.


Your EC though are clearly a labour of love and look ace so striking and the walkers look amazing so keep up the good work.  

Yeah like I say I tend to spend more time over there than in the other sub forums, it's definitely worth checking out. As for the skull Cannon pistons I have a pair spare if you'd like them. I can drop them through to DWARF sometime. :tu:


I'm planning to fold my EC in with my Black Legion so I will be working on them again soon. Currently working through a backlog of World Eaters at the moment :)




 Trying to do three projects at the same time is causing all of them to go really slow. 

Yup I can sympathise with that. I've got about 5 units on the go from different projects an assignments for a masters degree so nothing is going anywhere quickly.


Your EC though are clearly a labour of love and look ace so striking and the walkers look amazing so keep up the good work.

It it indeed a labor of love, it's taken 5 years to get it this far, and I've still not hit the 3000 point mark!


Yeah like I say I tend to spend more time over there than in the other sub forums, it's definitely worth checking out. As for the skull Cannon pistons I have a pair spare if you'd like them. I can drop them through to DWARF sometime. :tu:

I'm planning to fold my EC in with my Black Legion so I will be working on them again soon. Currently working through a backlog of World Eaters at the moment :)

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you buddy, I've been away on holiday. If you've got the parts going spare then they'd be much appreciated :) If your planning on going to D.W.A.R.F.'s next 40K tournament I could get them off you then? Are there any bits your after? I could see what I've got for a trade.


Is your log(s?) In the w.i.p thread? Any chance of a link? I'd love to see what your working on :)


Army looks great!

Cool conversions, really like the Demonprince and the warsmith! :tu:

Thanks very much guys. I'm glad my army has received such a good response here on B&C.

  • 2 weeks later...

Time for a small update, I've been a bit hesitant to add new units to the army due to the pending release of 8th edition. It looks to me like 8th ed isn't just going to be updated rules, it's going to really change the whole game so I'm expecting the way every army works to have a noticeable change. I was planning on adding enough new models to be able to run a Rapture Battalion, but I'm not sure any of the expansion books will be relevant in the near future so, like many other people, I'm really not sure how to progress until I see what the future holds for 40k.


But I do still have those two Noise Marines sitting on my desk begging to be painted, so I've got there Sonic Blaster arms converted and ready for paint. You've probably all noticed that I like to keep each Noise Marine looking different, so I convert the resin weapon arms to have different shoulder pads. and here they are.


I also got a few of my Plague Marines painted up, but again, this project is currently on hold until I see what the new Death Guard release is like. I wanted a quick and easy type of colour scheme, and I'm pretty happy with the results. They're a bit rough around the edges, so I'll probably go back and tidy them up a bit when I get back to them. The Forge World one was my colour scheme tester, apart from him I'm wanting to get the OOP metal Plague Marines done first.

The putty work on those shoulder pads looks great buddy. The Deathguard are looking pretty nasty as well.


I would try not to get too disheartened about 8th just yet, it has been confirmed that we won't be losing any of our legion traits. How they will play might be slightly different but hopefully it'll be all good. :tu: I think they may actually feel a little stronger than currently

The putty work on those shoulder pads looks great buddy. The Deathguard are looking pretty nasty as well.


I would try not to get too disheartened about 8th just yet, it has been confirmed that we won't be losing any of our legion traits. How they will play might be slightly different but hopefully it'll be all good. :thumbsup: I think they may actually feel a little stronger than currently


Yea, your probably right, it's going to be very different bu t that's not necessarily a bad thing. So long as we get to keep our Legion specific rules, it can't bee too bad!


I've been playing around with a Shadow War Armageddon kill team. I've had loads of ideas in the past for units and conversions that I think would be really cool, but just don't fit with the asthetics of my army and because I probably wouldn't use them in games I never got around to making them. But Shadow War has given me the push I need to acatually get to work on one such project. So here's the start of my Traitor Guard kill team.





I've really liked the Chaos Enforcer conversion kit since it was first released and this seems like the perfect excuse to use it. Plus the well armoured chunky Tempestus legs and arms fit them really well, but I'll be running them as Veterans (I think).

