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8th Edition & BA


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Never say something is impossible, just because you lack imagination. :wink:


Im going to give you benefit of the doubt and put this down to a first/second language translation issue.


I know I haven't been as active on the BA boards as of late, but I would hope that people still understand *exactly* how the BA forum rolls.  We're supportive, engaged, engaging and go out of our way to be one of the most welcoming and friendlier spaces online.  


Please adjust your tone accordingly. 


Comments like this are unnecessary.   As are similar ones like "umm..just no". 


Consider this a friendly reminder. 

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Going back to 8th WHFB to wound even strength 1 could wound T10 on a 6+.


I once watched a Britannia bowman cube shoot down a T8 dragon turn one. It didnt happen often, but the fact it could always brought the cringes. I also saw a S3 lone bowman take down the final wound on a T7 model once. It was quite epic, and said model was soon promoted to captain of the scurvy birds.

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It got playtested a LOT more than any 40k edition before, they could learn from AoS and all armies get their list at the same time at launch so balancing should be better than ever.


I doubt Flamer will be the new meta. They are not bad but not something outstanding either.


We don't know how invul saves will work in 8th yet so we have no clue about how Force weapons etc. may work.

Almost nothing is safe to assume atm to be honest. Gotta be patient. :wink:


So they say that it got playtested more. :wink:

Thing is, I don't believe them. Not until I play for myself and see that it is indeed more balanced than the 7th. And even that is not that hard lol :tongue.:


I expect flamer more or less to work like similarly to this edition when it comes to dishing out wounds.

It may kill fewer hormagaunts or Eldar than before, but it can multiwound characters now.


Well we know that inv saves won't save you from mortal wounds and that it will work almost exactly like ward saves in AoS.

Edited by vahouth
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Well we know that inv saves won't save you from mortal wounds and that it will work almost exactly like ward saves in AoS.

Just wait and see how long it takes till players find out/GW provides the means to spam mortal wounds, just like AP2 can be spammed in this edition.


Well, they claimed on FB that they have playtested 8th SO much, that these kind of things won't happen...:whistling:

Do you believe them? :wink:

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Well we know that inv saves won't save you from mortal wounds and that it will work almost exactly like ward saves in AoS.

Just wait and see how long it takes till players find out/GW provides the means to spam mortal wounds, just like AP2 can be spammed in this edition.



Spam mortal wounds you say!?!  -scoff-  Nonesense!   **my greyknights shuffle off in to the background...**

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it's semi confirmed that organizers at Adepticon, LVO, and other tournaments, as well as some of the names from places like Frontline Gaming spent multiple sessions playing with the designers behind closed doors to test (and break) things. I don't have a link for that, but it's cross-referenced in different podcasts and there's enough of it out there to require minimal salt. As others have pointed out, the tournament scene does not represent all players, but truthfully, it is the place where playtesting should be done. Tournaments and hyper-competitive environments are where the broken combinations and overall unforseeable tactics/combos tend to come from. They're the ones (mostly; broad strokes here) that drive the arms race in terms of power levels and (im)balance in the game. For that reason, I would more often rather play a casual game tested by tournament players as opposed to a tournament game tested by casual players. TL; DR: I have a feeling 8th will be a bit of a Renaissance regarding balance and simple-yet-powerful rules.


I am a bit concerned that BA will red marines with Furious Charge and a few unique units. Some may like that, but I don't. Unless Furious Charge gets radically reworked I think we need more than that. Again, too many unsolved variables at this point to get worked up about.


I do have to say what almost ruins it for me so far is the whole "Marines 2.0" thing.  http://natfka.blogspot.com/2017/04/the-new-breed-of-space-marine.html for latest.

Especially if they are halfway between SM and Custodes....bleeeech. I don't care if BA get them as well for some convuluted fluff reason....even as a player w/ 3.5 power armored armies, I have to say that this game has enough "super elites" and for them to add yet another is just so eye-rollingly vomit-inducing it hurts. Verdict is out and we'll see what it's all about, but just the notion almost takes me out of this.

