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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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Looks like the power creep is beginning. I don't see how existing codices are going to compete with any of this.

Honestly I don't agree. The rules are strong, yes, but ultimately Death Guard will suffer from the same problems other elite armies do...low model count. It has always been a problem and nothing in 8th changed about that so far. Are they strong? Likely. Will they be broken? Nah, I don't think so.

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Looks like the power creep is beginning. I don't see how existing codices are going to compete with any of this.

Honestly I don't agree. The rules are strong, yes, but ultimately Death Guard will suffer from the same problems other elite armies do...low model count. It has always been a problem and nothing in 8th changed about that so far. Are they strong? Likely. Will they be broken? Nah, I don't think so.


You are correct, but please note that I said 'existing' codices, which are all also elite and low model count. I am worried that DG will be like Grey Knights were in 5th ed. It all does depend on their points costs of course. But assuming plague marines don't get much more expensive, its not looking good. Personally, I won't be sad if DG are top dog above other marines for awhile (at least until other Chapter/Legion codices come out.) But what we're seeing of their powers and stratagems is a nasty threat to the codices we already have.


I'm more worried about what it says about GWs ability to write rules than I am about the actual effects on the metagame.

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Thanks for the answer Jeske.

I know I got anti infantry covered but anti tank is always a weak point in Death Guard lists. I still know that from the years when I used to play a lot.


Been out of the game for about 4 years now but coming back in with these amazing looking models.

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doesn't even have to be anti tank sometimes you are going to finish something off, or plain require a model that can do melee and non anti chaff shoting without the need to be baby sited by other units[which in small point games is always a problem for elite armies], plus it is a case of target saturation lets say you want to try out a 2xshroud 1xcaster 1xtyfus 1x"normal" termis build, and dreads just fits better in to such a list at small points. Plus when the codex comes out you are going to see that from pure micro managing points point of view[if you do not happen to use power points in your games], makes the hellbrute a bit more efficient and easier to fit. Taking the drone offten in 1k pts may end up with you either not taking a pred or trying to give it bad weapons etc



ah in small points dreads also make a much better "formation" with a pred then a drone that operates on its own .

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I wonder why the Herald is not included? Like...it seems like such an odd exclusion as he's a pretty vital dude if you're running Plaguebearers.


So it's confirmed that DG gets everything from the index, but not everything gains disgustingly resilient. I still think Possessed have a good showing (or at least a better showing) in DG compared to regular CSM due to buffs from Contagion and the amazing Stratagems that have been shown. Being able to get those guys into the fray without any losses will be a big deal.


Herald will be out because he has a different discipline.


Possessed will be better in DG because their rivals aren't around.

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So let's say we want to go hardcore competitive with DeathGuard 2000 points, which units are we going to need? 

My initial thoughts are putting a bunch of plague marines and characters in a kharybdis droppod so you can start getting of those proximity mortal wounds straight away and backed up with drones and hell brutes in the back for fire support..


I just don't see any combination with pox walkers or footslogging working in a competitive environment or am i missing something?

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Possessed will be better in DG because their rivals aren't around.


Instead they get new rivals (hopefully) tho. :P

So let's say we want to go hardcore competitive with DeathGuard 2000 points, which units are we going to need? 

My initial thoughts are putting a bunch of plague marines and characters in a kharybdis droppod so you can start getting of those proximity mortal wounds straight away and backed up with drones and hell brutes in the back for fire support..


I just don't see any combination with pox walkers or footslogging working in a competitive environment or am i missing something?

Unless you already have the Codex it's kinda impossible to say just yet.

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So let's say we want to go hardcore competitive with DeathGuard 2000 points, which units are we going to need?



A you don't play hardcore mono DG at any points, but lets assume your trying to make an as good as possible DG lists at 2K pts]

B you either make a mortal wound spam list with more, shroud, terminators and support HQs[4 should fit in to 2k pts along side mort, if you keep the termis msu].


C you make an artilery based lists with pox walkers, 2 squads of pms, 2-3 clam shells ,2-3 preds [or a mix of those, but never in a such a way that there is only one pred or one clam]. led by tyfus

D if you make a "good enough" [aka not ment for tournaments, am not playing vs quad faction builds or have to worry about people spaming real top tier tournament lists AND there is no tailoring being done. a pox/cultists +pms+ knight/morty could do ok.


with all the lists aside for the mortal wound spam one the list becomes a class better, if you take FW units, mix more then one codex/index.



Also that feel when your kidneys say no all of the sudden.

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Possessed will be better in DG because their rivals aren't around.


Instead they get new rivals (hopefully) tho. :tongue.:

So let's say we want to go hardcore competitive with DeathGuard 2000 points, which units are we going to need? 

My initial thoughts are putting a bunch of plague marines and characters in a kharybdis droppod so you can start getting of those proximity mortal wounds straight away and backed up with drones and hell brutes in the back for fire support..


I just don't see any combination with pox walkers or footslogging working in a competitive environment or am i missing something?

Unless you already have the Codex it's kinda impossible to say just yet.


this waiting is just killing me?!!?! :biggrin.:

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I think the rules on the tank is going to be a big deal to how DG can be played. R&H prove that poxwalker spam  could be played with massive artillery support. Will our stinky new tanks be good enough?


I have no faith in plague marines however. I have already played with them several times and while durable they do not do anything else for their points cost. Disgustingly resilient will mean nothing for them when they start getting hit by multi damage weapons.


Hopefully the new terminators will have a good weapon option or 2 as we know terminators are pretty decent right now.

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Please note how awesome Leviathans are.  Please note Leviathans are Helbrutes.  Please note how awesome Leviathans are with Disgusting Resilience.  Yeah...


I kind of wish there was a bonus for taking exactly 7 Plague Marines in a unit :tongue.:

There is.  You get subtle nods of approval from those in the know.  *nods sagely*

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Is that accurate?  The Helbrute is bolded, so it's talking keyword.  It's not like the stratagem which is specifically talking about the Helbrute unit entry (and is a call back to the old fire frenzy rules).


Regarding DR, I could have sworn one of the stratagems or powers was something that gave a FNP to a DG/Nurgle model. 

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Is that accurate? The Helbrute is bolded, so it's talking keyword. It's not like the stratagem which is specifically talking about the Helbrute unit entry (and is a call back to the old fire frenzy rules).


Regarding DR, I could have sworn one of the stratagems or powers was something that gave a FNP to a DG/Nurgle model.

Pretty sure this was FAQd

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Wow! Suppurating Plate on a Daemon Prince looks very competitive.  Without any AP, attackers will take on average take 2.5 times more wounds from the plate than they will deal in combat...and that isn't even counting the rumored Disgustingly Resilient or any warlord trait buffs!  I can see competitive chaos folks cramming in a detachment of Deathguard just to bring him as a tool for dealing with hordes.


One thing I find a little interesting is Autogun and Heavy Stubber cultists actually benefit from the legion trait, while CCW cultists and Poxwalkers don't at all.  If they remain at 4 points, I believe they may be the best way to fill cheap troop slots and get access to more command points.

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