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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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Yeah GW seems to be going back to quite a lot of the DG's original fluff which FW changed or ignored (Death Shroud being Cataphractii or no heavy weapons on normal marines) I would of loved a havoc or chosen style unit but to be fair Plague marines can easily fulfil both roles to a lesser degree since they can take 3 special weapons or be outfitted with plague style power weapons, though it would be awesome if the champion could take more than a plasma gun as his special weapon or even take the cool new plague weapons (or even the Lord of contagion or normal lords etc who would be epic armed with flails or cleavers)


If you want warptime you could always just take a patrol with sorcerer and min cultist though you wouldn't get a CP or run outrider for a CP with 3 spawn and sorcerer since spawn don't really benefit that much from being DG

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I see visions of Mortarion and 8 Blightdrones zooming around.


I think that's been the problem with both Chaos Primarchs we have had return so far, both are giant, flying centerpieces to very slow, resilient armies. I wonder if they find more balance with Angron charging with his berserkers, maybe giving them a third dice for charges or something. For now, he fits the fluff, he flies around and murders things, I think of him zooming around the field plugging holes in the battle line, but everyone is so rightly afraid of him that he has to slam into and murder what he can as fast as possible before he gets re-rolling lascannoned to death.

When they do World Eaters, they're gonna be one of, if not the most melee-centric army in the game, so it wouldn't surprise me if half of their new rules and units turned out to be about getting across the table as fast as possible. The other half being about killing, maiming and burning, of course.

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now taking the army with lets say 3 different detachments lets say


DG battalion

CSM patrol (for warp time)

Daemon supreme command (for fleshy abundance)


I would have to use the keyword "Chaos" for my army right? Do the Death Guard end up losing out on any perks or bonuses for being a mixed army?

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I think you're confused, the whole faction keyword thing only works on a detachment basis, so the battalion would be a Death Guard detachment and gain all bonuses tied to that, the CSM patrol would be able to choose a legion keyword if you wanted on, and the daemon supcom would benefit from any bonuses demons get in their codex. In addition, you'll have access to any stratagems across all 3 detachments, including both CSM ones and DG ones.

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Catching up with this thread, I've seen two questions that seemed unanswered :


Do auras affect daemons?


I don't remember seeing any daemon keyword aura, so if they don't have death guard as a keyword (i.e. If they aren't in our codex) then no.


Edit: I stand corrected, even 'our' daemons seemingly lack the DG keyword


How many flails in a blightlord termi squad?


1 special and 1 melee special weapon per 5 men, so 1 flail per 5, unless I'm senile.

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Hi, new here but I had the same thoughts as oreaper84,  run the faster units with my drones...Morty with two of those is a good chunk of high toughness wounds to chew through.  


Anyone thinking of running a small Nurgle daemon detachment?  Herald (fleshy abundance) and some Nurglings to annoy them early on?

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If I can fit it into 2K points I'll play:


LoC or Typhus




40 Poxwalker


3x7 Plague Marines w/ 2x Blightlaunchers and Sargent w/ Plasmagun and Fist. Maybe one squad geared towards close combat.


Plague Surgeon






5x Blightlord Termis w/ Flail, Blightlauncher and Combi Plasma


3x Blight Drones (2x Flamer 1x Flesh mower)


1x Blighthauler


2x Plagueburst Crawler


I might drop something to get a Termi Lord in so that my Blightlords can supercharge safely.

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Why the :censored:  aren't Havocs in the Codex actually? If there's one Traitor Legion making use of Heavy Weaponry on it's Legionnaires it's the Death Guard, isn't it? Just realized that and am just baffled. 


Death Guard used to get havoks in 3rd ed, but they were special havoks who didn't get heavy weapons. Its slightly annoying that they didn't get such a unit but they really don't need one.

I have plans on just using the 1 cp strategem on Morty to keep him from getting shot at. Pretty easy to keep him safe with 100 horde bubble wrap, just gotta position smart.


