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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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The main issue with the new fluff for me will always be the newfound love for psykers, erase that, give us our irrational hatred back and its all good.


The new stratagems do look great, it seems like a nice opportunity to bring back Vows maybe the EC gives you an extra Command Point + Stratagem.


God-Emperor is just as bad in my books. Still, I don't see them reverting either of those things :( 

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They need to return to ambiguity in general for all 40k fluff imo. That would solve the atheism vs emperor worship arguement by being a mix of vague, contradictory and other things that leave room for atheist and diest crusades alike... even if I am firmly in the atheistic crusaders camp...


I just need to get a couple more LRC kits and the motivation to build and magnetize those monstrosities... then I'm golden... apart from the fact that AA is still going to be essential, and the only AA I own is flak missile devestators and the ability to plop 1 AA gun on one of my 2 knights..

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I just don't want to buy them... lol. They feel necessary, but not at all fun... like my army was perfectly valid, then they threatened it with fliers and now I have to buy an AA tank, and I have to bring less of what I do like to a casual game... in theory anyways.
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I'm very curious about how the recent fluff updates will affect us. On the one hand, we've endeared ourselves to Girlyman with our heroics, on the other, he won't be too pleased upon learning of our Emperor worship. Seeing as there doesn't appear to be any reference to a "split" in the Imperium,  he'll likely overlook it and see the usefulness of Imperial Creed's dogmatism for the time being. In the right hands, I think the religious connotations could be interesting. Unfortunately, there have been a few hamfisted attempts where we get beat over the head with "Praise be!" every three lines. I'm undecided until I see/hear more.


I think the whole "Psyker Love" thing was overblown. There have been several more recent works (Gathering Storm maybe? Or one of our short stories?) where we voice our distaste and distrust for anything warp related. I don't see there being some huge paradigm shift where our chapter waxes poetic about how much we miss librarians. 

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This is true! Sans the Eisenhorn trilogy and Helsreach, the Beast Arises has been some of my favorite BL stuff to date. Some books were much stronger than others, but on the whole it was a fun ride. Definitely some appropriate zealous moments for us in there. 

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Yeah, we're probably not getting anything beyond Chapter Tactics for a while. Just a feeling I have. Things I notice like Primaris Marines are used to replace chapters decimated in GS means fluff wise BT are getting these guys forced on us, and once again we didn't make the list of non-Codex complaints chapters who are allowed to use them.
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I think the interesting thing will be if we will see a new upgrade kit to cover the sigmarines, ultra-sigmarines, super-noobs in mk X .... what is their official nickname at this time?


As well as other elements like scout to Neophytes and centurion elements.  I know it would not happen any time soon but if they ever update the upgrade kit it will be interesting to see what will be in it.  


Wait did they talk about a dread tied to these guys too?  So he got killed on his first mission and someone thought it would be a good idea to put him in a dread?  Ok the lore is goofy and I would have been better with it if it was a slow scale up to slightly larger marines.  

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Well at the very least GW did fluff in that some Chapters hate and refuse them, or accept them but don't trust them.

If Dorn didn't give the order then we don't need em.

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We probably will be codex compliant now lol

Ya JJ is not a fan of BT and 80% of the community just thinks we are black ultra marines via ignorance and new lore has .... grumble grumble grumble.  


I'm going to go burn a witch and make myself feel better after eating a bowl of Zealy'Os. 

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 once again we didn't make the list of non-Codex complaints chapters who are allowed to use them.


Maybe they're typing that from the publishing perspective: since the biggest gripe last ed. was everything in the Big :cuss Codex getting updated and shiny new toys, and denied to the Rout and the Angels. ESPECIALLY when the AoD supplement came out.

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I guess I'm the eternal crusader optimist in this thread, but I think we're making a lot of negative, sweeping generalizations. 

