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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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A DG Hellbrute list would be fun.

I tried running 5 helbrutes in a 2k list armed with missile launchers and they did not do much. I think 1 blew up a raider.



plague marines are perfect for holding objectives. after 2 turns of shooting of 2 wyverns, taurox and some scions my 5 plague marines we're still holding it haha. but yes, their damage output is not noteworthy.

Hmmm against wyverns I will have to test. My 60 walkers did hold up to 7 turns of Eldar shooting though before the last one died. They even killed a few units of kabalite warriors, some striking scorpions, and a unit of scatbikes that was out of position. They gave my army back like 20 zombies woo free points.

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I have no faith in plague marines however. I have already played with them several times and while durable they do not do anything else for their points cost. Disgustingly resilient will mean nothing for them when they start getting hit by multi damage weapons.

I disagree, but will support my claim in the morning. It requires a lot of context.

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I wonder why the Herald is not included? Like...it seems like such an odd exclusion as he's a pretty vital dude if you're running Plaguebearers.


So it's confirmed that DG gets everything from the index, but not everything gains disgustingly resilient. I still think Possessed have a good showing (or at least a better showing) in DG compared to regular CSM due to buffs from Contagion and the amazing Stratagems that have been shown. Being able to get those guys into the fray without any losses will be a big deal.


Herald will be out because he has a different discipline.


Possessed will be better in DG because their rivals aren't around.



The GUO uses a different discipline too, but he's set to be included...

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I wonder why the Herald is not included? Like...it seems like such an odd exclusion as he's a pretty vital dude if you're running Plaguebearers.


So it's confirmed that DG gets everything from the index, but not everything gains disgustingly resilient. I still think Possessed have a good showing (or at least a better showing) in DG compared to regular CSM due to buffs from Contagion and the amazing Stratagems that have been shown. Being able to get those guys into the fray without any losses will be a big deal.


Herald will be out because he has a different discipline.


Possessed will be better in DG because their rivals aren't around.



The GUO uses a different discipline too, but he's set to be included...


He's not tho. All Daemons from the Start Collecting box except for the Herald are included...do you see any GUO there? I don't.

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I wonder why the Herald is not included? Like...it seems like such an odd exclusion as he's a pretty vital dude if you're running Plaguebearers.


So it's confirmed that DG gets everything from the index, but not everything gains disgustingly resilient. I still think Possessed have a good showing (or at least a better showing) in DG compared to regular CSM due to buffs from Contagion and the amazing Stratagems that have been shown. Being able to get those guys into the fray without any losses will be a big deal.


Herald will be out because he has a different discipline.


Possessed will be better in DG because their rivals aren't around.



The GUO uses a different discipline too, but he's set to be included...


He's not tho. All Daemons from the Start Collecting box except for the Herald are included...do you see any GUO there? I don't.



Oh...I must have misread their post. Whoops...

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A DG Hellbrute list would be fun.

I tried running 5 helbrutes in a 2k list armed with missile launchers and they did not do much. I think 1 blew up a raider.



plague marines are perfect for holding objectives. after 2 turns of shooting of 2 wyverns, taurox and some scions my 5 plague marines we're still holding it haha. but yes, their damage output is not noteworthy.

Hmmm against wyverns I will have to test. My 60 walkers did hold up to 7 turns of Eldar shooting though before the last one died. They even killed a few units of kabalite warriors, some striking scorpions, and a unit of scatbikes that was out of position. They gave my army back like 20 zombies woo free points.

You ran them with just missile launchers? Missile Launchers and Las or Autocannons

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So little confused, if you want to take a non-unique character for the Deathguard, does it have to be a lord of contagion or can you take chaos lord with a mark of nurgle, because they have more options then contagion dude don't they? Oh and does this mean I need the chaos codex on top of the Death Guard one?


Been so long since I've tried to build an army!

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Normal Lords will be in the DG codex so you won't need the chaos codex as well, at the moment yeah lords can actually have weapon options but not the actual Death Guard characters, hopefully this will change in the codex but unfortunately I doubt it unless there was a multipart kit since GW seem fixated on the silly "if the actual model doesn't come with it as an option without converting them you can't take it. Which is pretty stupid as I would love my Plaguecaster having a scythe instead of a staff



Should be interesting if the DG codex will have vectorium rules / Keywords like how Necrosius and that daemon prince have the Tainted keyword

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A DG Hellbrute list would be fun.

