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Shovellovin: Thank you!
Sherrypie: They are probably one of the coolest minis hands down in the Horus Heresy range to be honest. Thanks!
Majkhel: Thank you! They models are pretty much spot on Primaris scale, give or take.

First off, let me show a model I've been working on for kicks. It's a homage to an old mini I greatly enjoy that has so much soul put to it it's unbelievable. A genre defining model for me atleast in what the look and feel for the Great Crusade ought to be. I remixed a bunch of 3d bits and printed them to get the pose just about right. Since taking the pics I've replaced the sword with the plastic MkIII variety in fear of the resin breaking in heated up games as well as print the backpack in a bigger size to be in line with the current official model range.


Uncanny, is it not? I hope you like it! :biggrin.:
Next up we finally get to see the Word Bearers Leviathan Dreadnought Kriophoros in it's full, stygian glory. The arms are magnetised for a close combat option, as well as changing the main armament to another choppy hand or other big guns, but I need to work on those later. All things considered I'm well pleased with the look and feel of the model, trying to bring dynamism to the pose as well as get to test how far I can get with the colour scheme I've chosen for the Legion with bigger models. The model was also a suitable testing ground for enamel and oil washes to get some tonal variety to the dark metal bits with greens, yellows, purples and browns. It's subtle but could be taken further with bigger models like tanks I think. As for the theme of the model, the ram head was a bit I had lying around from some ancient project that I thought would fit the religious tone of the Word Bearers nicely, a common sacrificial offering in literature.


That's all for now, thanks for looking.
C&C is always welcome, cheers! :thumbsup:

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Well it’s taken three days, but I’ve reread this thread from start to finish. You’ve been busy, since I last commented in 2019.


This is genuinely an inspirational thread. The quality and consistency over these past few years is pretty amazing.


You should be proud of yourself.



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  • 2 months later...

Thanks a lot lads. :smile.:

Okay a bit of a revival. I've been hobbying around quite a bit, but haven't felt the need to do a proper post in a while. Here's something more concrete I'm happy to share with you though.

I've been dabbling away at building a little Space Wolves force. I have some soon complete Grey Slayers under the brush currently but I don't want to post them just yet all messy and glossed up. Tease! :biggrin.: In my usual jumping from project to project style there's one Space Wolves unit I couldn't get my eyes off when browsing the Forgeworld store so I had to get my mitts on them. Quite a bit of work went into replicating all the cool details on Tortuga Bay bodies and I'm very happy with the overall look.

So here they are in all their menacing glory waiting for proper bases and a lick of paint, the Deathsworn.


Would love to hear what you think!
Cheers! :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

Shovellovin: Thank you!

To start off the new hobby year here's a pic of the first Grey Slayers squad I managed to get almost done before leaving for Christmas holidays.
I've since then put some pigments on the bases and still need to do the black rims and they're done, better pics to follow. Along with Jack of Anvils of Konor I've taken a hobby vow to not buy any new kits until the piles of shame and painting ques are empty, so we'll see how that goes! :biggrin.:


C&C always welcome, Cheers! :tu:

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Guest Triszin

Impressive press molds, what was your trick?


I tried to make press molds on the death sworn bits and Couldnt get them right

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The grey looks just right on those Wolves. I like the standard too, it still retains the feel of the VIth with the pelts, but also captures the more 'noble' (not feeling this is really the word I want) aspect of the Great Crusade era and the legions.

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  • 2 months later...

Brother Pheidias: Thanks!
Majkhel: Cheers!
Triszin: The trick is to first make the pushmould with care. If details come out all doughy it might be because there's air trapped beneath so what you do is you use a small batch of the putty first and push it into all the details with a tool to get the details correct without bubbles.

Pearson73: Thank you! I took inspiration from Cult of Paint Henry with his Horus Heresy Space Wolves tutorial. As for the look, I think Space Wolves can work with a minimal approach. With things like the Vexilla I try to tie it in with the larger Imperium.


Well after all this time the squad is finally complete! Very happy with how it turned out.


I've got some more stuff in the works, a squad of Terminators as well as some characters and support.
Here's a Claw Leader and a Terminator sergeant. I want some of the characters to have a savage look, being part of the fated 13th Company.




That's it for now, C&C is most welcome.
Cheers! :thumbsup:

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