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As I don't have (and cannot afford) a 15 wound model, I'll be side-stepping to a one-off model for this month. I'll be painting the model I made for BCK's Conversion Challenge, a Primaris version of Knight-Captain Elam Courbray of the Fire Hawks 8th Assault Co.




P.S. I am on Annual Leave, so you never know, I might get around to a vow for the HoD's....

Not quite 16 wounds but my submission this month will be a contemptor dreadnought. I'll have to take a pass on the special for this month, I can't afford a landraider :ermm:





Glad to see I still have a remaining hull point to continue this challenge. A full exam and coursework period took me away, then immediately afterwards me and the missus bought our first house. Naturally hobbytime took a blow but hopefully moved in soonish and maybe get something up before the deadline. Excellent work to everyone else, am inspired and eager for when I have access to mah army again. Edited by Trixie

Well I have no model with 15 wounds or more planned for this project so I will have to pass the special this month. Good luck to all those that are tackling such a beast.

My month four pledge will be the final finish building the Kataphron count as and get them painted.

Here is a picture of where I was a while back, will post more once I have finished building them. gallery_29932_13153_60064.jpg

Tempting me to do another knight with the 15+ wounds thing, but best to focus on what I plan to use in the near future first. If I finish these quickly then we shall see if I have time for the knight!

For this month, I pledge 2 Kastelans and an Enginseer



Zujara, metal Enginseer for the win.

Sagentus, embrace the blessing of Khorne. He might have been late but he looks great.

Just under half the month is gone and I have yet to pick up the brush, the time is just slipping away. I have at least finished building all three. The powerpacks on the heavy arc rifle ones is not as good as I would have liked it but after several different attempts I am just happy to have something in place.


Ran into a slight issues with this months one, as you can see the forward side of the Repulsor the Anti Shine varnish decided to go all cloudy, totally my fault as I did not shake it long enough and even thought at the time. So its a bit messed up. Will probably go back and do some damage on there to try and hide it.


Also as my run of hobby luck continues I have lost my Howling Griffon shoulder icons and really do not want to pay for another 50 when I know I have them in the room somewhere. As such the shoulder guard of the Techmarine is not finished but I will be doing it when I find the icons. Thankfully I had already put them onto the guys I had lying around waiting to be painted so it's only this model that is affected for the time being.


Anyway here is my pledge for this month :smile.:


Repulsor Finished 3

Repulsor Finished 2

Repulsor Finished 1


Edited by fisheyedbunny

I'm impressed you painted a tank in the Chapter's quartered colors. Will you do the same for its other vehicles?

Thanks bud, sure will. I have a Land Raider already quartered but just plodding along with that as I dont have anything to run in it.

I vow a leviathan dreadnought with claw and grav flux bomcard. IW under the 15 but monster enough for me :biggrin.:


Darn forgot the start picture:


37450276231_1391726b49_c.jpgdread by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


And a bit of progress


Made my own decals.


37398808622_f9b0ae34b5_c.jpgdread 1 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


Botched my own decals.


I think the dark armour basically eliminated the colour, and the decal dissolved in certain areas.

Guessing more decal film is needed in future


Any hints or tips would be gratefully received

Hey folks. Sorry for the hiatus. It's been hectic as far as work and home is concerned, yet alone trying to find the time to keep up with all the progress everyone has been making. I'm not sure if I am still eligible to contend, but in any case i will still share what progress I manage to make. It's great and inspiring to see all the headway you guys are putting out, so hopefully my efforts can also spur those still participating!

I just managed to finish up my flesh tearers assault terminator squad (the squad with converted saw blades). I'm not 100% satisfied with the outcome, but I think its because I feel like I fall behind with my brush skill when I'm forced to paint intermittently. Anyone else feel like you have those good n bad days? I am hoping that in the near future I can invest in some serious lighting ie Daylight Co Triple Bright or similar.

Here is a quick pic of the finished squad. Will try and take pics of them individually and up close if i get round to it.


Edited by wiqid

Some gorgeous stuff on this page. Loving that Leviathan. The Repulsor just looks clean and brilliant; makes me glad I didn't do the Repuslor this month as it wouldn't compare.

My progress is going well - my Hellblasters and Ancient are blocked out, awaiting the tedious wash stage. My Lieutenent is done.

But I thought I'd post the Intercessors I failed last month - the apothecary is swimming in stripper(enviable), but they are done. This is them pre-transfers and battle damage: gallery_92897_13292_1125648.jpg

Bit of a slow one this month due to family crisis and an upcoming surprise holiday for my 40th.

So this month I'm going to vow the following-

1) convert and paint The Apothecary for the 4th company

2) build the Land Raider crusader I've had sitting around for ages


If i have time before the deadline then I'll vow to paint the land raider too, but this also depends on arrival of parts.


Here's where i am so far - 







Land Raider




Well...this is....a bit embarassing. 

GOOD NEWS! I got a model that fits the challenge, and I got it done!

Bad news? I think? I...may have forgotten to actually POST my starting picture.

SO, um, BEHOLD, the fastest painted Land Raider of all time! Completed before I finished typing this post! :P


Vow 4

Vow 4 Complete


Ok so not a pledge but been ticking over with the Dark Imperium box set in the background and finally finished the three Drop Trooper guys (interceptors?). Since they are part of the army figured I would pop them on in here :)


Drop Troop 1


Drop Troop 2


Drop Troop 3

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