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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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True Grit is back, baby... 

Glad to see we keep cultists. I don't use cultists, the uncomplaining dead are more dependable, but I like to keep my options open.

I like Blades of Putrification for a daemon prince. Hit on 2+ with re-roll then wound most things on 2+ with Death to the False Emperor bonus attacks? Yes please.

Putrescent Vitality would be great for soaking damage from crappy S3 horde units like conscripts, especially in overwatch. Not many wounds getting through T6.

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I do plan to avoid using poxwalkers like the plague they carry. I want pure legionnaire in my Death Guard, but mainly because I'm grossed out by the models. I've always been fascinated by mortal followers of the Chaos Gods, since they rarely get any positive screen time. They general fall to pure insanity, don't last long, or become mutant zombies. I would make a full Chaotic warband of mortal warriors empowered by their gods if that were more viable than "evil imperial guard". It's cool that they confirmed what we have been saying for a while, that the death guard terminators come in two flavours.
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If Death Guard also get the VotLW stratagem Putrescent Blades will be crazy. PMs with 2x plague knives (free!) will be wounding T5-7 on a 3+ rerolling 1s and causing mortal wounds on a 5+.


Too bad it looks like there aren't any Death Guard Daemon units who can take plague weapons or else you could summon a cheap Herald to cast Virulent Blessing in addition and go really crazy.

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I'm thinking about picking up FW models for my Death Guard, keeping the tentacles to a minimum. How different do you think the 30k and 40k load outs will be, in terms of appearance? The Blight Launchers and Spewer look similiar to the weapons the FW Grave Wardens carry. It's mostly a fancy, cause I do like the new models too. What do you think?
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I'm thinking about picking up FW models for my Death Guard, keeping the tentacles to a minimum. How different do you think the 30k and 40k load outs will be, in terms of appearance? The Blight Launchers and Spewer look similiar to the weapons the FW Grave Wardens carry. It's mostly a fancy, cause I do like the new models too. What do you think?

Exactly what I'm going to do. Will just need some rather liberal conversion in some cases.


I think everything will be a touch smaller too, but nothing game breaking.

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Looks like the power creep is beginning. I don't see how existing codices are going to compete with any of this.


Since we've not seen the whole codex yet, the points costings or the full array of stratagems I think that it's a little early to call power creep. It looks strong but the models are likely to be points expensive, maybe grey knight expensive. 

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I know that and I wasn't saying otherwise it just helps for narrowing down what the 33 dataslates in the book will be , I just noticed some of the FB posts asking about daemons and GW replied to them, just seems odd every Nurgle Daemon (including great unclean ones) will be in as dataslates for summoning just not Heralds

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Depending on how many of the Chaos codex strategums get recycled, these guys could be an excellent Helbrute army to go with the plodding advance of the infantry with heavies and rapid fire advantages. The Blight drones synergize really well with all of this. The beauty here is these Plague troops are going to be great in game and actually fit thematically ( no digging for brimstones here)
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As mentioned in the News section, the FB page stated only that it's every daemon *of the start collecting box* apart from the herald, so nurglings, plaguebearers and plague drones.


Which would make sense for summoning while leaving stuff for a daemons codex.


Edit: now I'm sure :)



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I wonder why the Herald is not included? Like...it seems like such an odd exclusion as he's a pretty vital dude if you're running Plaguebearers.


Anyway, my thoughts on Legion Trait and Psychic Powers.


Inexorable Advance is both fluffy and useful. Death Guard are all about loads of footslogging infantry and hails of fire in the lore, both pre and post heresy. Moving and shooting heavy weapons is nice, but only useful on Helbrutes as Plague Marines can't take anything but the Plague Spewer (which autohits anyway). I guess we'll have to see what the terminator units get, maybe they can make better use of it. What is more impressive is the ability to advance and fire at full BS with assault weapons, further cementing my appreciation for Blight Launchers. The buff to rapid fire also seems quite powerful, making Plasma a standout choice alongside Blight Launchers for your shooty squads. Maybe you could run a big bolter blob of Plague Marines, but at the moment I'm more drawn to running MSU to max out special weapons.


Psychic Powers...once again Papa Nurgle has decided to bless his followers with an amazing lore. Pretty much every power in Contagion looks useful and powerful, with buffs for every situation. Looking specifically at the new ones, Blades of Purification seems to be made for your Melee focused Plague Marines. 18" is an excellent range for a power such as this and the ability to cause mortal wounds on a six is just gravy, all for 5 Warp Charge too! Combine with Maces of Contagion to royally mess up any vehicles (flat three damage is painful and +2 strength means you'll be wounding even things like Land Raiders on a 4+). I like this power, I like it alot. Also don't forget Plague Knives can do the mortal wound too. 


Putrescent Vitality is a little more oddball, but still amazing. +1 S/T on Plague Marines isn't as useful as it would have been last edition, seeing as stuff like bolters will still wound on 5+. HOWEVER, on Poxwalkers (with Typhus) this power looks absolutely nuts. Strength 5 Toughness 5 guys, oh yeah...these guys become surprisingly killy. This is warp charge 6 too, so pretty reliable (remember that the average of 2 dice is 7).