I tried running 5 helbrutes in a 2k list armed with missile launchers and they did not do much. I think 1 blew up a raider.



plague marines are perfect for holding objectives. after 2 turns of shooting of 2 wyverns, taurox and some scions my 5 plague marines we're still holding it haha. but yes, their damage output is not noteworthy.

Hmmm against wyverns I will have to test. My 60 walkers did hold up to 7 turns of Eldar shooting though before the last one died. They even killed a few units of kabalite warriors, some striking scorpions, and a unit of scatbikes that was out of position. They gave my army back like 20 zombies woo free points.

You ran them with just missile launchers? Missile Launchers and Las or Autocannons


Powerfist with heavy flamers in the offhand (actually I did manage to kill 1 unit of scourge in cover from a single heavy flamer on turn 1 so that was handy). I loathe not having a powerfist on a brute because my opponents always bring WK or IK


BTW crazy DG release info going on now. I am torn because I own about 5k+ points of Nurgle so I feel that I do not need to buy anything other than a new Typhus and of course Mortarion.


It is pretty cool you can use all the nurgle units except HQ's. I guess I will bring some nurglings and a plaguebearer blob, DS Typhus in then have him summon my Nurgle Herald in to support the PB.

I love the LoC model but right now it is useless as it is more expensive than typhus but worse in ever way. Needs a points drop and more options.

Btw LoC abbreviation belongs to the Lord of Change, not our dumpster unit Lord of Contagion.

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BTW crazy DG release info going on now. I am torn because I own about 5k+ points of Nurgle so I feel that I do not need to buy anything other than a new Typhus and of course Mortarion.


It is pretty cool you can use all the nurgle units except HQ's. I guess I will bring some nurglings and a plaguebearer blob, DS Typhus in then have him summon my Nurgle Herald in to support the PB.


I am in a similar boat. Not going to buy any more plague marines; also the screwball pseudo-primaris scale is not my cup of tea, even if the sculpts are very nice. 


I am going to be blowing a lot of cash on ol' Morty, though.

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Oh boy...I haven't watched all of this (too tired) but I wanted to make a post about what I've seen so far before I nod off:


Foul Blightspawn:

  • An elite character choice (we get a lot of these)
  • Pretty solid profile. WS/BS 3+ 4W T5 Ld8 Disgustingly Resilient e.c.t.
  • Gets a random strength (2d6) plague weapon flamer with good -3AP and 3 damage
  • Has a debuff to enemy units charging friendlies within 7", taking away their charge priority and or any rules that give them attack priority (e.g. quicksilver swiftness/flawless execution). This means units that charge within 7" of this guy have to be activated by your opponent rather than going first by default. Probably his most useful trait.
  • Once per game he can throw a Blight-Grenade at Grenade 2d6 instead of Grenade d6 or he can allow a friendly Death Guard character within 3" to throw the a Blight Grenade (or Hyper-Blight Grenade) at 2d6 instead.
  • You are taking this guy for his charge debuff I feel...his randumb strength flamer could be good (average strength 7 is okay) but I don't like the unreliability of such things. Still, not the worst choice. Has some synergy with the guy below.

Biologus Putrifier:

  • An elite character choice
  • Same profile as above
  • Comes with an injector pistol which has 3" range, strength 4 -1AP Damage D6 (1 against vehicles). Meh.
  • Has Hyper-Blight Grenades which are Strength 4 and damage 2. He also gives these to all Death Guard units within 3" of him (provided they had Blight Grenades already).
  • Can explode like a vechile on death to deal one mortal wound to all non-Nurgle units around him.
  • Yeah...he's okay. Synergies well with Blight Bombardment (which allows everyone in a unit to throw grenades simultaneously). Perhaps serves best with an assault team but I can't really see his place in the army.

Plague Surgeon:

  • Another elite character choice
  • Has a bale sword (power sword with plague weapon)
  • Gives all Death Guard units within 3" re-rolls of 1 for disgustingly resilient (win!)
  • He himself gets +1 to hit and to wound when targeting enemies with the ADEPTUS ASTARTES keywords during the fight phase.
  • I can see him being taken just for the DR re-rolls. A solid addition, probably being one of the better elite slot characters.


