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If plasma stays rapid fire, a combi plasma will be dishing out a lot of hurt!

Indeed. Plaserback will be amazing (hopefully ours will be faster too)


I can hear my group moaning now.....


(well, if I wasn't leaving the country, that is! lol)

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As a PSA guys: The double shots at half range thing was an error, it's just double the base shots at all ranges.


12 Shot Quad Heavy Bolters, that wound everything T6-T9 on a 5+ and for a -1 to armour saves sounds DELICIOUS.


Is it me or the Assault Cannon Baal can potentially deal way more damage than the flamestorm variant?


Depends on the modifier value.


Flamestorm could be at -2 (assuming flamers follow the progression of S5 -1 for Heavy and S6 -2 for Flamestorm, as regular flamers a S4 0)


Whereas the Assault cannon, while getting more shots, you still have to roll to hit. Will probably just be S6 -1 (maybe -2/-3 if Rending is still a rule).

I think a good mechanism for rending would be if it attributes additional AP values, but I wouldn't be surprised if it would yield mortal wound instead.

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Has anyone though about combi-flamers? Wondering because iirc won't flamers do auto hits? In which case will they only get -1 to the bolter if they're both shot? Or do we just not have the full picture yet? I tend to miss things when I get excited...



From what they've released so far that sounds right. All combi-flaming sternguard will be death to hordes.

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They certainly do...again. Guess that's something their faction rules have to deal with. I really don't want to see blob guards, orks and 'nids on the lower end of the power scale again. But it's also way too soon to make serious assumptions how it'll look in the end.

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Has anyone though about combi-flamers? Wondering because iirc won't flamers do auto hits? In which case will they only get -1 to the bolter if they're both shot? Or do we just not have the full picture yet? I tend to miss things when I get excited...



From what they've released so far that sounds right. All combi-flaming sternguard will be death to hordes.

5-10 d6 hits are 17.5-35 AP - hits on average. I wonder if you couldn't to similar amounts of hist with 5-10 templates. Many hordes also wouldn't get armour saves against the AP 5 templates.

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Has anyone though about combi-flamers? Wondering because iirc won't flamers do auto hits? In which case will they only get -1 to the bolter if they're both shot? Or do we just not have the full picture yet? I tend to miss things when I get excited...



From what they've released so far that sounds right. All combi-flaming sternguard will be death to hordes.

5-10 d6 hits are 17.5-35 AP - hits on average. I wonder if you couldn't to similar amounts of hist with 5-10 templates. Many hordes also wouldn't get armour saves against the AP 5 templates.


Yeah it will do less damage to hordes than our good old flamer tacticals in 7th. But it will still do a lot of damage to hordes in terms of 8th i guess. ;)

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So...I just realised that since we now know the Melta profile....do we think the Inferno Pistol as well will have a AP-4 2d6 pick highest profile? That would be VERY scary in close combat! o_O


Time to build a double Inferno Pistol Vanguard Vet squad, jump at Guilliman and fry his face! :D

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Hordes seem to be getting the short end of the stick so far imo.


I suppose the balance is that a couple big squads reaching your lines spread out can potentially cripple your next shooting phase.

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So...I just realised that since we now know the Melta profile....do we think the Inferno Pistol as well will have a AP-4 2d6 pick highest profile? That would be VERY scary in close combat! o_O


Time to build a double Inferno Pistol Vanguard Vet squad, jump at Guilliman and fry his face! :D

If it's like Shadow War it will be strength 6 ap-4 D3 wounds

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So...I just realised that since we now know the Melta profile....do we think the Inferno Pistol as well will have a AP-4 2d6 pick highest profile? That would be VERY scary in close combat! o_O


Time to build a double Inferno Pistol Vanguard Vet squad, jump at Guilliman and fry his face! :biggrin.:

If it's like Shadow War it will be strength 6 ap-4 D3 wounds


The AP in SW:A is very different than the AP we've seen so far tho. D3 damage sounds appropriate tho and would still make them damn scary. :D

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Hordes seem to be getting the short end of the stick so far imo.


I suppose the balance is that a couple big squads reaching your lines spread out can potentially cripple your next shooting phase.



The thing that is broken, nerfed or OP changes on a daily basis depending on what news GW has released.


Orks are going to be able to charge from trukks (hopefully), guard in Chimmies.


Dont forget that those flamers have to get within 8" of a horde to work. You have one shot, maybe wipe out a unit, then you get charged or FRFSRF'd by a whole army. Pretty much the same way alpha strikes work in the game today.

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A couple of musings already about potential future projects due to 8th ed info:

Vindicator laser destroyer is in

Sterguard is totally in the works now

CombiMelta Libby ended up being a good idea after all :happy.:

Moar Taktikills!


Questions that need answering:

Sanguinary Guard?

Vanguard Vet squad plans need to be reconsidered? (worth it for storm shields anymore???)

Edited by Spagunk
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I wonder if flamer overwatch will be D6 now...


Actually, it would make sense that Flamers do fire Overwatch on D6. The old D3 overwatch rules existed to "explain" how the "Flamers Template" worked with overwatch.


But, now, with the 8th editions changes and the disparition of Templates, Flamers have become "normal" weapons.


Plus, since it is a 8" range weapon, i don't think it would be that "OP" that flamers (light/standard/heavy) would fire D6 overwatch.


Also, what apply to Flamers...apply to Frag-Canon...normally^^.




What i really what to know is the Range of the Flamestorm Canon...because i wonder if it got the "Torrent special rule" that it should always had.




Ha, and of course, the Combi- Change is warmly welcome. It clearly increase the possibilities of how to equip our armies.




Whishlisting/Speculation : I wonder if our Furioso may by some luck got the option to equip the Ironclad Weaponry (at least the Hurrican Bolter...since it could prove quite interresting). It also come to my mind, that after looking at the profile, GW may choose to Fuse the Dreadnought/Venerable/Ironclad/Furioso into a Single Dreadnought Datasheet, with options such as "venerable"...etc, to represent each type. It would simply some things...(Venerable becoming FNP/IWND ?^^).

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Ironclads had increased armour -> increased toughness.

Furiosos had increased armour and WS -> increased toughness and WS.

Venerables got increased WS and BS and rerolls on the damage tables meaning they stayed alive longer when damaged -> Increased WS, BS and wounds.


A weakness of vehicles was their susceptibility to being destroyed in combat by their rear armour. This made the flamestorm a poor choice. Now that there is no rear armour, the flamestorm makes more sense, and doesnt need 'torrent' or other range improvement so much.  In fact, giving it torrent just increases the range mismatch between heavy flamer and flame storm, hurting the tank overall. 


I'd like: fixed range with either fixed D6 hits per flame weapon +  increasing strength OR fixed strength with increasing D6 number of hits as the weapon gets bigger. 


Also, that vehicles can overwatch.

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