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+++ Incoming Transmission +++

Orders for Immediate Implementation

To Regimental Commander, Bethalmean 757th

The Honored 757th Bethalmean Regiment is to be refitted for deployment on the mud flats of Xentath II. Your previous preparations for combat in winter conditions are no longer necessary. All haste shall be made with these proceedings. Astropaths have been given their new direction. Xentath II is your new destination.

Prepare your men to engage the enemies of Mankind. For the Emperor.

+++ End Transmission +++

Welcome all, to BlueBelly1863's WIP blog for the refitting of my Imperial Guard force! I've been thinking about this project for a while, and I think the Tale of Hobbyists event and the coming of 8th edition is a great time to get it underway. I painted this army probably 5-6 years ago now, and my painting has improved quite a bit since then. I want to give them a better look, and for them to make the Realm of battle board my brother and I own. The Imperial Guard have always been my main army in Warhammer 40k, and I look forward to repainting them and making them look sharp.

Here's what they look like now:



This is not nearly the entire collection, but it gives you an idea of what the force looked like! But, not for much longer. Here they are now....


Getting a lovely bath of SimpleGreen to strip the paint! Going to leave them soaking there over a day in order to hopefully loosen the paint up as much as possible.

Here is an example of the color scheme I think I'm going to go with. I'm not trying to win any Golden Demons here, just get my army repainted in a timely fashion to a get a good-looking force on the table to roll some dice. I need a scheme I can batch paint and have it still look good, so I think this is roughly how they'll look. Will probably add some highlighting as well. C&C is welcome at all times of course!


I can't wait to get this project fully underway! I hope you'll join me on this journey of refitting and re-arming the Bethalmean 757th.

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Liking the repaint scheme. I would suggest your vehicles have some white peeking through as if it were a rushed job to get it painted. Some rifles and heavy gear might still be in winter scheme. Best of luck!

This is an AWESOME idea. I think I'll try it out and see how it looks once I get the chance!

I apologize for the lack of update, but the weather (and more specifically, the humidity) here in Virginia has not been conducive to spray painting. I have a squad stripped of paint and ready to go, but I have to wait for a solid day to spray. rolleyesclean.gif


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