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8th Edition & BA


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Honestly with the keyword system we don't need to get rolled together with C:SM chapter. Those units probably just get the Imperial and the Space Marine keyword and we'd be able to use them as well even if they don't get the Blood Angels keyword.

I'd actually like the opposite more even. Let us become even more different compared to codex compliant chapters. I want to be a special snowflake like the Space Wolves! :biggrin.:


From what I see, Wolves will be rolled also. I mean, their ...claw units are just assault marines+ with or without packs, the long fangs are just devs+. They need a page saying devastators, assault marines or unit whatever with the 'SW' keyword get bonus x y and z, then a page for each datasheet of unique units, and have them all keyworded.


That said, SW have been space marine +++ over 9000 for over 20 years. I dont know how much things will change.


From what I see nothing indicates anything being rolled into anything. It's possible but we have no indication for that.

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Honestly with the keyword system we don't need to get rolled together with C:SM chapter. Those units probably just get the Imperial and the Space Marine keyword and we'd be able to use them as well even if they don't get the Blood Angels keyword.

I'd actually like the opposite more even. Let us become even more different compared to codex compliant chapters. I want to be a special snowflake like the Space Wolves! :biggrin.:


From what I see, Wolves will be rolled also. I mean, their ...claw units are just assault marines+ with or without packs, the long fangs are just devs+. They need a page saying devastators, assault marines or unit whatever with the 'SW' keyword get bonus x y and z, then a page for each datasheet of unique units, and have them all keyworded.


That said, SW have been space marine +++ over 9000 for over 20 years. I dont know how much things will change.


From what I see nothing indicates anything being rolled into anything. It's possible but we have no indication for that.



Well, the rumour was that all 'Adeptus Astartes' will be in a single book on release. After that, I assume we will eventually get separate 'codex'/battletome equivalent releases just for us, but again, rumour was that it might be a while as focus would be on marine 2.0.

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Honestly with the keyword system we don't need to get rolled together with C:SM chapter. Those units probably just get the Imperial and the Space Marine keyword and we'd be able to use them as well even if they don't get the Blood Angels keyword.

I'd actually like the opposite more even. Let us become even more different compared to codex compliant chapters. I want to be a special snowflake like the Space Wolves! :biggrin.:


From what I see, Wolves will be rolled also. I mean, their ...claw units are just assault marines+ with or without packs, the long fangs are just devs+. They need a page saying devastators, assault marines or unit whatever with the 'SW' keyword get bonus x y and z, then a page for each datasheet of unique units, and have them all keyworded.


That said, SW have been space marine +++ over 9000 for over 20 years. I dont know how much things will change.


From what I see nothing indicates anything being rolled into anything. It's possible but we have no indication for that.



Well, the rumour was that all 'Adeptus Astartes' will be in a single book on release. After that, I assume we will eventually get separate 'codex'/battletome equivalent releases just for us, but again, rumour was that it might be a while as focus would be on marine 2.0.


Yeah but that's only so it's easier at launch I believe. That's not really the same as getting rolled into C:SM as it would've been in the 7th ed system imo

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We'll see I suppose.


At this point with everyone getting centralized detachments, command point buffs etc it would make sense for all of the marine units to just be done via chapter tactics.


Unique units are easy - keywords will just be Imperium > Space Marines > Blood Angels, so you can take anything that has BA keyword but Ultras couldn't.


The only real issue comes in when you have things like Heavy Flamers in Tactical squads and Meltacide, where it requires either:

  • ALL marines getting these options (mah snowflake status!)
  • A bunch of asterisks (Heavy Flamer*  *may only be taken by units with the Blood Angel's key word)
  • Separate datasheets for "Blood Angels Tactical Squad" & "Blood Angels Assault Squad", with further asterisks on the normal Tac/ Assaults saying they can't be taken by BA.
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The only part that confuses me is... transports. Does that mean we'll need a separate transport to get Characters into battle or are they just walking slowly across the table?

They aleady said somewhere that multiple unit's can board the same transport as long as:

1) The vehicle has the capacity to hold that many models.

2) The models boarding it are of the same faction as the vehicle itself.


So if (and I'm pulling numbers out the air here) a rhino can take 10 models, you could drop a 5 man assault squad, a priest, a libby, and 3 whatever's into that tank to give them the buffs when they disembark, even though the models are not technically one unit.