What I am bummed about right now though is trying to get fleshy abundance and warp time in my army. I wanted to run a pure DG theme but my Morty is going to need those spells on him every turn for support.


Cloud of Flies is infantry only, Mortarion is a monster.


You could take a supreme command detachment with a chaos sorcerer and a herald of Nurgle and one other HQ. But I don't really think Mortarion needs warp time and heralds can be summoned. Running a lord of war ahead of your army is just asking for them to get killed.



Anyone thinking of running a small Nurgle daemon detachment?  Herald (fleshy abundance) and some Nurglings to annoy them early on?


I want to but I know I don't have the points if I also want terminators and rhinos.

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I think this is what I want to try out at 2k initially:


Chaos Supreme HQ:

CSM Sorcerer (for Warptime on Morty)

2x Malefic Lord



DG Battalion:

Necrosius (Or Plaguecaster, not sure)

Chaos Lord

3x 10 Cultists

2x 5 Blightlords w/ 4 Combi-Bolters, 2 Baleswords, 2 Axes, 1 Flail

1x Blighthauler


Daemons Battalion:

2x Herald of Nurgle

2x 13 Plaguebearers

2x 3 Nurglings


It's got 10 Command Points, some great infantry, and between the Blightlords and Morty some amazing horde clearing; which seems to be the current meta.  The idea is first turn move the Blight Hauler up far, drop the termnators, and hopefully they'll be within 7" of Morty for some re-rolls, or the Advancing Chaos Lord.  Then Warptime/Buff Morty to make sure that he can get a first turn assault; and just be up in everything, potentially backed up by some terminators.

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What do you think about Typhus with say a unit of 20 poxwalkers (S4, T4) and then cast Putrescent Vitality, giving an additional +1 S and +1 T.


20 poxwalkers at S5, T5 should be a barrel of laughs....  


You could walk say 40 poxwalkers up the table with Typhus and a Sorc...cast this on them and bring along one of those new drone things for +1 cover.


Would take some dedicated firepower to shift them?


Maybe it is just me, but I think the poxwalkers are fab, especially if you could get them at S5, T5....wounding marines on 3s and requiring 5s from bolter fire...

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I've been considering a Supreme Command of Malefic Lords to pour out smite alongside the other mortal wounds we dish out.


Doing that outside of a tournament list is not going to make you popular and a certain group* of tournament organizers and playtesters with a podcast have stated that their GW contacts are aware of them being horribly under-costed and prepared to do something about it.


But yeah, it might be fun once while it lasts.



It's got 10 Command Points, some great infantry,


10 strong cultist units, under 20 strong plague bearers and nurglings are NOT great infantry. They're all useful chaff but you can't just spam chaff. Blightlords don't care about chaff screening themselves because they want to be teleporting ahead so all you really have are a ton of MSU character bunkers with no morale mitigation.


Blightlords are good but 10 of them isn't a lot at 2000 points. Command points are all well and good but its better to have more stuff to spend points on than you have points to spend than more points than you know how to spend.


I think you're trying to be too clever, sorry.


*front line gaming

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Nah, I just am that clever. :rolleyes:  


The chaff units that I have are a screen for 6 smites, and to take some maelstrom objectives while I play.


All the command points are going to the three-four important units; Morty, the Blightlords, and the Sorcerer casting Warptime.  Everything else I don't really care about in the long term.  The meta is chaff and chaff removal (at this point in time) - if you can handle getting that done and taking objectives, then you're winning.


At least that'd been my experience (and meta) anyway.  :happy.:

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Posted this in the main N&R thread:


5x Blightlords with combi-plasma and bubotic axes = 290

5x Chaos Terminators combi-plasma and power axes = 255


For those 35 points, you get

  • +1 invulnerable save
  • +1 toughness
  • disgustingly resilient
  • extra -1AP on a to wound roll of 6
  • re-roll 1's to wound in melee
  • less movement but access to flails (etc)

Save your pennies for Blightlords,  friends

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