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  • 1 year later...

I return.


No, really... this time I actually am.


It's been a while since I touched really anything GW related. Since my last post I ended up moving out of the apartment my family and I were in, into my grandmother's for a couple months and finally back home after 14 long and extremely stressful months. This was capped off by my company's contract with the state not being re-signed or extended with two weeks notice, so on top of the move I completely changed careers.


Anyhow, not that we're back and (mostly) settled in, I've begun painting again. It's not much right now, but the updated Dataslate definitely helped motivate me to come back to the hobby. In celebration of Armour of Contempt I picked up a box of Blightlords and the Lord of Virulence, a character i had wanted to snag when released but was constantly out of stock. The Scrivener, Champion and Standard Bearer have been in my possession for probably a year now but we're completely untouched until a couple days ago.


At this point I'm panel-lining the armour and will move onto blocking out the black areas. It's nice to be back into this and I'm considering going full into a Plaguewing force, something I've dreamed of for quite some time but never saw much point to it without ObSec. Some may remember my old 30K Death Guard army. It was (technically still is packed away somewhere) comprised of only Terminator models. Perhaps it's time I created a 40K equivalent. Enough words, only pictures now.







Thanks everyone!


@Shovel: I can tell you that it was definitely scary in 30K, though at that time mine were all in Spartans or Land Raiders. Kind of funny I start up again and GW announces a plastic one!


@Badger: thank you for the kind words. It always makes me feel good to know I've inspired someone.


@Pearson: it's good to be back! I've been lurking off and on and occasionally commenting but I just couldn't pull myself back in, either due to life getting in the way or just a mental block. I definitely feel inspired now and the best part is a few of my friends have also started the hobby back up!


I do also want to say that I've simultaneously leapt back into Orks for the first time since the beginning of 6th Edition. I'm doing Blood Axes as I said I would a couple years ago, but starting small. This also just so happened to coincide with the Dataslate update (actually a few weeks before) and it just so happens that Orks got nerfed a bit so... there's that.

DuskRaider - sounds like a tumultuous time to weather, and best wishes on the new career!  (Is that a Boba Fett Corkcicle tumbler in that photo???)


The paint on the minis looks great - looks like the base coat is textured in a very cool way, and your glaze/Contrast(?) over it looks very good (if it’s Contrast, it’s much better looking than my attempts with it).  Glad to hear some friends have picked the hobby back up with you, it definitely helps to keep things moving!


Looking forward to more!

Yes sir, that most certainly is a Boba Fett Corckicle canteen. I've been a huge Star Wars and more specifically Boba Fett fan since I was just a wee one. One of my other hobbies is collecting Hot Toys and I have a shrine dedicated to the Fettman.


The white is the same recipe I used back a few years only this time I used Wraithbone primer instead of Corax White due to availability. It's basically Ishabti Bone. After that just a few alternating coats of Seraphim Sepia, drybrush of Ishabti Bone and a final drybrush of Pallid Wych Flesh and panel-lining with Agrax Earthshade.


Funny, I haven't done it in a couple years and I still remember it by heart. The black may be a little more difficult since I no longer have Windsor and Newton Black India Ink, but I don't think that step is all that crucial anyhow.

  • 4 weeks later...

So I've been working on my Knight Abominant... well, technically most of it was assembled almost two years ago around this date. The moment I saw preview pictures of the official Abominant, two things went through my mind: #1 that looks a lot like my Seneschal and #2 I need to make this thing cooler.








As you may remember, this was the second Styrix-Pattern Abominable Intelligence Questoris that I had been working on shortly before the house fire. I really liked where this was going back then but with everything that happened, it found itself thrown to the wayside (both figuratively and literally when the fire department tipped my desk). Over a couple moves and going into storage, it fell into some disrepair. Spikes snapped off here and there, the utility arms came off, etc.


I decided that this guy had to be the base for my Abominant. It's the faceplate that did it for me really. It reminds me of the Ordo Sinister Titans of old but with a more evil wish, especially with the bundles of cabling, vestigial arms and most importantly that iron bar bisecting the head. I got to work with repairs, added more cabling to the head and chest area and added the Abominant arms while removing some spikes, mainly from the left shoulder socket to give it the ability to wear a single pauldron. I've added some unique stacks to the hull which I will further work on and I removed the Mageara Volkite cabling from the old Chainsword and added it to the Abominant Volkite arm. I intend to add more cabling throughout as is my standard technique and I've toyed with the idea of somehow added coruscating souls coming off of the hull.


My biggest issue with the Abominant is that it is a psyker but... there's nothing on it that actually says "I'm a psyker". I believe the faceplate will go a way toward conveying that, but I'm still trying to think of something more. I did NOT add the Balemace tail for two reasons... one, this uses the original Chaos Knight hip assembly so there's no good way to do so other than hacking away at it and also I really think it looks... well... dumb. I figure the smaller arms will count as the Balemace.


It's an odd balance between heretical technology and something arcane like sorcery and I'm attempting to walk that like with this one. I don't really want any outward Chaotic influence; in fact that way that I see it, the House and HelForge would be doing everything in its power to contain that. I decided not to add the maw to the Volkite as well.


I'm actually a little miffed, I went on Legio Models' website and see they now not only have a very unique Volkite arm weapon but also a Laser Destroyer that would have been perfect as a representation of Diamonas on my Seneschal. I'm still considering ripping the current one off and replacing it with that as my next one may also be sport a Laser Destroyer and I want my character's to be unique. We shall see...

Thanks folks! Just feel like it's missing... something. I may actually reposition the smaller arms the have them hanging down more. I would like to recreate the arms to have one touching the faceplate temple ala Professor X but I suppose that wouldn't make much sense considering it's the pilot inside that's the psyker and not the machine itself. Just feel like it needs something more...

I think your model looks fantastic, but I agree with you that - the face mask is creepy but doesn't in itself automatically speak to it being a psycher.  What if you posed it in a more traditional psycher pose - one hand to the head as you suggested and the other extended in an open handed motion?  And I don't think that it being the pilot that is the psycher would necessarily detract from this - to me, it makes sense that the titan might reflect the motions of its pilot and in doing so serve as a better conduit to the warp forces.


I'm finding the bare shoulders a little off putting though - have you tried what it would looking with the imperial knight shoulder pads? (given that it sounds like the chaos ones don't fit with your image of what the model should look like).


Anyway, its great to see you back working on your awesome renegade knights despite the discouragement life has thrown your way.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui

Well the issue with reposing the arms is they were glued in their current position and I don't think I'd be able to undo it without breaking something.


I actually have this kit coming for the pauldron:




The way I see it, the Knight itself doesn't need much in the way of armor since it has a psychic barrier protecting it so it doesn't need much. This was supposed to be another Styrix-Pattern Questoris and not a character so I had a lot of that stuff on there to begin with. I may take it off but I kinda like the stripped down look to it.

Little bit of an update...


My Legio Models parts came in and I've decided to do a mock up of the Abominant. I've made a number of changes including adding a second pauldron and proper shin plates as well as moving the prior plates to the thighs. I've also added more tentacles to the CC arm and I've replaced the GW Volkite with the Legio Models piece.


I think I like it like this? I kinda dug the emaciated look it originally had but I wanted to take advantage of these wonderful bits as well. The good news is I can always put pieces back. Let me know what you think and if anything should be reverted. The next step is green stuff. Lots of it.







You never fail to put something interesting together :)


I'm a little unsure on the head / face mask with armour covering if I'm being honest.  The shoulder pads to the top carapace look a little awkward - was this a 'blu-tac and test fit' thing?


I've no doubt you'll make it work and look forward to the awesome result you'll get!

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