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Emperor's Spears covered by A D B


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I think they will be Raven Guard successors.

I am intrigued, sir. Do go on.
Call it a terrible hunch but:


1) one of your links for reference was named Corvus Corax


2) the raven guard like feathers and you have mentioned the chapters love of head feathers


3) you don't like secretive secret snowflake chapters which would rule out a dark angels successor (even though they also used to have feathers) but the unforgiven generally "belong" to another author


4) the trident could represent a multi pronged attack or method of misdirection which the raven guard were (in my humble opinion) used to using as tactics


5) successors don't have to follow traits of their parent chapter and in many ways this can be less interesting as they become just a different coloured copy and paste of the first

Ha! Good post, I love it. Allow me to wax lyrical for a bit.


1. The band Corvus Corax sings Neo-Medieval Metal and that song is about a Swedish king, so... the plot thickens, in a Space Wolfy direction. Or thins. I don't know, I just work here. But I wouldn't take that band name as any indication. There aren't many good folk metal / medieval metal bands, that's all.


2. They're helmet brushes, you knave. Not feathers. They're not Aztecs and Mayans, though that would be rad. Greek and Roman crests were horsehair.


3. Good point; yes and no. I don't like Chapters whose unique/secret origins make them "better", or who are dedicated alllllll the time to their mysterious origins to the point it informs their entire vibe. I'm fine with the Dark Angels and their Successors, but I dislike when they're entirely based around hunting the Fallen. I thought the Blood Ravens were great, but I hated the clumsy and endless references to "We're special loyalist Thousand Sons" and the unrealistic way Chaos characters paid so much attention to it. (And it's worth bearing in mind, I first disliked the latter because I was told by IP folks that it wasn't true. My dislike arose when I saw it getting closer and closer to a falsehood being 'confirmed', and it bugged me as cheap and clumsy.)


Chapters founded from Traitor/dubious gene-seed are fine, and fairly common in at least two (and now three?) Foundings. Chapters that bang on about it endlessly as their main/only interesting thing are tacky and are famously the go-to plot device of Little Tommy's First Homebrew Chapter, or licensees that don't really get the setting too well thinking it's a cool and dark origin for their own Chapter. (GW's IP department gets it allllll the time from people wanting to use the license. "Well, OUR Space Marine Chapter is founded from TRAITOR gene-seed! Cool, huh? Original, right?")


Here's a great comparison: If I suddenly said "Yeah, the Blood Ravens are loyalist Thousand Sons..." that's already the main thrust of the Chapter in the fandom, and it's a weird obsession loads of Chaos characters have with the Chapter for some reason (and, frankly, should be irrelevant in-universe, not this terrifying curse/mystery to them). Whereas if I said "The Minotaurs are founded from Iron Warrior gene-seed" that's practically the least interesting thing about them. They already have a wealth of character and atmosphere and background beyond it, it doesn't define them, it doesn't change anything about them, it doesn't change how anyone looks at them, and - again - it's realistically irrelevant in-universe. You don't have cutscenes of Abaddon and co. drooling over the Minotaurs as super-important and calling them "brothers..." and stuff, do you? Because that would be cheap and silly. The same thing with the Storm Wardens maybe being World Eater gene-stock. An excellent example of, if true, it making realistically no difference at all.


4. That's very cool. I like that a lot.


5. Also true!

I'm glad you enjoyed my post and ability to piece together unrelated pieces of text into an untrue guess.


I look forward to reading about Captain Mellow pressing the launch button on the Trident Cyclonic Torpedoes in your novel as thanks ;)


p.s He will need a British accent so I feel appreciated and it feels like it's authentically me

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So I've been thinking about Nemotoria; you said it's going to be alot like earth in terms of diversity, and I believe you hinted at tribes or clans? I think it's a few pages back lost somewhere.


I'm just curious if you can comment will the civilization be more savage/archaic or civilized/modernized to the extent of the more technological worlds in the universe.


Most of this is in relation to how the Spears recruit.

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Well that was a blast and has left my mind bubbling with ideas.


What I find scary is how much of my army design notes match up on my primaris Spears project.


My ideas where.


Naval specialists.


Late Roman legion recruited from Britania with Celtic bleed through.


Helmet crests for rank colour for vetrancy.


1st company to have a legendary name toying with Myrmidons or Argonoughts.


Company colour on right knee.


I'm following this thread as I really want to be fluffy and the ideas voicing round have my brain buzzing

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It has always, always annoyed me to no end, that I couldn't make an Viking Space Marine army without also being a mutation/weird units/wolf/werewolf fan (I have never been a fan of making my own DIY chapters - I want to read books about my army men!), so I hope they'll somehow be a Space Wolf successor without all that. It would be cool if they embodied different kind of qualities the vikings had but aren't famous for (f.x. their suprisingly civilised societies and rich culture, gender equality and a religion and culure that supports a kind of isolated clan-thinking that respects other groups if they keep away.) This would also give them an excuse for naval references if needed.


I still hope the Spears are sleek (maybe a little arrogant) and civilised. Not wolfiewolfie and bloodlusty with werewolf-mutations and characters that are comic relief and are singing in battle and drinking beer afterwards. In that case I would much prefer them to be another Ultramarine or Raven Guard chapter (which would also be cool).