I saw this 'speculated' on BOLS, seems totally reasonable but is that what is actually happening? I'd be down with that.

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Honestly with the keyword system we don't need to get rolled together with C:SM chapter. Those units probably just get the Imperial and the Space Marine keyword and we'd be able to use them as well even if they don't get the Blood Angels keyword.

I'd actually like the opposite more even. Let us become even more different compared to codex compliant chapters. I want to be a special snowflake like the Space Wolves! :biggrin.:

From what I see, Wolves will be rolled also. I mean, their ...claw units are just assault marines+ with or without packs, the long fangs are just devs+. They need a page saying devastators, assault marines or unit whatever with the 'SW' keyword get bonus x y and z, then a page for each datasheet of unique units, and have them all keyworded.


That said, SW have been space marine +++ over 9000 for over 20 years. I dont know how much things will change.

From what I see nothing indicates anything being rolled into anything. It's possible but we have no indication for that.

Well, the rumour was that all 'Adeptus Astartes' will be in a single book on release. After that, I assume we will eventually get separate 'codex'/battletome equivalent releases just for us, but again, rumour was that it might be a while as focus would be on marine 2.0.

Yeah but that's only so it's easier at launch I believe. That's not really the same as getting rolled into C:SM as it would've been in the 7th ed system imo

Yeah, I think it is more of a compendium (like the original Angels of Death, just for all chapters rather than just two).

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That's pretty much how I see it. We already remain a Faction as shown on the new 40k website but we will begin the 8th edition as part of one of the five Faction books (which we will have to pay for, obviously).


I foresee all the common stuff being available in each book and the starter stuff (i.e. Faction-specific stuff which we know will get rules at the start, one or two Detachments, etc), with a BA campaign supplement becoming available as and when down the line (Armageddon revamp and the siege of Baal come to mind).

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And more gun profiles:



Twin-linked weapons and combi-weapons seems a lot more powerful now.


A hurricane bolter will now fire 3 shots at full range and 12 shots at half range? Seems odd.

Edited by RedemptionNL
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And more gun profiles:https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/10/new-warhammer-40000-weapons-part-2-may10gw-homepage-post-4/Twin-linked weapons and combi-weapons seems a lot more powerful now.A hurricane bolter will now fire 3 shots at full range and 12 shots at half range? Seems odd.

Interested in this change. Never really gone for combi weapons and never thought about sternguard but this could tip me into getting some.

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Well the point cost for combi-weapons will be important. A combi-melta is as expensive as a melta-gun right now - the addition of the bolter for the trade-off of only having one shot - but I doubt that will remain the same if it's just better.
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Rapiers have just gotten ridiculous. Quad heavy bolter should be twelve shots per platform ... Quad lascannon, oh my <3


(Assuming FW follow suite which they should.)


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From this we can postulate that blast equals D3 hits and large blast equals D6. So Vindicators will be D6 hits doing at least D3 wounds at STR 10...


Having seen the battle cannon, I expect krak missiles to be STR 8 D3 damage.


Plasma cannon would be only D3 hits though :(

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As a PSA guys: The double shots at half range thing was an error, it's just double the base shots at all ranges.


12 Shot Quad Heavy Bolters, that wound everything T6-T9 on a 5+ and for a -1 to armour saves sounds DELICIOUS.


Is it me or the Assault Cannon Baal can potentially deal way more damage than the flamestorm variant?


Depends on the modifier value.


Flamestorm could be at -2 (assuming flamers follow the progression of S5 -1 for Heavy and S6 -2 for Flamestorm, as regular flamers a S4 0)


Whereas the Assault cannon, while getting more shots, you still have to roll to hit. Will probably just be S6 -1 (maybe -2/-3 if Rending is still a rule).

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The rending rule is kind of superfluous now that everything wounds everything okay 6.


I'd just give it 2 more shots, S6 AP-1 heavy 6.


It'd be interesting if instead of improving the stats of the flame weapon with size, they improved the number of hits, so heavy flamers get 2d6, flamestorm gets 3d6 hits.

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With the new flamer system -the HF Baal is actually not too bad at all.  2d6 S5 auto hits! I'll take that. Likely to have -1 save too, i rate. 

And potentially ignoring cover so no improved armor save either. ;)

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