  1. Considering our Emperor worship, could the line claiming "some chapters don't think the Emperor's work should be tampered with" be hinting we don't approve? I mean, considering we still maintain the edict of Nikaea, we are sticklers for tradition
  2. Are we really decimated? That question isn't rhetorical, by the way. I'm not sure. We lost the Celestine Crusade as well as a lot of ships in Armageddon, but it hasn't seemed nearly as bad as the scouring experienced by SW or our IF cousins. Keep in mind, though I don't think there's been any official word, there's rumors the Templar vastly outnumber most other chapters. 
  3. I know we'd all like to return to the glory days of 4th, but if our chapter tactics are actually good, there's plenty of room for customization with our troop and HQ choices. Remember, crusaders have already been confirmed as being unique units. That means they'll have their own special rules. With the LRC coming back and an update to our heroes, aren't we chock full of Templar customization? 
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Now will Templars be able to use Primaris Marines in the Crusader Squads?


The important question is will they want to do so even if they can. I like most of the new Marines design, but it feels somehow wrong to buy them and add them to my Crusade. Maybe due to the number of times GW let me down and instead of doing an updated version of the BT upgrade sprue they force a newer version of generic marines onto me.

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So over the weekend I heard a bit of news concerning the initial release of 8th and Marines in the core free rulebook. The way they described things it sounded more like there won't be chapter tactics on the initial release and a lot of people are going to be upset with that. BUT there will be faction focused releases with new supplements for each marine faction. Also it was said that BT was going to be getting a lot of attention this year being among the first to get their supplement. I don't know if there are any new kits. He also said that Land raiders are going to be absolutely godly on par with Knights in Powerlevel and having access to upgrades that decrease enemy ballistic skill firing on it, increase it's own BS and POTMS giving rerolls to hit.

take this with a bit of salt obviously.

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From Facebook's Strategems comments:


Q: Are we going to see a faction focus Black Templars?
A: There will most certainly be a Space Marines Faction Focus.

So basically...no.

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Now will Templars be able to use Primaris Marines in the Crusader Squads?


The writing appeared to be geared towards it being a whole new set of units with their own point value. Unless there's a line in tactical squads and other units saying "Upgrade to Primaris Marines for XX points", but I find that unlikely as they also said they'd have their own loadouts and equipment.


I would like for my Crusader squads to get their hands on the Cawl Bolt Rifles though, hope that's a two way street...

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From Facebook's Strategems comments:


Q: Are we going to see a faction focus Black Templars?

A: There will most certainly be a Space Marines Faction Focus.

So basically...no.


So basically we don't know yet. Until the actual books / PDFs are released or they do an article about Black Templars, or something verifiable leaks, we... don't... know... All the communication on FB is half-speak and ambiguity unless they're citing rules from 7th. 

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So over the weekend I heard a bit of news concerning the initial release of 8th and Marines in the core free rulebook. The way they described things it sounded more like there won't be chapter tactics on the initial release and a lot of people are going to be upset with that. BUT there will be faction focused releases with new supplements for each marine faction. Also it was said that BT was going to be getting a lot of attention this year being among the first to get their supplement. I don't know if there are any new kits. He also said that Land raiders are going to be absolutely godly on par with Knights in Powerlevel and having access to upgrades that decrease enemy ballistic skill firing on it, increase it's own BS and POTMS giving rerolls to hit.


take this with a bit of salt obviously.

Interesting news where did you get this?



From Facebook's Strategems comments:


Q: Are we going to see a faction focus Black Templars?

A: There will most certainly be a Space Marines Faction Focus.

So basically...no.


So basically we don't know yet. Until the actual books / PDFs are released or they do an article about Black Templars, or something verifiable leaks, we... don't... know... All the communication on FB is half-speak and ambiguity unless they're citing rules from 7th. 


Ya that was me, I was trying to get insight.  It can't hurt ask and show our support.  I also reached out to a few other locations and professional formed a request for BT be reviewed and explained the pros of working with the community beyond just showing that they care about their customers they have the chance to make more profit.  There is a lot of politics that goes into game dev as I worked with a small wargaming company that has a focus on space combat.  95% of the gamer base believes it is as simple as saying fix health care when it comes to game dev.



In a different direction I like what I see with frag and krak grenades and my guess is that only one model may use them each turn.  

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