In any case, whatever ADB concocts will be a hundred times cooler than whatever I could think up.


P.S.: What does the dark blue right knee pad mean? Is it decoration or company marking? Please say it is decoration. It looks very nice!

Edited by Rathamanti
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Though it consists of a lot of additional fiction, etc. I'd love to see a Ragnar Lodbrok Space Marine from the Viking series. :)


A man, who has to fight but would love to build something instead. A man, who was forced into his rank in order to protect his ideals / comrades. A schemer, tactician and great warrior. And even his supporting characters could fit as well. A bloodthirsty Rollo, a maniac Floki, listening to the whispers of the dark gods. huh...speaking of the devil, I have to watch the fourth season...

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This is awesome, I love obscure chapters that have been around for awhile, hence my love of the Subjugators. I actually painted a Emperors Spears test Marine because I love their color scheme.....I need one plot hint I have a strict I will NOT paint anything related to Guilliman rule including successors.....please tell me they will not be an Ultrasmurf successor. My dislike for Smurfs and Guillimans lineage does predate the MW era for the record and this is just a personal bias. If not then I guess I will have to wait for the book to come out before I decide whether or not to do that side project. :)

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If you read this thread, it reads like the most awesomely intimidating wish list. They should be a Chapter that definitely isn't from Ultramarine stock despite most Chapters being from Ultramarine stock/ hopefully Raven Guard gene-seed / Traitor gene-seed / Space Wolf gene-seed, with clear ties to their primarch / with no idea who their primarch even is.


And that's just the part about who their daddy was. It's not counting the rest.


Masochist that I am, I basically love this. I mean, I'm sorry in advance for anyone whose expectations aren't met, but it's definitely a fun setup. 

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It's only because you're an author and active in the forum. It turns most posters into gibberish chaos hordes that are salivating at every false promise your book holds for them.


Also, every post you make is taken as absolute canon. Even if you don't mean it to be. I don't envy you for that.

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What is the in-universe likelihood that a successor chapter at the time of their inception would have a ship of some sort from a Founding chapter? I know there have been dozens of subsequent foundings but I'm trying to guess the likelihood of being able to deduce a chapter's origin from the name of a ship or something like that. 

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What is the in-universe likelihood that a successor chapter at the time of their inception would have a ship of some sort from a Founding chapter? I know there have been dozens of subsequent foundings but I'm trying to guess the likelihood of being able to deduce a chapter's origin from the name of a ship or something like that. 


Great point. I'd say... unlikely but definitely not implausible, and certainly not impossible? I'm way more interested in the 25+ Foundings between the famous two - the Second and the Ultima - where all the real meat of the setting is, and you're probably right that it's much less common after the Second Founding. I suspect it'd happen once in a while, though.

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Could it also vary according to which geneline the successor chapter is from? For instance the Dark Angels have the Rock and operate with their successors more often than most other first founding chapters. Maybe they're more likely to give a new successor a vessel from their fleet to help strengthen the Unforgiven as a whole? Whereas the Raven Guard don't seem to spend much time with their successors and thus would see no benefit from relinquishing a ship. I'm probably overthinking it.
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Could it also vary according to which geneline the successor chapter is from? For instance the Dark Angels have the Rock and operate with their successors more often than most other first founding chapters. Maybe they're more likely to give a new successor a vessel from their fleet to help strengthen the Unforgiven as a whole? Whereas the Raven Guard don't seem to spend much time with their successors and thus would see no benefit from relinquishing a ship. I'm probably overthinking it.


It could even be related to how many ships were lost by a given Legion compared to how many Legionaries were lost on the ground.


The Raven Guard may actually have been able to pass down a lot of ships! I'm just going off a quick reference to Extermination, but they lost a huge amount of bodies to Gate 42 prior to the Heresy, and then go on to lose most of the Legion on Isstvan V, but there's no mention of how much of their fleet got away (unless it's in the campaign sections). They probably arrived in the Isstvan system with a lot of the ship complements way under nominal strength.


I guess it's also possible ships were "gifted" from one Legion to another Legion's successors. A Legion that couldn't split up as much in terms of manpower may have had too large a fleet reserve to make sense under Chapter structures? The 2nd Founding in particular is probably littered with ships changing hands and being redistributed where they're needed.

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That actually makes a lot of sense regarding the Raven Guard, perhaps the same applies to the Iron Hands? The Salamanders were small enough before Istvaan that I just can't imagine them having a massive fleet either before or after the Heresy. I don't believe Guilliman or the other primarchs would have stood too much on ceremony when assigning assets to their new chapters, especially when they had traitors to scour. Presumably important flag ships or vessels with a long history of service to the legion were kept, but cruisers or frigates must've changed hands.
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I don't think any of that matters particularly. Whether they have a ship built a while ago with a paint job or whether they are successors of the smurfs. Obviously I'd like it if they were Raven Guard successors but it's not something I'd need for it to be a plot point over. I'd much rather see the interactions of different characters and see the differences in how the young and old Astartes Floof their plumes.
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Yeah, it doesn't matter much by 40k. The history of a lot of old ships has probably been lost to time. Or it's inaccurate or confused. Actually, I really like the idea of some poor ship being misremembered as some other, more storied vessel. Or vice versa!

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