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Vu-kub, Captain of the 10th, the Ash-Eater


After the Day of Revelation, there was a great deal of confusion as Loyalists reeled beneath the Traitor's opening assaults as the Traitors attempted to seize as much ground as they could in the initial stages of the war. At times, the boundaries moved so quickly that entire Loyalist detachments found themselves unable to retreat but in possession of great defences so as to ward off raiders. Given that the Stormlord did not always have the time or resources to put a quick end to these garrisons, the Grave Stalkers, who fared poorly in direct warfare, were often given assignments to root out these potential threats while incurring the least amount of casualties possibles.


In these operations, Captain Vu-kub excelled and seemed to take an inordinate pleasure in slaying these servants of the Emperor. 

The Silent Choir

Prior to the Insurrection, the details of the XVth legion’s organization and practices were the most mysterious of any legion. They, in effect, operated in isolation of the wider Imperium and what little interaction they had with other forces was kept brief, for the benefit of both parties. However, from these limited interaction rumours began to spread among other imperial units of a shadowy brotherhood known as the Silent Choir.


The nature of this unit became clear on during the Insurrection. All of the talk that there had previously been of the Silent Choir being an elite unit, the XVth[/susp] finest killers, was proved false. In fact, the Silent Choir was quite the opposite. Instead of being the elite, the Silent Choir were the failures of the Grave Stalkers legion. However, they were those failures who were not members of K’awil’s inner circle and so they did not merit the mercy of quick death nor the honour of joining the reapers.


Instead, the fate which K’awil had planned for these failures was one which would ensure they stood as a warning of the price of failure in the XVth. Each of the silent choir would have his mouth sown shut to prevent his foolishness from infecting other Grave Stalkers and then he would be reintegrated into the ranks, to stand as a silent testament to the price of failure. 

Isn't Silent Choir already the cognomen for the Steel Legion, though?

Close, the pre-Nomus name for the Steel Legion was the Silent Chorus, although they are close enough to warrant the confusion, man this reminds me of the old days when people kept mixing up the Grave Stalkers with the Ghost Walkers. :p :lol:


Isn't Silent Choir already the cognomen for the Steel Legion, though?

Close, the pre-Nomus name for the Steel Legion was the Silent Chorus, although they are close enough to warrant the confusion, man this reminds me of the old days when people kept mixing up the Grave Stalkers with the Ghost Walkers. :tongue.::laugh.:


I'll see if I can't come up with a another name for them to avoid confusion

In these operations, Captain Vu-kub excelled and seemed to take an inordinate pleasure in slaying these servants of the Emperor. Although the 10th Company's 'burning men' tactics were of limited effectiveness against a Space Marine's psycho-indoctrination, the tactics themselves were well known throughout the Legions in the Great Crusade era. Thus, instead of utilizing such tactics to sow terror, Vu-kub turned them into large-scale diversions, tricking Loyalist garrisons into believing they were facing against the main body of Grave Stalkers before Vu-kub would launch ambushes against defence weak points. With scattered communication lines, the Ash-Eater was able to successfully replicate this strategy dozens of times before Loyalists finally were able to overcome it. 


Throughout this time, Vu-kub developed a particular hatred for the Dune Serpents who honoured their oaths to the Emperor. Claiming that only the Grave Stalkers could truly master chemical weapons, Vu-kub gradually added mirrored the Dune Serpents' penchant for toxic warfare. By 011.M31, it had become the Ash-Eater's private pleasure to torture capture Dune Serpents with escalating degrees of biological agents, testing endurance until death.


[There's the rest of Vu-kub's entry. What would you like to see next Grifft?]

Grave Stalkers Blacksoul

Hollow Chabtan

3rd Company, the Bone Dagger Chapter

The Death of the Bear

Assault on the Axe of Xephyr


Hollow Chabtan participated in the assault on the Dagon-class grand cruiser Axe of Xephyr. With the defenders already embattled against a force of Godslayers, Chabtan and his company massacred their way through the menials in the bowels of the ship, and slew the few Iron Bears who barred their path. With a high number of Blacksouls in a confined space, their Pariah powers had a ruinous effect on morale, with many mortal defenders imply collapsing before them. Reaching the ship’s life support system, they proceeded to simply shut them down, condemning tens of thousands to death. The last Iron Bears were left with no choice but to sell their lives among the asphyxiated forms of the people they had been unable to save, as the Grave Stalkers came for them.


Chabtan is depicted equipped to fight with the Despoiler squads of the Bone Dagger Chapter, moving at speed in close confines. Note the extensive use of human skin and bone to ornament his Mk IV plate, and the distinctive variant helm unique to the XVth Legion. Blacksouls were treated with grim reverence by their brothers, perhaps owing to their apparent oneness with K'awil's essence, and bore adornments which were ghoulish even for their kind.


Panoply of War

1: Kabyieb-pattern Power Sword variant: This boasts an unusual disruption generator, prized by the XVth Legion’s elites. Suppressing light and electrical discharge rather than emanating it, these weapons are known as “spectre” or “light-eater” blades. Often their strange aspect was attributed to some extension of the Pariah aura, and it only added to the Grave Stalkers’ terrifying mien.

2: Tigrus-pattern bolt pistol. The Grave Stalkers’ small size ensured that their Legion arsenal could be comprehensively updated in the build-up to the Day of Revelation.


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