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Shooting phase article is up!


 You can’t shoot if there is an enemy with 1″ of you. The exception to this rule is pistols. Models with these hand-held firearms can shoot at the closest enemy target in the Shooting phase, even if they themselves are locked in combat!


Edited by vahouth
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Pistols in close combat? Inferno Pistols on everything. Actually, I wonder how hand flamers will now work in close combat as well.


I expect hand flamers to be D6 autohits.


There is one thing that troubles me though.

Since there are no more snap shots but a -1 to hit, doesn't that make assault armies not viable because of overwatch?

Unless there is no more overwatch in game... 

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Pistols in close combat? Inferno Pistols on everything. Actually, I wonder how hand flamers will now work in close combat as well.

I was getting annoyed that BA were becoming "the pistol dudes" but this actually might be worthwhile.


Inferno pistols and hand flamers for days?


I also love that multi-meltas on infantry will actually be seen now. Salamander Devastators will be the new hotness in that regard. Tactical squads with heavies are an option! Not as big of a deal for us with our heavy flamer, but having options is great. Melta/combi-melta-multi-melta drop pods will be a thing.

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Pistols in close combat? Inferno Pistols on everything. Actually, I wonder how hand flamers will now work in close combat as well.


I expect hand flamers to be D6 autohits.


There is one thing that troubles me though.

Since there are no more snap shots but a -1 to hit, doesn't that make assault armies not viable because of overwatch?

Unless there is no more overwatch in game... 


Maybe they will treat overwatch like they did in 2nd edition?


As far as I remember (and I may be mistaken - I'm getting old and it was a long time ago!), I'm pretty sure that you had to "set" a unit to overwatch in your shooting phase. This meant that you had to forego your own shooting with that squad, but were able to shoot at any incoming charging unit at full ballistic skill.

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Oh my. My all plasma pistol sanguinary guard will have some fun.


Dante also just got better, and there's a reason to take infernus pistols on death co now!

Why plasma when you can take melta for the same price? S8 and no chance to grill yourself (unless they radically change the stats of those two weapons).


Reminder: need to buy more infernus pistols.

Edited by Quixus
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Pistols in melee you say? Be right back building a Vanguard unit with Inferno/Flamer Pistols. :biggrin.:

Just remember, your enemy should first chose to remain in cc for you to use them pistols.

He might as well decide that he should fall back instead.

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Being able to shoot pistol in close combat is a great thing, and thanks to our large choice of pistols, Blood Angels will greatly benefits from this change.


Hand-flamers and Inferno pistols are the rising stars of this 8th edition.


Plus, on the other side of the coin, Devastators being able to move and shoot, will make them more interresting. (The same goes for Vehicles).




And about Overwatch, if GW really simplyfies things, then Overwatch will always Hit on 6+. (This leaving the door open for modificators, such as Dark Angels Chapters tactics, which would make it a 5+ or 4+....etc).

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Being able to shoot pistol in close combat is a great thing, and thanks to our large choice of pistols, Blood Angels will greatly benefits from this change.


Hand-flamers and Inferno pistols are the rising stars of this 8th edition.


Thing is, if I knew that my opponent about to hit me with inferno pistols in cc, I'd choose to fall back instead.

In that regard, BA specialist weapons are a great deterrent for keeping your troops in cc. 

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Pistols in melee you say? Be right back building a Vanguard unit with Inferno/Flamer Pistols. :biggrin.:

Just remember, your enemy should first chose to remain in cc for you to use them pistols.

He might as well decide that he should fall back instead.


So? Then just shoot them normally and charge them again for more first striking goodness. I don't see the problem. ;)

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Pistols in melee you say? Be right back building a Vanguard unit with Inferno/Flamer Pistols. :biggrin.:

Just remember, your enemy should first chose to remain in cc for you to use them pistols.

He might as well decide that he should fall back instead.


So? Then just shoot them normally and charge them again for more first striking goodness. I don't see the problem. :wink:


He falls back on his turn so you'll be the one being shot. ;)

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