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  • 1 month later...

Well I can let this thread go without showing this:


The Land Raider “Excalibur”, personal transport of Captain Uthor, 4th company, Howling Griffons.







And the jewel in the crown




Yup, motorised assault cannons

Edited by binary

From my old DKoK army, sold it off last year for a healthy profit, and have since slowly started re-doing it with a better list and paintjob, having learned a lot the first time through. 




Standard battletank. 




Frankentank - made from no less than 9 different kits! There's even a Tau missile pod on it.




Commissar Vanquisher - destroyed by the first shot of 13 games in a row. 




Macharius Battletank. Awful superheavy in terms of points efficiency, but damn if it isn't a pretty tank. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Tanks for the tank Gods:


Here is my wall of green, after seeing so many cool FW vehicles in this thread I'm very tempted to include a few more myself (and the new Dex lets me take Hunters sooo....)



And some rides for the Deathwing, they don't always Deepstrike after all.



These pics are a bit old, but there can always be more Crack for the Crack Gods.


Edited by Interrogator Stobz
  On 1/13/2018 at 2:20 AM, Honda said:

@Stobz: Your green is great, but I just love the white on your Deathwing Landraiders.


I'm pretty sure that's a chunk of foam, brother.



  On 1/13/2018 at 5:10 AM, Firepower said:


  On 1/13/2018 at 2:20 AM, Honda said:

@Stobz: Your green is great, but I just love the white on your Deathwing Landraider.


I'm pretty sure that's a chunk of foam, brother.




Ah Arctic Camouflage!

  On 1/13/2018 at 10:57 AM, Honda said:

@elmo: Hah! I still have one of those sprues, though I used the SM bit on my Prometheus. Cool set of bits.


Your Hammerhead looks pretty slick. Is it supposed to represent Longstrike?

Thanks :)


I already have a Longstrike so not really although the turrets are not glued down so I could transfer him to this chassis if I wanted to. I was just trying to use up some bits :)

I could remove the turret and the chin sensor array can be replaced by the burst cannon (magnets) then fit a recon drone and use it for Pathfinders too ;)

Edited by elmo

Here's some of my tanks from the Admech and Ork forums.


Does it count as a tank if it has legs?



Also, Does it count if it used to be a skimmer?

DSC 0200

DSC 0198

DSC 0199

If I ever remade the tank I would probably try to rebuild the cockpit area instead of just sticking the window in place since it looks more like a sunroof in hindsight.
I must say I've seen some amazing tanks in this thread. The paintjobs, conversion work and camouflage patterns are amazing. 




I present the siege engine 'Wall of Terra'.

The vindicator 'Damocles' was among the materiels deployed by the Blood Angels in that most desperate of battles, the final siege of Terra by the traitor Horus and his armies. Held in reserve within the inner walls, the crew waited in trepidation as the armies of the damned approached, breaking through the outer defences, disabling void shields, and then beginning blood, brutal fighting in the corridors and walkways of the Palace, the Blood Angels making them pay dearly for all ground gained. The Imperial defences, broken and battered, finally gave way, and great rent appeared in the wall of the palatine gate, the last staging ground of the angels. Knowing their duty, and no fear, the crew of the damocles spurred their engine forwards, blocking the breach with their bulk, the mighty demolisher cannon speaking like the voice of angry gods, scything through traitor ranks. Being constantly resupplied with shells from few remaining servitors as the Blood Angels retreated to the next circle of defences, the Vindicator blocked the path of the traitors for a full thirty minutes before they managed to bring heavier ordnance to bear: A rapier laser destroyer in the heraldry of the accursed Iron Warriors lanced out, piercing the adamantium hull of the tank and damaging the main gun. The tank was over run and the crew slaughtered as the survivors fought their way out of the crippled tank, dying with the knowledge that their sacrifice meant their brothers could live a while longer.

After the siege the Vindicator was recovered and it's blessed hull consecrated. The tank was reborn as "Wall of Terra", the shield of life, and has been in service to the Imperium for the past 10,000 years in which it has reaped a great tally of the Emperor's foes. Sometimes damaged, never lost, the Wall of Terra now serves with the Blood Angels 4th Company under Captain di Bossola, en route to the Armageddon system...










  • 2 weeks later...

3 new Leman Russ Battle Tanks have joined the 975th Armoured Battalion "Iron Fists"
Attached to 711th Cadian Combined Arms Brigade...


Leman Russ # 501 "Emperor's Judgement"
Personal vehicle of Commissar Zakerly


Leman Russ #510


Leman Russ #512

All weapons are interchangeable and the sponsons can be removed. ;)

My Dark Angels armoury. They have all been posted in my DA thread but I wanted to share them here as well.

This was the first vehicle I painted.


I didn’t paint another vehicle until the last month or so when I finished my Razorback


I really enjoyed painting the Razorback so I decided to add A predator


I was happy with the Razorback but I didn’t feel the warpstone glow showed up enough on the table top so I did a 2to1 mix with moot green i the predator as a middle highlight.

Edited by JJD

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