So it's confirmed that DG gets everything from the index, but not everything gains disgustingly resilient. I still think Possessed have a good showing (or at least a better showing) in DG compared to regular CSM due to buffs from Contagion and the amazing Stratagems that have been shown. Being able to get those guys into the fray without any losses will be a big deal.


Spawn are probably best used as a suicide/chaff unit to enable Cloud of Flies.


I want to see the DG unique units though...

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I totally thought the advance thing was going to be a TSons trait. DG are looking pretty legit!


Its pretty much "All is Dust" which is on Rubrics and SO Termies, if TS helbrute get "All is Dust" that would be legit.



Looks like the power creep is beginning. I don't see how existing codices are going to compete with any of this.


Since we've not seen the whole codex yet, the points costings or the full array of stratagems I think that it's a little early to call power creep. It looks strong but the models are likely to be points expensive, maybe grey knight expensive. 



Yes, I dont think we know points costs for most units yet.  I also said this in another thread but there are going to be winners in any release, but I think at least the initial codex releases were written at the same time and got the approximate of equal treatment.


From the FB page it seems to claim every Nurgle Daemon apart from Heralds are included in the codex


This sounds amazing mostly because I take it as a hint as to what I can expect in the TS codex.



I've been playing for some time now and I think it is great that Chaos factions are getting good attention and strong rules.

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So Daemons can only be summoned, not brought as my troops choice? Dang, Cultists it is. I hope that our Grave Warden Terminators are around Scarab Occult price, expensive but worth it. I wonder if the Death Shroud esque ones will be like paladins, since they(apparently) come in squads of three, then 3W-3A would be cool.

Plus I like the idea of taking the popular grey knights build of Paladins with Heavy Character support in LRs and making it meaner. Gosh, using Typhus and a Plague Caster with Death Shroud and Plague Crawlers followed by Land Raiders. I love it already, now I really hope they have a T5 3W 3A statline.

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I only play smaller games between 750 and 1000 points.

I was thinking of putting my plasma Plague Marine squad in a Rhino backed up by my Drone but seeing now that a Hellbrute can fire a lascannon without problems I starting to doubt.


So for now what do you guys think is the better unit in such small games. I will also be playing in 2v2 750 points tournaments with them but my goal is a good 1000 points army.


What will it be? Drone or Hellbrute?

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I'm thinking about picking up FW models for my Death Guard, keeping the tentacles to a minimum. How different do you think the 30k and 40k load outs will be, in terms of appearance? The Blight Launchers and Spewer look similiar to the weapons the FW Grave Wardens carry. It's mostly a fancy, cause I do like the new models too. What do you think?

Same here, plus I already have 10 FW death shroud and grave wardens, and their Typhon/us. Frees up more money to be spent on those funky tanks, can't wait to see what they do.


The rules do look solid, but I agree with Onboardg1 that we will play either a zombie heavy cheaper swarm list, or a smaller elite plague marine termie list, or a mix where you don't get the maximum potential of either. Our cup runneth over for choices it seems.

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I only play smaller games between 750 and 1000 points.

I was thinking of putting my plasma Plague Marine squad in a Rhino backed up by my Drone but seeing now that a Hellbrute can fire a lascannon without problems I starting to doubt.


So for now what do you guys think is the better unit in such small games. I will also be playing in 2v2 750 points tournaments with them but my goal is a good 1000 points army.


What will it be? Drone or Hellbrute?


Depends on your local meta tbh.


Lots of vehicles, the Brute might be a better choice. If you run into lots of infantry the Drone might get you more mileage. Around 750-1000 points you can probably get away with running minimal anti-tank. Also keep an eye on the Bloat Drone variants that should be coming out. The Foetid Bloat Drone is little too expensive for what it does imo, but other variants might be better priced.


My Helbrute (Melta/P-Fist with Heavy Flamer) has always done pretty well, but I'd swap to Twin Lascannons if I had the chance to build him again.

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Thanks for the answer.


My regular opponent will be playing g Genestealers Cult with from what I know at least a Sentinel and Leman Russ.

I thinkI will get a Hellbrute anyway because some anti tank is never a wrong thing to have and who does not like a corrupted Dread right

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I only play smaller games between 750 and 1000 points.

I was thinking of putting my plasma Plague Marine squad in a Rhino backed up by my Drone but seeing now that a Hellbrute can fire a lascannon without problems I starting to doubt.


So for now what do you guys think is the better unit in such small games. I will also be playing in 2v2 750 points tournaments with them but my goal is a good 1000 points army.


What will it be? Drone or Hellbrute?


I only play smaller games between 750 and 1000 points.

I was thinking of putting my plasma Plague Marine squad in a Rhino backed up by my Drone but seeing now that a Hellbrute can fire a lascannon without problems I starting to doubt.


So for now what do you guys think is the better unit in such small games. I will also be playing in 2v2 750 points tournaments with them but my goal is a good 1000 points army.


What will it be? Drone or Hellbrute?

brute. you won't have problems with doing infantry/chaff when playing DG at smaller points. You will on the other hand requirer long range multi wound dealers .

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