  • Yet another elite character choice
  • Comes stock with a Plasma Pistol apparently
  • Gives all Death Guard within 7" re-rolls to hit during the fight phase.
  • Whenever you use a stratagem, roll a 2d6. If you get a 7 (and only a seven) the Tallyman will refund all the CP you used. Fluffy, but don't bank on it.
  • Decidedly okay. Could be good in a melee orientated army with loads of Poxwalkers and CC plague marines.


  • Come in units of three with an option for three more
  • Everyone has plague reapers
  • 75(!) points per guy
  • 3 attacks each (4 on champion), T5 with two wounds apiece.
  • Cataphractii armour
  • Everyone gets Plague weapon hand flamers
  • All DEATH GUARD characters within 7" of the Deathshroud (excluding Morty) get +1 to their attacks.
  • If a DEATH GUARD character within 3" would be hit by an attack, on a 2+ these guys can take it instead. This can be used on Morty.
  • Melee monsters, but also able to help Morty survive turn one shooting. Solid...but expensive, and I feel they will be too easy to kite.

Blightlord Terminators:

  • Come in a unit of five
  • 38 points per model (not including wargear...but still much cheaper than Deathshroud)
  • Can take special weapons (Blight Launchers e.c.t.) but limited to one in five (I think)
  • Can be kitted for melee too, with options for Baleswords (Plague Power Swords), Maces of Contagion, Bubotic Axes, Flails...e.c.t.
  • I think these guys will be better than Deathshrouds. Cheaper, can bring melee pain and have decent ranged options too.

Foetid Bloat Drone:

  • Can swap plaguespitters for fleshmowers or Heavy Blight Launchers
  • Fleshmower is strength +2, -2AP, 2 Damage Plague Weapon. Every time a Plague Drone attacks with this weapon, it can make 6(!!) additional attacks with it.
  • They annoying skipped over the heavy blight launcher but ho-hum...


  • 10" Move. WS/BS 4+. T7/W8 with no degrading profile.
  • 5++ with DR
  • No penalty to moving a shooting heavy weapons.
  • Adds one to hit rolls if there are 3 or more in the unit (so apparently these guys can be taken in squadrons)
  • -1 to hit him in fight phase
  • DEATH GUARD INFANTRY entirely within 7" get the benefit of cover. Lolwhut...that's pretty strong honestly.
  • Comes with a Multi-Melta, Missile Launcher
  • Has a Bilespurt weapon, range 12" assault d3 strength six -1AP 1 damage plague weapon
  • Is -2AP 1 Damage Plague Weapon in melee (base strength 6)
  • I dig him honestly. Lots of shootiness on a cheap little body, which also buffs your guys. Take him...hell, take three.

Plague Burst Crawler:

  • 12 wounds, Toughness 8 and 3+ save
  • Comes with a Plague Mortar and two Plaguespitters
  • Plaguespitters can be swapped for Entropy Cannons which are 36" heavy one, strength 8, Ap-4 damage d6 (so crummy lascannons).
  • Mortar is 12-48" (it has a minimum range). Heavy d6, strength 8 -2AP damage d3. Can fire indirectly and is a plague weapon.
  • Okay shooting on a 150 point platform. Pretty cost efficient and tough.
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Manreapers not Plaguereapers on the Deathshroud - Manreapers are the scythes.Thanks for the write up though, very glad to see it all written up nearly in one place.


That grenade idea of yours is really cool, blight bombardment combined with the putrifier sounds like a lot of fun. Might pick him up just to use it.

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Great write up, great video, really happy to see GW going the extra mile for Death Guard. It's also like the first real new army for 8th so it's great to allround see a lot of new ideas, inspiration and fleshed out character options in Elite. It's also kind of funny that CSM doesn't have more characters in Elites when you think about it.

In any case I think Death Guard players will really be able to play however they like, which is great.
- The old Eye of Terror zombie horde (supported by Terminus and Terminators)

- The giant footslogging infantry swarm of combined arms Death Guard
- The Tanky McTankface list that is semi elite but full of the Tanks



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