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Snooks Madness Part II


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Brother Lunkhead's certainly not wrong brother, the range of forces you're painting so consistently well stands testament, it can be bleeding difficult to get the colours right for just force at a time!


Any chance of group shot of the whole collection, I imagine with the mix of legions represented you could pull of a fair battle display?

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I will try to but I will not make any promisses. That damn chronic depression kicked in again wirth full force and I am fighting the suicidal urge. Had some terribad weeks, I tried to keep my thoughts on painting rather then knifes and ropes.



Edited by Snook
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What the heck is this massive display of amazing work!? Jeez, stop being so damn adaptable and prolific! It’s a talent not everyone has, trust me. I’d be daunted even considering a few new projects, I overthink everything and stunt my progress. So you better learn how to take a compliment if you’re going to hang out around these parts. :smile.: Seriously, keep at it and find real satisfaction in everything you complete. True, not every job is over-the-top on quality, but they're flippin' table ready; everything is nice and clean, many are really good, and the rest could easily be kicked up a notch with a bit more work when you’re in the right mood to do some extra detailing. If you’re ever at a loss at what to start next, don’t be afraid to look at something that’s not your best work and consider taking it up a level; it's amazing what a few highlights or a bit of weathering can do, taking a good paint job to something excellent.


As someone who has personally used this hobby as a form of therapy to aid me out of extremely dark times that lasted far too many years (some better, some much worse) I can say first hand that it works, and that things can/will/do get better. I highly suggest supplementing all efforts with cognitive therapy which had a profound impact on my ability to heal.


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Well thats one of the moments I barely know what to answer.


Thank you for your kind reply. I know, there is a lot I could do to improve my miniatures and I will continue to improve them as good as I can. I am thinking about using some weathering powders next.


Regarding a therapy, I am already making one :)


But now a new WiP



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