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I think he means choosing militarum auxilia as the regiment and then issuing orders. It's not expressly forbidden but will likely get some funny looks.

My understanding is that this not permissible.

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I think he means choosing militarum auxilia as the regiment and then issuing orders. It's not expressly forbidden but will likely get some funny looks.

Yeah, that's what I mean. I wouldn't actually do it- a bit dodgy, let's at least wait for the FAQ and even then maybe not.


My regiment's lore IS as auxiliary though, have been for three editions of 40K. I'm looking forward to expansions on this theme in the next codex (hopefully), penal legion and characters maybe.

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Update: Luckily, the FAQ seem to have just clarified that this kind of idiocy is not permitted. They don't cover this case explicitly, but they seem to convey the meaning very clearly.


People who cannot play reasonably will need to find a different way to annoy others.

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Update: Luckily, the FAQ seem to have just clarified that this kind of idiocy is not permitted. They don't cover this case explicitly, but they seem to convey the meaning very clearly.


People who cannot play reasonably will need to find a different way to annoy others.


Pity they don't cover it explicitly, because this doesn't resolve the issue at all. Not even with intent.

All it states is that you have to choose a regiment of the Astra Militarum.


'Cadian' isn't actually a regiment much like 'German' isn't a regiment, but the first page for Astra Militarum states that it is, and allows for 'Cadian' officers to issue orders to all Cadian regiments, like the Cadian 8th Armoured etc. 


Likewise, 'Militarum Auxilla' isn't a regiment, but by the same logic as for Cadia, a 'Militarum Auxilla' officer could issue orders to all Militarum Auxilla regiments, like the Gothic Sector 12th Penal Legion or whatever.


Militarum Tempestus is explicitly not allowed, but then the same page states "you can use any of the other regiments that you have read about, or make up your own". I've certainly read about Militarum Auxilla.


I won't be using it, but the rules don't block it.

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Yes, the rules don't block it, but good sense (or any reasonable way to read RaI if you prefer) does, and denying that is simply silly. The rule is OBVIOUSLY designed to disallow auxilia from taking orders. Using 'auxilia' as a regiment is clearly a way to abuse a fluffy (but admittedly poorly worded) rule. If this was not the meaning of the rule, we'd all end up with copycat, fake 'auxilia' armies, save for those that use some unique characters (except Pask).


I state it again: it is definitely annoying that even before the game was out some players already tried to find ways to abuse the rules. This kind of mentality has ruined the game experience so far (along with a bloated ruleset). It won't stay out from 8th either, unfortunately, but at least we can try not to encourage it. I mean, among normal people. WaaC and abusers can throw their head in a (possibly heavy) flamer, for all I care.



EDIT: I'm not against officers for auxilia. I hope GW provide a way to do that in the codex. But not in a way that is obviously more advantageous than all other builds for regiments. This keywords thing has a lot of potential, but if they screw it up already it will be a very bad start.

Edited by Feral_80
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