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Impact1: Thanks. :smile.: Yeah, there's some good bits in the new DG kit, will see if I can work something out.
Isengrin: Cheers!
Vairocanum: Surprisingly well. I think he will become a chaplain, if not a full on diabolist.
Pulse: Thank you!

The Death Guard frontier is still at a halt, but I did manage to paint a test mini for a small Word Bearers force I've been planning on.
I wanted to give the armour a metallic look, but couldn't quite find a quick and easy enough recipe for mass production so I fiddled around a bit and here is the result. The armour is painted as follows:

black undercoat
drybrush with Mithril silver or equivalent to give a bit of a zenith to it
layer with Red ink ( :wink: ) until you get a nice deep red metallic
wash with Carroburg Crimson
and Bob's your uncle!


Let me know what you think!
C&C always appreciated, cheers!

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  • 1 month later...

Kordhal: Cheers!
Vairocanum: Thank you!
Ugolino: If you are referring to my DG it is pretty straightforward. Once I've finished working on the armour bits just go around the model in a controlled fashion adding tiny chips on the armour with a sponge, say, some foam from a blister for example. Do it sparingly and cautiously as it's easy to overdo, let the sponge do it's work. After that I may give the chipping a highlight with a lighter armour colour for a bit of fake 3D effect and then add streaks of seraphim sepia where you see fit.
For the WB model I simply sponged some dark metallic colour first, and then went around the same areas with a lighter metallic. I hope this helps.

Ada: Well thank you. :smile.:

This post will only feature works in progress as I've been on holidays and the work area was left to gather dust for some time. Here I am however and the grind must go on. I would really like to finish my Death Guard properly before moving onto another project, but after receiving some more bits I simply can't resist giving all the shiny new stuff a tinker. The to-do list for my Death Guard project is as follows from the top of my head:

-2 Deathshroud terminators to accompany the pale traveller
-10 Grave Warden terminators
-2 Contemptors
-3 man Command squad in power armour
-5 shooty veterans to amp up the finished squad of five
-5 man support squad with Volkite Culverins
-finish the lascannon squad
-Land Raider Proteus to ride out in style
-2 Rhinos

Oh and properly base everything. So yeah, lot's to do still but it's getting there. Anyway here's some stuff.

Breacher squad is coming together, they should be a quick enough job now that the tedious part of covering all flat areas has been done.

I received Zardu Layak along with his blade slaves from Forge World and I must say I am thoroughly impressed with the design work. Furthermore the model is already the perfect size.

And the blade slaves are even more monstrous!

Ahem, speaking of monsters...

And finally where the Word Bearer tacticals are at. Sarge is still in his bits box waiting for green stuff but it's a quick fit.

That's it for now, thanks for looking.
C&C is always appreciated, cheers! :thumbsup:

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These are by far the best true-scale miniatures I have ever seen. I'm usually not a fan, as people compromise on the armour marks and detail to improve the scale, but you've done no such thing. Serious kudos for the dedication and eye for detail that was necessary to create each and every model. A truly inspirational project and thread :-)
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Apologist: Thank you kindly! Big fan of your work mate. :smile.:
Fenbain: Cheers! I've tried to stay mostly true to the original armour designs everybody knows and loves, myself included.

Quick update as I managed to rattle the spray can a bit.



Both of the Contemptors.

And finally the Rhinos. Pretty happy with the look.

That's all for now, C&C welcome as always, cheers! :wink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Count the Seven! After 11 battles our little campaign draws to a conclusion. Resolute warriors of the XIV Legion have secured key supply networks and locations for the Warmaster's cause, gouging deep wounds to the loyalist dogs of the Iron Warriors in the process.

Victory points:
15pts. IW


Though a draught of the cups is in order, the battle continues on the modelling front!
I found that the Veterans were much more effective with added wounds to the squad, so I made some vanilla ones to bolster the numbers. Here they are in their preliminary beige glory.


I also made a model that can double either as a veteran with a combiweapon or Crysos Morturg if I'm feeling loyal.

The breachers are pretty much waiting for grime, decals and detail at this point. I've left most of the bases untouched so I'm going to need to take some time off from everything else at some point to finish every single model.


Finally here is a sergeant for the upcoming Word Bearers.

Let me know what you think,
Cheers! :)

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Thanks y'all!
hushrong: Keen eye. :wink: I'm pretty happy with it too. Thanks!
Atia: Thank you kindly!
Vairocanum: Thanks, more is sure to come!
Charlo: Cheers! You can find it here.

Just testing out my new camera, here is the first of the Unburdened. What a mess! :biggrin.: I'll snap some shots with better lighting later.


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Tiny update as I got some swag from Forgeworld. Planning to make another heavy flamer squad for DG and some new friends for WB.
I'm currently in the middle of basing every single dude and experimented a bit with pigments. I think it's an ok result and deffinately enough for tabletop.


Thanks for looking!
Cheers. :wink:

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Always happy to see Gal Vorbak and you have painted them superbly.


Love the group shot! Those are some hard-as-nails looking bastards!


Also, for those heavy flamers hoses, do you run them under hot water to bend them how you need them? I have the FW big volkite cannon thing and it has tubes like that but I am afraid to bend and break them.

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Thanks! :) For the hoses, I'll just use hot water to fit them as I've had good success with it when bending resin bits. What I've usually done is submerge the bit in hot water for a few seconds and then fit it or bend it as many times as needed.

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