Nice, I love those models as well, I've used a similar combo on my Knight pilots. I've still to play Shadow War but have really enjoyed building my Kill team. Planning a Mortifactors Scout team as well next. :tu:


And yeah it'll take some getting used to but I'm hopeful for the next edition.

Nice, I love those models as well, I've used a similar combo on my Knight pilots. I've still to play Shadow War but have really enjoyed building my Kill team. Planning a Mortifactors Scout team as well next. :tu:

And yeah it'll take some getting used to but I'm hopeful for the next edition.

The Scouts do sound cool. Will you be keeping them loyal, or Chaosifying them?


I'm wanting to make my Kill Team in a manner that they'll be legal in games of 40K too, so I'm planning to build them as a unit of Tempestus Scions and a Commissar. The problem is that I can't use them as Tempests Scions in Shadow War (or have I read that wrong?) So they'll need to be counts-as Veterans, even though they have Hotshot lasguns.


I've also been considering doing a Kill Team that's a Chaos Marine equivalent of a Deathwatch Kill Team, with all the members from different legions and chaos runes carved into their shoulder pads. It'd be a good excuse to do a different themed conversion on each model in the unit, though it would be pretty difficult to explain the fluff for it!


The enforcer looks good with those bits. I may have to try and steal this idea.

Steal away :)

Yeah that's why I've used the Black Legion as the basis for my Shadow War team, I have 4 Chaos Marines so far, the Champ is Undivided, then I have Nurgle and Slaanesh Marks on a couple of the others. The last one I may actually retool and make him mark of Khorne. Not sure yet.

With the Scouts my intention is to keep them loyalists. The Mortifactors are obsessed with death though so they'll still look nice and creepy. I'm thinking of using the Scions heads and painting a skull on them a bit like Crossbones or the guys from Army of Two.

I honestly can't remember if you can use Scions in SW:A.

The next member of the Kill Team/Traitor Scions is almost done, just got to fill in some gaps and he's good to go.




I've also made a start on the unit Leader (in standard 40K games he'll be a counts-as Commissar). So far I'm not too happy with him. I got him on eBay to save me having to buy the whole squad from Forgeworld but I didn't bother to strip the paint because I didn't want to damage the resin, but I’m starting to regret that decision. Also the chainsword-for-hand thing had to go but I'm not liking the replacement I've come up with. Firstly because now his right arm is longer than his left, easily fixed. But I also don't like his sword, it's a Dark Elf blade. Any idea what might be a good replacement? Also, I'm thinking now that he might suit a 32mm base better?




So, yup, you can definitely expect to see some changes to him before I start painting.

Last night I got the last two members of the Kill Team built.





Now I've just got to get some gravel on their bases and they're ready for paint. I've also demoted the counts-as Commissar to a unit leader (Tempestor?) and converted up this chap to replace him.





And here's the whole lot of them together.



Looks awesome.

Is the new leader one of the genestealer cult dudes?

Indeed he is. He's actually largely unconverted. Just a head and arms swapped for the Tempestus arms and a Space Marine head. That and some Forgeworld etched brass chaos stars.


Talk about bad ass cultists :tu:

The kit bashes are work really well, I expect they'll be seamless when painted :tu:

Thanks very much guys, I'm going to paint them with dark colours (I'm thinking red armour and black uniforms) to help hide any little gaps I've missed. Hopefully they'll turn out well!

With the new Death Guard well and truly on the way I've got to work on a conversion of Typhus that I started a little while ago but never really got going. Here's how he's looking so far, as you can see it's just early stages yet. He's still looking very clean, but once I've got the whole model converted I'm going to add all the bumps and dents and battle damage to tie him in with the new models.



  • 2 weeks later...

Typhus is starting to shape up. I've got the basic body work done, still got a lot of the detail work to go. The upper and lower body parts are just blu-tacked together for now because I'm not entirely sure what to do with his mid-section. I'm not super keen on the whole exposed belly/guts hanging out look. I'm tempted to do something with cables, or maybe do cracked armour plate. I'm really not sure, so if anyone has any ideas let me hear them! I'd really like to have him at least built before 8th edition comes out, but it is entirely likely that that won't happen, I never seem to find as much time for the hobby as I would like to. Anyway, here's how he's getting on!




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